First Amendment Flashcards
Designated public forum or public forum restrictions?
must be 1) content neutral 2) leave alternate channels for communication open and 3) be narrowly tailored to achieve a significant gov interest
nonpublic forum Restrictions??
must be 1)viewpoint neutral and not aimed at the suppresion of speech
Limited public form restrictions??
viewpoint neutral and reasonably related to a legitimate gov purpose
if its content based what happens
what is speech
expressive conduct - can either be inherently expressive or conduct intended to convey a message that is reasonably likely to be perceived as conveying a message
if a reg is content neutral what happens
if its both subject mattter and viewpoint neutral - intermediate scrutiny –> must advance important interests unrelated to the suppression of speech and must not burden substantially more speech than necessary
censoring personal student speech on campus
a students own personal speeech on campus cannot be censored absent ev of substantial disruption
EXCEPTION - speech promoting illegal drug use does not require showing of any disruption or credible threat of disruption
reg of personal student speech off campus
when speech occurs off campus, it wil be harder to censor - can only do so to prevent cheating, bullying, threats and other speech where pedagogical or other safety interests outweigh speech interests of students as private citizens
restrictions on speech related to schools teachings
regulations must be reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns
unprotected gov employee speech
if speech while at work involves private concern, the employer can punish the employee if the speech was disruptive of the work environment; can also punish if speech is made on the job and pursuant to employee’s official duties even if job touches on matter of public concern
protected gov employee speech
if speech is on a matter of public conern but is not made pursuant to the employee’s official duties, the courts will do a balancing test (value of speech against the gov’s interest in the efficient operation of workplace)
-for speech on matters of private concern outside of the workplace, the test is unclear but appears protected minus detrimental effect on workplace
gov can prohibit federal executive branch employees from taking active part in political campaigns
cant fire or hire public employee based on party affiliation or political views (except as to policy making positions when party affiliation and views are relevant
bans on receiving honoraria
provision banning gov employees from receiving honoraria from speech articles etc. violates 1A when applied to rank and file employees
oaths of loyalty for employees
can do an oath as long as:
-not overbroad such as preventing membership in communist party or require abstention from advocating overthrow iof gov as abstract doctrine
-an oath requring employees to support the constitution and oppose unlawful overthrow of gov is valid but cant require employees to support flag
can gov require disclosure of associations of its employees?
no - cannot require disclosure of all memberships as condition for gov employment or other benefit
-can only inquire into activities relevant to employment or benefit sought
freedom of the press
has no greater 1A freedom than any private citizen
obscenity cases
seizures of books and films, movie censorship, burden of gov –> see cmr page 93
access to trials
1A guarantees public and press a right to attend criminal and civil trials but the right may be outweighed by an overriding interest stated in the trial judge’s findings; right includes right to be present at voir dire and at other pretrial proceedings unless the judge makes specific findings that closure was narrowly tailored to preserve a higher value
can press be subject to taxes/regulations?
Yes - can be subjected to general business regulations or taxes but cant be targeed for special regs or taxes
broadcasting regulations
gov can protect vieewers and listeners from indecent speech over the airwaves because of uniquely pervasive and accessible nature of broadcasting; can also manage access and ownership of broadcast spectrum to promote public interest in receiving info
-may constittuionally be required to offer free broadcast time to certain individuals (example, opponents of political candidates or views endorsed by the station)
internet and cable tv regulation
strict scrutiny if content based and intermediate scrutiny if content neutral
gov speech on gov property
relevant factors are: history of expression at issue, public’s likely perception of who is speaking, extent to which gov has shpad message
tm protection
not gov speech - private speech, so content based restrictions subjec to strict scrutiny
limit on election campaign contributions
intermediate scrutiny - must be closely drawn to match a “sufficiently important interest)
-laws may limit amount of money that a person, group etc. may contribute to a political candidate but gov may not limit the amount of money that may be spent to support or oppose a ballot referndum
aggregate campaign contribution limits
unconstitutional - cant limit the amount one person or entity gives during an election–> doesnt advance govs interest in preventing quid pro quo corruption or the appearance of such
limits on campaign expenditures
cant limit amount a candidate spends on campaign
laws that discriminate based on religion
subject to strict scrutiny - it is discriminatory if it is either not neutral on its face or facially neutral but not generally applicable (by design, it targets religion generally or a religion in particular)
are laws with system for exemptions generally applicable under free exercise clause?
NO - if gov officials have discretion to grant exemptions its not generally applicable
does the free exercise clause require religious exemptions? ever?
does not require exemptions but granting one doesnt violate EC
ministers free exercise exemption
religious orgs must be granted exemption from suits alleging employment discrim by ministers against religious orgs - applies to any ministerial position (teachers at religious schools)
exception - unemployment compensation cases
if a states unemployment regs allow people to refuse work for good cause then they cant refuse to grant benefits for those who quit based on religious reasons
can the gov exclude religious org from benefits program solely because it is religious
no. example, if the state provides textbooks to secular private schools, must also provide for religious private schools that are otherwise eligible
cases involving financial benefits to religious institutions
must be neutral toward religion to avoid violating EC
-treating religious private schools the same as non religious private schools for subsidizing education does not violate the EC and is required by the free exercise clause