FIT 3 Flashcards
Tackle (horse gear)
Sop (Thing at wedding0
Piece of bread or food dipped in a liquid
Hart (XY)
A male deer
Hind (XX)
Female deer
Holt (Frog creek woods)
Small woods or grove
Heath (Grandmas farm)
a tract of uncultivated land
Certes (100% certified)
certainly in truth
Hale and Hearty (Cliff bar)
In robust with good health
braches (Doggo)
a hunting hound
Guerdon (re)
recompense; requital
Trestle (Step)
A braced frame used for support
Crasset (oil holder)
Iron vessel that holds oil and lit for a torch
Rood (Jesus)
The cross on which jesus was crucified
Sally (boom roasted)
A witty saying
Resounds (Well known)
well known over a long area
Harassed or distressed
Adroitness (Butterfly pinning)
dexterity skills
Winsome (lucky charms)
pleasant charming
Debonairly (Ladies first)
graciously courteously
Quagmire (gator land)
Swamp or mire
Spate (flash ____)
a sudden flood rush or outpouring
Behast (port pressure)
Command; Urgent request
Desist (Barrier)
To cease or stop
Punctilious (Copic sketch markers)
Carefull; detailed
Clemency (Heroes never die)
Gentless mercy
Travail (10k erg test)
Difficult labor hardship
Manifold (legos)
many; various
Hapless (U got last in Erg test)
Unfortunate; unlucky
Abrade (Sanding Sponge)
to rub; to scrape
Malignity (Knife)
Harmful potential
Multifarious (heroes)
Diverse; various
false insinuations; slander
false insinuations
full of commotion and uproar
Caitiff (Dont pull to hard)
a base; wretched
Repine (complain)
to complain; to grumble
absolution (Sorry I dropped the oars)
Pell-mell (My laptop)
Disorderly; confusal
Solicitous (Christmas
Full of care or concern
What do hunters use to hunt
Bows and arrows with hounds
The wife presents several points in her first argument to tempt gawain. what are his responses
- Again 2. Hardly the great hero she has described him as 3. Glad to give speech to her
In the first tempt. seen, what are the two virtues that Gawain sights
Honor and Courtesy
What is Sir Gawain’s witty response
She did a better job marrying the host
Where did Gawain go when the host’s wife left him
He went to mass
What is the game the hunters bring back
Deers boars and foxes
Why did Gawain keep Gurdle
He thought it would protecc. him