First Amendment - Freedom of Speech Flashcards
Freedom of Speech Checklist
- Is the Type of Speech Protected?
- No - Apply the std. for that type of speech
- Yes - Proceed to the next question
- Is the Restriction Content Based (Time, Place, Manner Restriction)?
- Yes - Apply Strict Scrutiny
- No - Proceed to next question
- Where is the Speech Taking Place? - Public Forum, Limited Pub. Forum or non pub. forum
Regulation of Protected Speech
“Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech”
- Made applicable to states & Local gov’t through 14th Amendment
Regulation of Protected Speech - Content Based Regulation
Strict Scrutiny
- Restrictions must be narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling gov’t interest (speech restrictions rarely survive Strict Scrutiny)
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Based Regulations
Types of Content Based Restrictions
Types of Content Based Restrictions
- Subject Matter Restriction - Application of law depends on the SM of the speech OR
- Viewpoint Restriction - Application of the law depends on the ideology of the message (e.g. Speech that criticizes the gov’t)
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Defined & Level of Scrutiny
Intermediate Scrutiny
- Restrictions must be substantially related to an important gov’t interest
Laws that apply to all speech regulating the time, place or manner of the speech regardless of content
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Public Forums
Gov’t property the gov’t is constitutionally required to make avail. for speech
- Test - To be held constitutional, the regulation must:
- Content Neutral
- Subj. Matter Neutral - If not, Strict Scrutiny must be met AND
- Viewpoint Neutral - If not, strict scrutiny must be met
- Time, Place or Manner Restriction
- Serve Important Gov’t interest (such as noise control or traffic control)
- Be Narrowly Tailored to That Gov’t Int. (But doesn’t need to be least restrictive alt) AND
- Leave Open & Alt. Channels of Communication
- Content Neutral
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Public Forum - Fees
Permit Fees
- No discretion Permitted
- Unconst. for gov’t official to have discretion over setting fee for pub. demonstration permits
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Limited Public Forum
(Same Std. as Public Forums)
Pub. Prop. no historically avail. for speech but that gov’t has opened for speech (Expressive use) through practice or policy
- E.g. Pub. school facilities, space on city buses used for posting placecards
- Gov’t can enact time, place, manner restrictions on prop. that gov’t can close to speech but chooses to leave open to the pub. only if it meets the same std. as for pub. forum. (i.e. interm. scrutiny and leave open alt. channels of co.)
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Non-Public Forums
Gov’t can const. reg. speech on gov’t prop. that gov’t const. can & does close to speech IF it meets the rational basis test and is viewpoint neutral
- Military bases, areas outside prison, advertising space on pub bus, sidewalks on post office prop., airports)
Rational Basis Test
- Rat. rel. to legit. gov’t int. (Reas. when considering purp. served by forum) AND
- Viewpoint Neutral
Regulation of Protected Speecch - Content Neutral Regulations
Private Property
Theres no 1st amend. right to access private prop. for speech purp
Regulation of Unprotected Speech
Government Officials Speech
1st amend. doesn’t protect speech by gov’t or made on the job in the scope of their duties
- Only restricts gov’t ability to reg. private speech
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - True Threats
Threatening communication that can be prosecuted under the law (Cross-burning in south)
- SCOTUS held true threats NOT protected Under 1st amend based on 3 justifications:
- Preventing fear,
- Preventing the disrupting that follows from that fear, and
- Diminishing the likelihood that the threatened violence will occur
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - True Threats
Fighting Words
All laws prohib. fighting words are unconst. vague & overbroad
- Insults directed to the hearer that are likely to provoke an ord. pers. to violence
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - Imminent Lawless Action
Gov’t can punish speech if theres subst. likelihood of imm. lawless action & speaker intended to cause the imm. lawless action
- Purpose of speech is directed to Cause Imm. Lawless Action AND
- Speech has Subst. Likelihood to incite or produce such action
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - Defamation & Libel
What does regulation depend on?
Regulation depends on subj. & Subj. matter of speech
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - Defamation & Libel
Public Officials & Public Figures
Can recover only if statement was False & pers. who made it acted w/ actual malice
- Knowledge statement is false OR Reck. disreg. as to whether statement is true or false
- Actual Malice - Knowledge st. is false OR reck. disregard as to whether st. is T or F
- Burden of Proof - Clear & Convincing Ev. - ∏ must show elements w/ clear & convincing ev.
Regulation of Unprotected Speech - Defamation & Libel
Private Figures & Matter of Public Concern
Can recover if statement was false & person who made it acted w/ actual Malice
- Punitive Dam - NEED actual Malice
- Plaintiff must show actual malice to recover punitive dam.
- Burden of Proof - Plaintiff must show elem. w/ C&C Ev.