Fishes as predators and prey Flashcards
What are three strategies used by fishes to come “invisible: to predators?
Protective Mimicry: fish looks like a predator
Countershading: fish blends in with natural light: light on bottom, dark on top
Transparency: blend in with the water
Mirror sides: can be used as communication and to confuse predators like sunlight
What is the role of cover in predator-prey interactions?
Prey and life-in-wait predators can use cover as camouflage. Depending on the type of cover, sometimes it can be used for hiding eggs.
What are some fish strategies for not dying?
Early detection: use of cover
Shoaling: strength in numbers
Evading Pursuit: hiding
Outdistance: fast start responses or become airborne
Discouraging capture/handling: spines, big body, heavy scales
What is optimal foraging?
Optimal foraging asks if the reward out weighs the risks.
List morphological adaptations to herbivory in fishes, what two habitats is herbivory most common?
Herbivorous fish are found in tropical streams and reefs. Often the gill rakers are modified and so are pharyngeal mills and gizzards. The intestine length is much greater and occasionally fish are found to have intestinal microflora.