First Lecture Flashcards
What is the single most common childhood disease?
Tooth Decay. Parents should bring children to visit dentist six months after the eruption of first tooth or by the age of one.
What is included on the examination of a 6-24 month old child?
- Clinical oral examination
- Assessment of oral growth and development
- Caries-risk assessment
- Radiographic assessment
- Prophylaxis and topical fluoride
- Anticipitory guidance/counseling
- Oral hygiene counseling
- Injury prevention counseling
- Counseling for nonnutritive habits
- Counseling for speech/language development
Risk assessment: Mother/caregiver has active caries
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Parent/caregiver has low socioeconomic status
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has more than three sugary drink between meals per day
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Child is put to bed with a bottle containing natural or artificial sugars
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has special healthcare needs
Moderate Risk
Risk Assessment: Child is a recent immigrant
Moderate Risk
Risk Assessment: Child receives optimally-fluoridated drinking water or tablets
Low Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has teeth brushed daily with fluoridated toothpaste
Low Risk
Risk Assessment: Child receives topical fluoride from health professional
Low Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has dental home/regular dental care
Low Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has more than one decayed/missing/filled surface
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has white spot lesions or enamel defects
High Risk
Risk Assessment: Child has elevated mutans streptococci levels
High Risk