First Aid Day One Flashcards
What are the three Ps to First Aid?
Protect Life
Prevent (or Limit) Worsening of Injury/ Illness
Promote Recovery
What are the three types of legislation/ Regulation?
Health and Safety at work Act 1974
Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981
Management of the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation
What is ACT?
Assess the Scene
Communicate Information
Treat Casualties
What should you communicate to control?
What is the situation?
What you are doing about it?
What other resources do you need?
Multi Agency Emergency/ Shared Situation Awareness.
What does METHANE mean?
Major Incident Declared Exact Location Type of Incident Hazards Present/ Suspected Access- safe route Number and severity of casualties Emergency service present/ required
What are the four types of triage?
Cat 3: Walking wounded
Cat 2: Non mobile casualties
Cat 1: Severe/ Critical
Cat 4: Dead
Casualty Handover.
Age Time of Incident Mechanism of Injury (How it was caused) Injury/ illness sustained Sign and Symptoms Treatment Given
What is the Primary Survey?
Catastrophic Bleed
What is Response? AVPU?
Alert- Are they alert and communicating?
Voice- Can they respond to verbal commands?
Pain- Do they react to pain?
Unresponsive- Unresponsive
What is a Catastrophic bleed?
Losing 1 litre of blood per minute.
What are the two types of Airway Blockages?
What can the airway be blocked by?
Liquids Foreign Objects Debris Tongue Swelling
How can the airway be opened?
Head tilt, Chin Lift
What is an Adults and Childs breathing rate?
Adult 12-20 breaths per minute.