Fish Flashcards
A cold-blooded aquatic vertebrate breathing by means of gills,
with paired appendages in the form of fins and with a body
covering of scales
There are three main groups of fish
●The jawless fishes are called the ________
● The ______ fishes are called the Chondrichthyes
● The bony fishes are called ______
The bony fishes are also subdivided into the Ray-finned fishes
called ________and the lobe-finned fishes are called
Actinopterygii; Sarcopterygii
The most primitive group of living fishes
- The successors of an early vertebrate
assemblage called _______
Agnathans/jawless fishes ;ostracoderms.
Have mouths that are adapted to parasitism or
scavenging which is Often called as ______ or round mouth
examples of jawless fish:
______ Feed mostly on dead or dying fishes; usually found on deep, muddy bottoms
_______Attach themselves to other living fishes and suck their blood and tissue matter
______ (Class _____)
Lack scales, paired fins, and true jaws
Have a small dorsal and caudal fins, smooth, scaleless, slimy skin,
and well-developed sense organs
No larval stage
Lack vertebrates
Possess a skull
There are only around __ species of Hagfish
Hagfish; Myxini
Their skin is extremely flaccid, and their body is very
supple and only loosely attached to the skin in a few
_____ (Class _____)
Lack scales, paired fins, and true jaws
Have small dorsal and caudal fins, smooth, scaleless, slimy
skin, and well-developed sense organs
have a larval stage
Rudimentary vertebrae
Lack a skull
There are only ____ species of lamprey
Lampreys; Petromyzontida
The ___ of the lamprey
displays its unique adaptations for
parasitic feeding
oral region
The ____ Fishes (Class ______)
-Have a cartilage skeleton
-Have a ____ scales, which are anatomically
similar to their teeth
-Have a exposed gill slits with no operculum
(protective gill plate that covers the gills)
-Do not have a swim bladder, but they do have the
liver that aids to their buoyancy
Cartilaginous; Chondrichthyes
are typically predators with 5 pairs of gills and gill
• have a spiracle or opening behind each eye that is
used to bring water to the gills.
• are heavier than water, so they must continue to swim
forward or they will sink.
Sharks have an _______tail.
• The ____ tail provides lift and thrust.
• The broad head and pectoral fins also help
provide lift in the water.
• The ______ of the shark reduce
turbulence. The teeth of the shark resemble the
placoid scales and are replaceable.
asymmetrical heterocercal
placoid scales
Sharks have an extremely good sense of smell and
a system of canals on the sides of the body that
can detect vibrations called a _____.
• At close range, the shark relies on its vision and
special sensory receptors called the ______ to detect their prey.
lateral line
ampullary organs of Lorenzini
• The ampullary organs of Lorenzini can
detect ______ that surround all
• Male sharks have a ___ on their pelvic
fins that transfers sperm internally to the
bioelectric fields
Most sharks are ____, meaning
fertilization is internal, eggs are developed and
hatched internally. The young receive
nourishment via a yolk sac rather than a placenta.
Developed young are born alive.
Some sharks are ____, meaning
the young are not in an egg but a
placenta, and the young are born live
after development.
______ have a long, slender, whiplike tail
that is armed with saw-toothed spines that
can inflict dangerous wounds.
• ______ have muscles on the side of their
head that can produce powerful electrical
fields that can shock and stun their prey.
Electric rays
The ___ Fishes (______)
•have a skeleton made of bone.
• Most of this fish have a ____ tail.
• Most scales of this fish are_____ or ___ , occasionally
ganoid (like in the gar).
• have a hard protective covering over the gills called the ______.
• Bony fish have a swim bladder that allows them to achieve
neutral buoyancy.
Bony; Osteichthyes
cycloid or ctenoid
One advantage of the bony fishes is having the _____,
which not only protects the gills, but increases efficiency
by allowing the fish to actively pump water across the gills.
The _____ Fishes (Class _____)
• They have a partial cartilaginous and bony skeleton.
• Some also have a heterocercal tail and spiracles.
• Some examples of extant (living) ______
include sturgeons, bichir (pronounced bee-SHEER),
and the paddlefish.
Ray-Finned; Actinopterygii
• The next group of ray-finned fishes called
the _____ is also more common in the
fossil record than in species alive today.
One common characteristic of the
holostean fish is the presence of ______ which are hard diamond-shaped scales made of a hard substance called
ganoid scales
The last group of fish in class Actinopterygii is
called the _____. Modern bony fish.
• are the most abundant and diverse group
of fish. They make up 96% of all living fish, and
almost half of all the vertebrates.
• Their scales are lightweight, thin, and flexible, and
they are arranged in overlapping layers.
• The two most common types of scales of these fishes
are _______.
cycloid scales and ctenoid scales
Three main group of fish
A. Hagfish, Lamprey and Ray-finned fishes
B. Bony, Cartilaginous, and sting ray fishes
C. Jawless, Cartilaginous, and Bony Fishes
D. Sharks, Sting ray, and Skates
C. Jawless, Cartilaginous, and Bony Fishes
The successors of an early vertebrate
assemblage are called ____?
A. Ostracoderms
B. Gill slits
C. Fin
D. Chondrostean
A. Ostracoderms
Feed mostly on dead or
dying fishes
A. Lamprey
B. Hagfish
C. Sharks
D. Ray-finned
B. Hagfish
Have a skeleton made of bone
A. Ray-finned Fish
B. Class Agnatha
C. Class Chondrichthyes
D. Class Osteichthyes
D. Class Osteichthyes
Attach themselves to other living fishes
and suck their blood and tissue matter
A. Lamprey
B. Rays
C. Fish
D. Hagfish
A. Lamprey