First Aid Kit Location
First Aid Kit Pre-Flight Check
When does the FA use it?
4 things located in the Kit?
1x Galley Emergency Equipment Cupboard
Stowed correctly and green seal intact
Medical Emergencies
1. Gloves
2. Gauze bandage
3. Iodine
4. Plaster
Daily First Kit Location
When do we use it?
Pre-Flight Check?
6 Things in it?
Galley Emergency Equipment Locker
For everyday use pax and crew
Stowed in the correct location
1 Dolphin Oil
2 Paracetamol
3 Diarrhea tablets
4 Antiacids
5 Saline Solution
6 Antiseptic Cream
If tamper tag on daily First Aid is broken, what does it indicate?
That it has been used, so check contents for sufficient items. If there are no seals, leave it unsealed. Replacement must occur in AKL/WLG/CHC. Report where unsealed kits were discovered