First Three Pages Flashcards
Glucagon Kit
Anyone who takes insulin (injection or pump) should have a glucagon kit for emergencies.
Example sentence: If you take insulin, it is important to have a glucagon kit on hand.
Preventing Low Blood Sugar
Eat meals or snacks right after insulin is given.
Example sentence: After injecting insulin, make sure to eat to prevent low blood sugar.
Insulin’s Role
Glucose stays in the blood, causing high blood sugar, because it can’t enter the cells for energy.
Example sentence: Without enough insulin, glucose cannot be used for energy and remains in the blood.
Insulin for Pumps
Rapid-acting (U100) insulin is used in pumps to control blood sugar throughout the day.
Example sentence: Insulin pumps use rapid-acting insulin to regulate blood sugar levels continuously.
DKA Warning Signs
Nausea and vomiting. Check blood sugar and ketones, and follow the medical plan.
Example sentence: If experiencing nausea and vomiting, it is important to check blood sugar and ketones for DKA.
Glucagon Use
Glucagon can be given by injection or nasal spray to raise blood sugar quickly.
Example sentence: During a severe low blood sugar emergency, glucagon can be administered through injection or nasal spray.
Body’s Main Energy Source
Example sentence: Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body.
Long-Acting Insulin
It helps maintain stable blood sugar levels over time.
Example sentence: Long-acting insulin is essential for keeping blood sugar levels steady throughout the day.
Insulin Pump Failure
Follow the medical plan, use backup insulin supplies, and assess the person.
Example sentence: In case of an insulin pump failure, follow the medical plan and check the person’s condition.
Bolus Insulin
A larger dose of insulin given after meals to manage sugar spikes from eating.
Example sentence: Bolus insulin is used to control blood sugar spikes that occur after meals.