first aid quiz! Flashcards
what are the steps of a first aid provider?
1) Recognize emergency
2) Decide to help
3) Take appropriate actions
4) Find out what is wrong
5) Give first aid
what info should you have ready when making a 911 call?
1) Location
2) Phone number
3) Brief account of what happened
4) Number of victims
5) Victims condition
when do the good samaritan laws protect you?
1) Acting with good intentions
2) Providing care without expectation of compensation
3) Acting within the scope of your training
4) Not acting grossly negligent
what are some examples of negligent actions?
- Giving substandard care
- Withholding care when you have a legal duty to act
- Causing injury or harm
- Exceeding your level of training
- Abandoning the person
what are the two types of consent?
informed and implied
what does DOTS stand for?
Deformity, Open Wounds, Tenderness, Swelling
what does SAMPLE stand for?
Signs/Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent past medical history, Last oral intake, Events leading up to injury/illness
how do you control bleeding?
Use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Place gauze over wound
Apply direct pressure, if dressing becomes blood soaked then add more dressing
how do you deal with a nose bleed?
Have the person sitting, lean slightly forward, pinch nostrils for 10 minutes, if still bleeding then blow nose gently, pinch nostrils another 10 minutes, apply ice.
what does RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
what are the different kinds of thermal burns?
First Degree (Sunburn)
Second Degree (Small/Large)
Third Degree (Hospital)
what is a Epinephrine Auto-Injector?
Used for severe allergic reactions/anaphylaxis
what do you do to help a heart attack victim?
Call 9-1-1 immediately.
Have the person sit, with knees raised, and lean against a stable support.
Loosen any tight clothing.
Ask if the person takes any chest pain medication, and, if so, help him or her take it.
If the person is alert, is able to swallow, is not allergic to aspirin, and has no signs of stroke, help the person take one adult aspirin or two to four low-dose baby aspirins.
Monitor breathing. If the person becomes unresponsive and stops breathing, begin CPR.
what do you do during diabetic emergencies?
Give 15 grams of sugar
Wait 15 minutes and then re-check blood glucose
If still low, give 15 more grams of sugar
No improvement, call 9-1-1
how do you help seizure victims?
Move nearby objects to avoid injury.
Place something soft under the head such as a rolled towel. DO NOT use a pillow.
Time the seizure from start to finish.
Keep bystanders away.