Fitness for Special Populations Flashcards
What is the general exercise recommendations?
30 min or more of mod intensity physical activity all days of the week. mod intensity = 3-5 METS: brisk walking at 3-4 mph
more intense exercise performed 20-60 min of 3-5 days a week
What is VO2 max?
max oxygen consumption, the max o2 capacity of an individual to transport and use o2 during exercise
What is Cardiac output?
volume of blood pumped from a ventricle of the heart per unit of time. it is HR x stroke volume. aka Q.
What is Heart rate reserve?
Max HR- Resting HR
What are the components of fitness and their test?
body composition: underwater weight, skin fold,
Flexibility: joint specific, sit and reach
Strength: 1 RM, 10 RM, dynamometry, max situps
Aerobic fitness: field tests like 1 mile run
Risk factors for heart disease are what?
age 45 male, 55 female, family history, sedentary lifestyle, obesity >30 BMI, hypertension (>SBP 140, >DBP 90) Dyslipedemia (LDL>130, HDL200. prediabete(>100), diabetic (125)
Who is a high risk for exercise?
known or major S7S of: CV, pulmonary, or metabolic disease, Needs medical exam and medically supervised exercise test prior to exercise.
Who is a moderate risk for exercise?
Greater than or equal to 2 cardiac risk factors: Needs medical exam and exercise test prior to vigorous exercise.
Who is low risk for exercise?
Less than 2 cardiac risk factors
What are some CV?
cardiac, stroke, PVD
What is considered moderate intensity exercise?
40% with 60% VO2 max or 3-6 METs
What is considered vigorous exercise?
> 60 VO2 max
Who are a special population for exercise?
pregnant, stroke, diabetes, SCI
Mid pregnancy Q is how much greater?
30-50% greater in blood volume, HR, Stroke volume, and Cardiac output.
What occurs to vascular resistance during pregnancy?
decrease in resistance= vasodilation