Firearms Flashcards
Licence revocation
Once it has been established that a person has fallen under one of the provisions under section 24A(1) or (2), the fit and proper assessment can continue. Before a licence holder can be considered not fit and proper, Police should consider:
• the severity and recency of the circumstance(s) (specific behaviours, offending), both individually and then
• collectively when considered overall. This takes into account all other matters deemed to be relevant.
Impact of FV Act on Firearms Licence
Under section 40 of the Family Violence Act 2018 a person’s firearms licence is suspended while a Police Safety Order that been issued is in force.
Under section 37 of the Family Violence Act 2018 the bound person must immediately surrender to a constable their firearms licence and any weapons
in their possession or under their control.
Standard conditions of PO:
It is a standard condition of every protection order (s98) that a respondent must:
• not possess or have under their control any weapon (which includes a firearm), and
• not hold a firearms licence, and
• surrender to a constable on demand any weapon and firearms licence in their possession or control.
Purpose of the FA Act
The purposes of the Act are to:
• promote the safe possession and use of firearms and other weapons
• impose controls on the possession and use of firearms and other weapons.
Fit and proper is crucial to whether a FA Licence should be issued, suspended or revoked.
Police will review a person’s fit and proper status, and correspondingly the continuation of their firearms licence when they demonstrate:
• unlawful, dangerous, or unsafe behaviour, or
• non-compliance with licence, endorsement or permit conditions, or
• behaviour which indicates lack of judgement, or
• poor decision making.