First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 Flashcards
Suspect thermal or inhalational injury
to the airway in patients with ______________.
singed nasal hairs, facial burns, hoarseness,
wheezing, soot in the posterior oropharynx, or carbonaceous sputum
Intubate patients with GCS less than ______.
“Less than 8, intubate!!!”
How can you remember which categories have 5, 4, and 6 points in the GCS evaluation?
The number of letters!
Eyes: 4
Voice: 5
Leg arm: 6
In a trauma patient, what images should you order?
It depends on what was injured:
•Abdomen: FAST ultrasound
•Chest: CXR
•Neck: C-spine CT
What are the four levels of eye GCS?
- 4: spontaneous eye movement
- 3: opens to command
- 2: opens to pain
- 1: no response
What are the five levels of voice GCS?
- 5: talking normally
- 4: confused speech
- 3: inappropriate words
- 2: incomprehensible
- 1: no speech
What are the six levels of movement GCS?
* 6: spontaneous movement • 5: localizes pain •4: withdraws from pain •3: abnormal flexion •2: abnormal extension •1: no responsive movement
The classic triad of cardiac tamponade
includes _____________.
muffled heart sounds, jugular venous distention, and hypotension
Explain how palpated pulses can be used to determine systolic blood pressure.
If you can feel the radial pulse, the patient’s SBP is at least 80. If you can’t feel the radial pulse but you can feel the femoral pulse, then the SBP is 70-79. If you can’t feel the radial or femoral pulses but you can feel the carotid pulse, then the SBP is 60 - 69.
Suspect urethral injury in the presence of _____________.
blood at the urethral meatus, perineal ecchymosis, blood in the scrotum, a high-riding/nonpalpable prostate, or a pelvic fracture
In the FAST exam of the bladder, where are you looking for fluid?
Behind the bladder!