First Responders Flashcards
With a head injury, what other injury could you assume the patient has?
Cervical spine injury
As first responders what is our first priority on scene?
Our safety
What is a first responder?
A first responder is the first medically trained person to arrive on scene of an emergency
How are burns classified
By depth
Superficial Burns - First degree burns
Reddened and painful skin
The injury is confined to the outermost layers of the skin
The patient experiences minor to moderate pain
Partial thickness burns - second degree burns
Do not damage the deepest layer of the skin
Fluid loss and moderate to sever pain
Usually heals within 2-3 weeks
Full thickness burns - third degree burns
Damages all layers of the skin
Pain is absent because the nerve ending have been destroyed
Patient lose large quantities of body fluids and are susceptible to shock and infection
Signs and symptoms
Past medical history
Last oral intake
Events leading to injury or illness
What is Epinephrine
A medication that reverses the severe effects of allergic reactions
It is given as an injection when the allergic reaction is life-threatening
What is anaphylaxis?
A life-threatening allergic reaction that affects the whole body
Life threatening
Rapid onset
What are the typical physical findings of anaphylaxis?
Trouble breathing and often times audible wheezes
Swelling to the lips, eyes, and tongue
Complaint of throat tightness and swelling
Vessels dilate or get large, and the blood pressure goes down
When does hypothermia occur?
When a persons body temperature drops to less than 90 degrees
The persons body is not able to produce enough energy to keep the internal temperature at a satisfactory level
People most susceptible include:
Those with inadequate or wet clothing
Individuals who are weakened by illness
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothermia?
Feeling cold and shaking
Decreased level of consciousness
Lack of coordination
Mental confusion
Slowed reactions
As hypothermia progresses the patient stops shivering
What are the best defense against hypothermia?
Prevent it before it happens:
Wear appropriate uniform/gear for the weather conditions
Move the patient to a warm location
Remove wet clothing
Place warm blankets over and under the patient
To a warm vehicle if you don’t have access to a building
To warm fingers, have patient place their hands in their armpits or under clothing
Handle patient gently
Mechanism of injury
Direct force
Indirect force
Twisting force