First Conjagtion Indicative Active ama- Flashcards
How is present stem formed?
To find the present stem of each vocabalory word, drop the o and add the a, the stem vowel of the first conjugation.
In english amo can mean:
I love simple present
I am loving progressive present
I do love emphatic present
present system first conjugation amo
- *amo** (I love) ama mus (we love)
- *ama s** (you love) ama tis (ya’ll love)
- *ama t** (he,she, it loves) ama nt (they love)
How is Imperfect stem formed?
The imperfect tense is formed by adding the imperfect tense
endings, bam, bas, bat, bamus, batis, bant,to the present stem, ama.
What does the Imperfect tense describe?
Imperfect in Latin means not finished. The imperfect tense is used to describe an ongoing, repeated, habitual, or interrupted past action. It is never used to describe a single
completed past action. Here are some examples of the imperfect tense in English.
I was calling you when the doorbell rang. interrupted
I used to call home every week. repeated
Imperfect system first conjugation ama bam
- *ama bam** (I was loving) ama bamus (we were loving)
- *ama bas** (you were loving) ama batis (ya’ll were loving)
- *ama bat** (he,she, it was loves) ama bant (they were loving)
How is future stem formed?
The future tense sign is bi. The future tense is formed by adding the future tense endings,bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt, to the present stem, ama.
Imperfect system first conjugation ama bo
- *ama bo** (I was loving) ama bimus (we were loving)
- *ama bis** (you were loving) ama bitis (ya’ll were loving)
- *ama bit** (he,she, it was loves) ama bunt (they were loving)