Fishing Flashcards
What are two types of Fishing?
Sea Fishing and Inland Fishing
How could the fish be caught?
They could be caught wild or from aquaculture.
What is Inland Fishing?
Fishing in lakes or rivers.
What is aquaculture?
Fish Farming
What could the people who catch wild fish be?
Individuals who fish alone in a small boat.
Individuals who employ one or two others, using a larger boat.
Large commercial fishing companies that have large “Factory” ships.
Where is fishing the most important economic activity in Pakistan?
Along its coast
What did the Fisheries and Agriculture Department of Pakistan estimate?
That around 400,000 families depend on fisheries foe their livelihood.
What does Fishing make a large contribution to?
Pakistan’s export earnings.
How long is Pakistans coastline?
What are the 3 main fishisg ports of Pakistan?
Karachi, Gwadar and Pasni.
What fish is aquaculture in Pakistan done for?
Mainly Freshwater carp.
Where is Pakistan’s fishing industry located?
Mainly along the coasts, but there are inland fisheries along the rivers and lakes and aquaculture.
What is a continental shelf?
A continental shelf is a gently sloping underwater landmass that extends from a continent’s edge to the continental slope, which is the steep transition to the ocean floor. This area is part of the continental crust and is characterized by relatively shallow water depths compared to the deeper oceanic basins beyond the shelf.
What are sheltered bays?
Sheltered bays, also known as protected bays or harbors, are coastal areas of water that are partially enclosed by land, providing natural protection from open ocean conditions such as strong waves and currents. These bays are characterized by calm and relatively tranquil waters compared to the exposed open sea.
What things does Pakistan have near the Indus delta that are ideal for fish and other sea creatures?
Sheltered bays and a broad continental shelf.
What provinces is the Arabian Sea having a coast with?
Sindh and Balochistan
What does the coast of Balochistan and Sindh have?
A rich source of fish that have commercial importance.
What are two main catches from Arabian Sea?
Shrimps and Tuna
What are other catches from the Arabian sea?
Sharks, Rays, Herrings, Sardines, Anchovies, Croakers, Grunters, Groupers, Ribbonfish and Pomfrets
What does SHARP CRAG stand for?
S harks
H errings
A nchovies
R ays
P omfrets
C roakers
R ibbonfish
A nchovies
G roupers