Where do all defendants aged 18 and over have their first court appearance?
At the magistrates court.
After the defendant enters their plea at the magistrates court for a summary offence, what happens?
If guilty, the court will proceed immediately to sentence unless pre sentencing reports form the probation team are required.
After the defendant enters their plea at the magistrates court for an either way offence, what happens?
The court will proceed with the “plea before venue process”
After the defendant enters their plea at the magistrates court for an indictable offence, what happens?
The case is sent immediately to the crown court for trial.
What is the maximum sentence that may be imposed for a single either way offence?
12 months
What is the maximum sentence that may be imposed for a single summary only offence?
6 months
What must all solicitors advise their client that outcome will be to their sentence if they plead guilty at first opportunity?
They will be entitled to a reduction.
1/3 reduction if the defendant pleads guilty at first opportunity.
If a defendant is not privately funding themselves, as their solicitor you will need to ensure that you apply for a representation order. What is a representation order?
A representation order effectively authorises payment for legal aid.
What 2 tests need to be passed in order for a representation order to be granted?
- The interests of justice test
- Means test
What is a key aspect of the interests of justice test that will need to be satisfied?
The defendant needs to be at a risk of loss of livelihood- eg the offence needs to attract an impressionable sentence.