First Aid/Immediate Care Flashcards
What is the chain of survival?
4 items
(Revised 2021) Early recognition Early CPR Early defibrillation Early advanced life support
What are the 3 roles in a first aid situation?
1st responder- Act, get second person
2nd responser- get 3rd person, tell commander, PA for doctor, collect EMK for doctor if req’d
3rd responder- Get medical kit, eg O2/FAK/
What are the principles of immediate care?
5 points
Asses the situation Do no further harm Stabilise airway, breathing and circulation Give treatment within your skill level Refer to medical help
AVPU checks for response.
It stands for…
Voice (responds to)
Pain (responds to)
Unresponsive to stimulus
Use the acronym AMPLE to asses medical history. It stands for…
Allergies Medication Past medical history Last food or fluid intake Extras (any other info come to light?)
Handover of a patient uses MIST, stands for…
Mechanism of injury
Signs and symptoms
Treatment given
CPR- ratio of chest compressions to breaths…
30 compressions to 2 breaths
Child and infant CPR requires…
5 rescue breaths
30:2 breaths to compressions
Nose bleed- treatment is…
For how long?
Pinch fleshy part of nose for 10 mins
Do this 3 times.
If it doesn’t stop, seek medical help
Swelling uses the mnemonic RICE.
Stands for…
Choking calls for…
5 back slaps
5 abdominal thrusts
Remember to check between each action to see if blockage has cleared.
A stroke is diagnosed using the mnemonic FAST. Stands for…
Facial weakness
Arms weak, esp on one side
Speech slurred
Time - get medical help asap
What are the 3 different bleeds?
Signs/symptoms of shock?
Cold clammy skin
Rapid weak pulse
3 types of burn
Partial thickness
Full thickness
Signs / symptoms of a heart attack?
Chest pain Ashen grey Difficulty breathing Anxiety Tingling in fingers Feeling of impending doom
Types of burns are…
Dry (flames) Wet Cold Chemical Electrical Radiation (sunburn)
An infant needs CPR.
How many rescue breaths?
CPR - How deep should chest compressions be on an infant and also child?
Approx a third of the depth.
Infant - 4 cm
Child - 5cm
How do you treat a chocking infant?
5 back slaps with infant positioned head down.
If not successful, use chest thrusts, head still down.
Using the AED where do you place the pads for a child (aged 1-8, less than 25kg)
Front and back
After how long in the recovery position should a patient be turned over?
30 mins
What is a primary survey assessment?
Airway Breathing Circulation Dysfunction Examination
How do you treat a bleed from the ear?
Dress but don’t block the ear
Treat for shock
Seek medical advice
What is Stridor?
High pitched grunting
What’s the best way to manage an airway?
Head tilt, chin lift.
Hand on forehead, two fingers under chin.
OR… Jaw thrust. Kneel behind head, lift the jaw.
Hypoxia signs and symptoms
Early signs- confusion, disorientation, aggression.
Rapid pulse
Late signs - cyanosis of lips, mouth, neck, chest, under eyelids
If someone is struggling to breath, best treatment is…
Oxygen, sit upright, lean forward. Place hands on knees to open up chest cavity.
Where is the radial pulse?
Where is the brachial pulse?
Inner side of the upper arm
How do you assess circulation?
Skin colour pale (often shock)
Temperature- cold, clammy indicates poor circulation
Capillary refill (press nail bed or heel of hand for 5 secs
What’s the average pulse rate over a minute?
60-100 bpm
Shock - signs and symptoms
Rapid weak pulse, Pale clammy skin Slow capillary refill Nausea / vomiting Thirst Rapid shallow breathing Restless, anxious, aggressive Yawn/gasping for air Go unconscious
Treatment for shock?
Lay down, raise legs, reassure, loosen tight clothing, give oxygen, keep warm, check and record breathing/pulse, if difficulty breathing or vomiting, put into recovery position.
Do not leave unattended.
Treatment of cuts - minor or major
Apply pressure
Elevate limb
Clean and dry wound
Dress wound.
How do you treat internal bleeding?
Treat as for shock.
What is AVPU?
For checking consciousness level. Alert Voice Pain Unresponsive
What is AMPLE?
Used to pass Medical history/info.
Allergies Medication Past medical history Last eaten/drunk Extras (eg medical cards, jewellery)
What is the acronym MIST used for?
Handover of patients. Mechanism of injury Injuries sustained Signs and symptoms Treatment given
Heart attack signs and symptoms
Vice like pain spreading from chest to back, neck, jaw. Skin cold clammy grey Difficulty breathing Nausea/vomiting Sense of impending doom.
Angina signs and systems and treatment
Similar signs to heart attack. Rest and reassure Loosen tight clothing Continually assess Normally have their medication with them, if pain persists, suspect heart attack
Asthma signs/symptoms/treatment
Difficulty breathing, Wheezing rapid pulse, Restlessness, drowsiness, confusion.
Treatment, sit up, preferably forward to allow lungs to open, help to use their inhaler.
Anaphylactic shock- signs /symptoms / treatment
Anxiety/widespread red or blotchy skin, puffiness around eyes, Stridor/wheezing, swollen upper body, signs of shock.
Treat with their epi pen, if medic present, offer EMK.
Stroke signs symptoms and treatment?
Paralysis one side of body/slurred speech/ severe headache/ strong pulse/ confused/ flushed face/ pupils may be unequal/ loss of consciousness.
Lay with head slightly raised, incline head to affected side for saliva drain, oxygen on, monitor breathing etc.
Unsure if hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia?
Give sugary drink
Food poisoning, signs symptoms and treatment?
Nausea, cramping abdominal pains, diarrhoea, headache, fever, features of shock.
Give sips of water to keep hydrated, seat near toilet.
Signs, rapid deep breathing, sweating clamp appearance, tingling, agitation.
Treatment, calm and reassure, instruct to relax and slow down breathing.
Fainting casualty?
Pale cold skin.
Lie them down, raise legs.
Do not allow to stand until they’ve recovered.
What is the difference between “initial assessment” and “Primary Survey”?
Initial assessment is DRABC
Primary Survey is ABCDE
(Adds Dysfunction and Examination)
Administering medication to pax - what details do you write down?
Name of person
Drug and dosage given
Date and time administered
Name of person who gave it.
What does CPR stand for?
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
When can you stop CPR?
Qualified help arrives
Casualty starts breathing normally
Responder exhausted
Crew take seats for landing.
For FIRST AID ONLY, what age is classed as an infant? And child?
Infant Under 1
Child 1 until puberty