CSPM Flashcards
List the rules for refuelling with pax on board…
1 pilot on flt deck Fwd and aft entry doors open with steps Purser at fwd entry door PA system working Seatbelt sign off, no smoking sign on Pax briefed Areas outside doors clear Refuelling tank not obscuring exit area.
What are the age ranges for
a) Infants
b) children
a) infants - 0-2 years
b) children - 2-12 years
Unmins; state…
Max number
Seating location
Max 8
Ages 7-12
Seat near an exit but not on exit row.
How many seats in each area in a standard fit voyager?
Fwd - 47
Mid- 144
Aft - 100
How many crash axes on board?
Flt deck and R4
5 crew ops can carry how many pax?
What are the 3 roles in a fire fighting situation?
Fire fighter
What are the 3 sides of the fire triangle?
List the classes of fire (a-f)
A-solids B-liquid C-gas D-metal E---- F-oils
Slide raft capacity is…
Doors 1/4 take 78
Doors 2 take 68
Door warnings.
Red prism indicates…
White square indicates…
Red prism means cabin pressurised (visible from the outside)
White square means door armed
At 9550ft, what happens?
Seat belt sign on
Lights to 100%
Exit signs on
(Also alarm on flt deck)
At 14000ft, what happens?
And immediate actions?
Cabin oxygen masks drop (last 15 mins) PA volume increases Pre recorded msg plays through cabin. Immediate actions... Oxygen on Sit down and wedge trolleys Listen for "purser to flt deck" for release to check on pax, toilets etc. Get MRT and check all masks dropped.
What does NITS stand for?
Special instructions
When would a cabin crew member initiate an evacuation?
Major self sustaining fire
Exaggerated tail/nose down attitude
Sounds of aircraft breaking up
How many cans must be used?
Where are they to be sprayed?
Use 9 cans 1 in avionics bay 1 in fwd cargo hold 1 in aft cargo hold 6 in cabin (incl flt deck and toilets)
After disinsecting the aircraft, how long must food be left covered for?
15 mins
Disinsection- after how long delay must the aircraft be re sprayed?
30 mins
What are the 2 ways the caption could summon a member of cabin crew/pursor?
3 x double high/low chime
What does the evacuation alarm sound like?
A high toned beeping
How many seat rows are checked for security purposes?
USA -all!
4 types of disruptive passenger are…
L1-verbal disruption
L2-physical disruption
L3-life threatening
List the seat rows each crew member is responsible for
L1/R1 1-8
L2/R2 8-17
L3/R3 17-26
L4/R4 26-39
Who is responsible for aeromed patients in an emergency?
Aeromed Staff
What is the treatment for DVT?
Elevate (limb) and hydrate
When using a defibrillator, what ages considered to be a children?
0-1 do not use, (infant)
1- 8 or under 25kg, classed as child (pads back and front)
Puberty to adult- standard use.
What is the recovery position for a pregnant casualty?
On her left side.
After opening an FAK what must be done to show its been used?
Write what’s been used on the list inside and re seal with a yellow seal if it’s still got sufficient contents or red seal if not.
(See list inside for guide)
When would the red cabin pressure prism flash?
When one or both engines are shut down and the door is disarmed, and the cabin is not completely depressurised.
How do you detach the slide raft from the aircraft?
Lift the girt bar cover and pull the white slide release handle (which detaches the slide from the a/c)
Pull the mooring line release handle on the raft
Or cut the morning line with the knife.
What does a flashing Amber light on the ACP mean?
There’s a toilet fire.
Steady Amber just means pax call from a lav
Can you reset a galley CB in flight?
No. With permission, one reset is permitted on the ground.
What should you tell the pax to do if there is smoke in the cabin?
Lean over, heads low, cover mouth and nose.
CC would don PBE asap.
What is the min lighting setting during daylight?
Dim 2
BCR stands for
Basic currency requirement
In what situation would you see the red prism illuminate on a type A door?
When one or both engines are shut down, the door is armed and there is a pressure differential between the inside and outside of the aircraft.
What is meant by “door warning”?
Physical check by another crew member that a door is disarmed prior to opening.
When opening a door, whet is meant by positive clearance?
A knock and thumbs up from the outside.
What are the 3 to checks to be made before opening a door?
Seat belt sign off
Door warning
Positive clearance
When might you hear”attention crew, immediate landing”
What are your actions?
Immediately after take off (in the event of an emergency)
Shout “Brace Brace, Heads Down”
When would you inflate a child life jacket in a planed ditching scenario?
On the aircraft away from the pax and deflate slightly.
What is the minimum light setting in the cabin during daylight?
Dim 2. Because night dims the no smoking sign so that you can hardly see it.
How often must toilets be checked?
Every 20 mins.
Drop down pax oxygen lasts how long?
15 mins
What are the 3 levels of bomb threats?
And which level would require checks to be done in flight?
Red, Amber, Green.
Red is the only level requiring a search of the aircraft after take off.
What treatment would you give to someone with DVT?
Elevate limb and hydrate casualty.
Why is embers so cool?
Because he just is.
If BCF is used on the flight deck, what must the pilots do?
Go onto 100% oxygen
How many fire containment bags are there and where are they kept?
5 fwd
5 aft
What quantity oxygen is in the portable oxygen bottle?
310 litres
How long does a dragar smoke hood last?
20 mins
What are the checks on the L’Air Liquide?
Tamper seal and spring lock must be intact; Green indicator confirms serviceability
How many litres of drinking water can the reverse osmosis pump produce per day according to the CSPM?
27 litres per day
Roughly how much water should you pump overboard from the Reverse osmosis pump to clean the filters before staring to drink the water?
2 mins worth or 80 strokes/pumps
What is the burn duration of the hand held flare found in the SE / slide raft?
10 seconds
Which setting would you use for the ELT on land to make it transmit?
XMIT (selected from the rotator switch on the base)
What are the 2 types of fracture?
Open and closed
How do you treat a fracture?
Lay casualty down, steady and support limb, pad wound, control any bleeding, treat for shock. Open fracture, check every 10 mins
Treatment of a sprain?
Rest, ice, compression, elevate.
What is the “primary survey?”
Airway, breathing, circulation, dysfunction, examination.
What is the acronym for checking dysfunction?
Checking for level of consciousness.
Alert to voice, pain, unresponsive.
When doing the primary survey, E is for examination. What’s this?
Head to toe check for bleeds and or deformities.