First Year Henle 2 Flashcards
adv. bitterly, eagerly
ad; w. acc.
prep. to, until, at, for (with adjs.)
adoro, 1, tr.
v. to adore
amicitia, -ae f.
n. friendship
appropinquo, 1, intr.; w. ad or dative
v. to draw near to, to approach
apud; w. acc.
prep. among, in the presence of
aqua, -ae f.
n. water
conj. but
auxilium, -i n.
n. help, aid
auxilia, auxiliorum n.
n. reinforcements
interj. hail!
barbarus, -a, -um
adj. barbarian
barbarus, -i m.
n. a barbarian
adv. swiftly
cerno, cernere, 3, tr.
v. to distinguish, to see
certus, -a, -um
adj. certain, sure
adv. secretly
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus, 3, tr.
v. to learn, to find out
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus, 3, tr.
v. to collect, to force
concilium, -i n.
n. council
consilium, -i n.
n. plan, counsel
consisto, consistere, constiti, 3, intr.
v. to halt, to take a position
custos, custodis m.
n. guard
deduco, deducere, deduxi, deductus, 3, tr.
v. to lead, to lead away
adv. a long time, long
comparative adv. longer
doceo, docēre, docui, doctus, 2, tr.
v. to teach, to inform
dolor doloris m.
n. pain, sorrow
expugno, 1, tr.
v. to take by storm, to storm
exspecto, 1, tr.
v. to wait for, to wait, to expect
adv. easily
comparative adv. more easily
fossa, -ae f.
n. ditch
genus, generis n.
n. kind, race
incolo, incolere, incolui, 3, tr.
v. to inhabit, to dwell in
injuria, -ae f.
n. injustice, wrong
he says, he said
inter; w. acc.
prep. between, among
labor, laboris m.
n. effort, toil
latus, -a, -um
adj. wide
legatus, -i m.
n. envoy, lieutenant
memoria, -ae f.
n. memory
memoria teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus, 2, tr.
keep in memory, remember
mens, mentis f.
n. mind
miserēre nobis
have mercy on us
mora, -ae f.
n. delay
munitio, munitionis f.
n. fortification
natura, -ae f.
n. nature
in order that…not, lest (introduces a negative purpose clause; negative of ut, qui)
novus, -a, -um
adj. new
nox, nocis f.
n. night
nuntius, -i m.
n. messenger, message
obses, obsidis c.
n. hostage
ordo, ordinis m.
n. rank (of soldiers)
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentus, 3, tr.
v. to show
paratus, -a, -um; w. ad
adj. prepared (for)
peccatum, -i n.
n. mistake, sin
pertineo, pertinēre, pertinui, 2, intr.; ad w. acc.
v. to pertain to, to stretch to
pervenio, pervenire, perveni, perventum, 4, intr.; in or ad w. acc.
v. to arrive
adv. very much, very
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus, 3, tr.
v. to seek, to ask
quantus, -a, -um
interrogative adj. how large?, how great?
conj. and (joins things closely associated)
qui, quae, quod
who (whose, whom), which, that
adv. whither?, where…(to)?, to what place?
comparative. that…more (used in place of ut in comparative purpose clauses)
rego, regere, rexi rectus, 3, tr.
v. to rule, to direct
rogo, 1, tr.
v. to ask
socius, -i m.
n. ally
adv. immediately
suus, -a, -um
adj. his (own), her (own), its (own), their (own)
tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatus, 3, tr.
v. to raise (up), to take away
traduco, traducere, traduxi, traductus, 3, tr.; two accs. or acc and trans w. acc.
v. to lead across
tribunus, -i m.
n. tribune
tribunus militum
a military tribune
adv. whence?, from what place?, where…from?
adv. all the way
in order to, in order that, that, (introduces a purpose clause)
utilis, -e; w. ad
adj. useful (for)
valeo, valēre, valui, valiturus, 2, intr.
v. to be strong, to be well, to be influential
vallum, -i n.
n. wall, rampart
vasto, 1, tr.
v. to lay waste, to ravage
verus, -a, -um
adj. true
vita, -ae f.
n. life
fuga, -ae f.
n. flight
dedo, dedere, dedidi, deditis, 3, tr.
v. to give up, to surrender
res publica, rei publicae
state, republic
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectus, 3, tr.
v. to love
ante; w. acc.
prep. before
praesidium, -i n.
n. garrison, protection
vero; postp.
in truth, but
parvus, -a, -um
adj. small, little
mos, moris m.
n. custom, habit
manus, -ūs f.
n. a band of men, hand
causa, -ae f.
n. cause, for the sake of (when preceded by gen.)
scio, scire, scivi, scitus, 4, tr.
v. to know
paco, 1, tr.
v. to pacify
adv. suddenly
probo, 1, tr.
v. to approve, to prove
relinquo, relinquere, relinqui, relictus, 3, tr.
v. to leave, to leave behind
adduco, adducere, adduxi, adductus, 3, tr.
v. to lead to, to lead on
commoveo, commovēre, commovi, commotus, 2, tr.
v. to alarm, to arouse
impedio, 4, tr.
v. to hinder, to impede (perfect participle passive, encumbered, difficult)
auctoritas, auctoritatis, f.
n. authority, influence