Fire Officer Principles and Practice Flashcards
what are the 4 major changes in a FF career
Completion of probation
Promotion to fire company commander
Promotion to Chief Fire Officer
What are the 3 roles a FO performs according to James Page?
supervisor, commander, trainer
What are James Pages 3 recommendations for fire officers to develop technical competencies within the fire company
1 develop a personal training library
2 know the neighborhood
3 use problem solving scenarios
what is the system used by LAFD to identify tasks performed by each firefighter in chronological order to analyze them
measure of effectiveness
2 rules of thought in human resource management
Scientific and humanistic management
In order from lowest to top Maslows hierarchy of needs
- physiological needs
- safety, security, order
- social needs and affection
- esteem and status
- self actualization
Who developed the managerial grid
Blake and Mouton, Maslows, Frederick Taylor, French and Raven
Blake and Mouton
What are Moutons five behavioral models
Indifferent / controlling / accommodating/status quo/sound
Blake and Moutons 2 fundamental concerns which influence behaviors are
Concern for people, concern for result
Who developed the scientific management
Blake and Mouton, Maslows, Frederick Taylor, French and Raven
Frederick Taylor
Name the four organizations that publish statistics about firefighter injuries and deaths
Four components of rehab
Rest/rehydration/nourishment/medical examination
Three indicators that training is needed
Near Miss/fire ground problem/observe performance deficiency
Four step method for fire training/instructing
Psychomotor skills
Initial, plateau, latency, mastery
Mayday situations require two obligations from fire officer what are they
- maintain radio discipline
2. Maintain company/sector integrity
Types of power as developed by French and Raven
Target person complies in order to obtain rewards believed to be controlled by the agent
reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power
reward power
target complies due to belief that the agent has specials acknowledge
reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power
expert power
target complies in order to avoid punishment believed to be controlled by agent
reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power
coercive power
target believes agent has right to make the request and target has obligation to comply
reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power
legitimate power
under the Incident management system the IC has the ? to reassign the ventilation sector
reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power
legitimate power
Gary Yukl updates the French and Raven taxonomy to define 2 types of powers
positional / personal
Positional power includes
legitimate, reward, coercive (defined by role an individual has within the organization)
Positional power includes ?, ?, ? Yukl adds tow additional position based power description ?, ?
legitimate, reward, coercive
informational, ecological
Personal power includes
expert/referent… reflects the effectiveness of the individual
what are the phases of the conflict resolution model
listen & take notes/ active listening/ paraphrase & receive feed back/ don’t explain or excuse
5 step process to ensure high quality decision making
- Define the problem
- Generate alternative solutions
- Select a solution
- Implement solution
- Evaluate the result
which aspect of problem solving is most difficult
implementation phase
Four types of special extinguishing agents
Carbon dioxide/wet or dry chemical/halon/foam
This organization has considerable experience with tracking evacuees
American Red Cross
Communication cycle
What is LEPC
Local Emergency Planning Council:
requires companies to submit info to the fire department regarding hazardous materials
Environmental noise contains two conditions
Physical and psychological
What organizational component is created to group tactical components at an incident
Laymans five-step size up process
- Facts
- Probabilities
- Situation
- Decision
- Plan of operation
National fire Academies size up process consist of
Phase 1: pre-incident info
Phase 2: initial size up
Phase 3: ongoing size up
What are the two components to an IAP
- Development of appropriate strategy
2. Development of tactics to accomplish the strategy
Three activities in Crew Resource Management (CRM) are
- Avoidance
- Entrapment
- Mitigation
What are the components of the triangle of leadership
Trust and respect/leadership skills/effective leadership
What are two skills needed for subordinates to express concerns to superiors
What organization started the near miss reporting system
The near miss program is based on aviation safety reporting system using tools from what U.S. Navy program
Human factors analysis and classification system
How often do firefighters/officers review the near miss report
Every August
Name the levels of HFACS:
Level 1: unsafe acts
Level 2: preconditions to unsafe acts
Level 3: unsafe supervision
Level 4: organizational influences
Unsafe acts or level 1 of HFACS have two categories they are
- Errors: consider unintentional/based on decisions, skills or perceptions
- Violations: intentional act classified as either routine or exceptional
Which level of HFACS is the most difficult to analyze and include the operating culture of a department
- Inadequate supervision
- Allowing inappropriate operations
- Failure to correct known problems
- Supervisory violations
Level 4: organizational influences
Level 3/unsafe supervision in HFACS has four categories they are
- Inadequate supervision
- Allowing inappropriate operations
- Failure to correct known problems
- Supervisory violations
Which level of HFACS analyzes substandard conditions/practices of the individuals involved:
- Inadequate supervision
- Allowing inappropriate operations
- Failure to correct known problems
- Supervisory violations
Level 2: preconditions to unsafe acts
What is the second leading cause the firefighter fatalities
Traumatic injuries
What is a common scenario in single firefighter fatalities investigated by NIOSH
Lack of an effective IMS that includes an accountability component
Two organizations provide accreditation to fire service professional certification systems:
the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications and the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
5 steps for developing a training program
- Assess Needs
- Establish Objectives
- Develop the training program
- Deliver the Training
- Evaluate the impact
4 steps to the annual evaluation
- Supervisor fills out a standardized evaluation form
- Subordinate is allowed to review & comment on officers evaluation
- Face to Face feedback interview between supervisor/subordinate
- Establish goals to accomplish before next evaluation.
When an officer tends to rate all of their firefighters either higher or lower than their actual work performance is known as
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
Leniency or Severity
Evaluation Error that occurs when the evaluator perspective skews the evaluation:
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
Personal Bias
When a firefighter is evaluated only on incidents that occurred in the last few weeks:
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
When a firefighter is rated in the middle range for all dimensions of work performance
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
central tendency
When a firefighter is evaluated on the basis of the officers personal ideals instead of job standards
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
frame of reference
when an officer concentrates on only one aspect of the fire fighters performance (good or bad) and applies that across the board on his evaluation
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
Halo and Horn Effect
When an officer compares one firefighters performance w/ another firefighters and uses that vs. job standards in an evaluation
Contrast effect, Halo and Horn Effect, central tendency, Recency, Personal Bias, Leniency or Severity, frame of reference
Contrast effect
Lowest level of the progressive discipline process
Formal Written Reprimand
First level of negative discipline
oral reprimand, warning or admonishment
Which reinforcement theory is often under utilized?
Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment
Negative Reinforcement
Which reinforcement theory gives a reward for good behavior
Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment
Positive Reinforcement
Which reinforcement theory ignores bad behavior
Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment
Which reinforcement theory punishes bad behavior
Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment
Which reinforcement theory removes an undesirable consequence of good behavior?
Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment
negative reinforcement
According to Expectency theory what 3 considerations must an officer address
- Employees Belief his effort will achieve the goal
- Employees belief that meeting goal will lead to reward
- Employees desire for reward or rewards value to employee
Which motivational theory relies on peoples natural competitiveness?
Goal Setting Theory
Which motivational process suggests employees compare their outcomes for inputs w/ other employees?
Equity Theory
Herzberg developed what theory
Motivation - Hygiene Theory
Hygiene factors are
external and do not motivate an employee
Motivation factors are
internal such as desire for advancement
NIMS 5 componenets:
Preparedness / Communications & Info management / Resource Management / Command & Management / Ongoing Management & Maintainance
what is part of the NIMS Command and Management Component
What is the process of having the right number of people in the right place @ the right time?
Human Resource Planning
What is the process of attracting, selecting & maintaining an adequate supply of labor
Blake n Moutons Managerial grid provided the basis for what fire service initiative
In regards to getting assignments complete 1st you find out the what, 2nd you find out the when, and last ?
How long it will take to complete them
a tool for supervisors to allow subordinates to complete tasks they are capable of performing, making the officer more effective.
task allocation or delegation
dividing responsibilities among individuals & teams in a manner that allows for their effective accomplishment. Making the team more effective…. a component of CRM
task allocation or delegation
task allocation
What is the cited reasons for fatal collisions?
Excessive Speed for road collisions / operator error
What accounts for the largest percentage of traumatic ff deaths?
Collisions.. 3/4 of which were volunteers…..40% died in personal vehicles
What is another term to characterize laissez faire style of leadership
Free reign
What is one additional task an officer has when dealing with external type of issues?
Notify his supervisor
CERTs 9 x 2.5 hour class sessions consist of
- Disaster Preparedness
- Fire Safety and Utility Control
- Disaster Medical Operations Part 1
- Disaster Medical Operations Part 2
- Light Search & Rescue Operations
- Cert Organization
- Disaster Psychology
- Terrorism & CERT
- Course Review & Disaster Simulation
5 types of bldg const go:
1: Fire Resistive
2. Non combustible
3. Ordinary ( limited combustible)
4. Heavy Timber
5. Wood Frame
Name the 3 types of standpipe systems & their intended use:
Class 1= has 2/12 outlet FIRE DEPT. Only
Class 2= has 1 1/2 w/ hose & nozzle OCCUPANT use
Class 3= has both and is for BOTH dept / occupant
6 Steps to a pre incident plan
- Identify Physical elements & Site considerations
- Identify occupant considerations
- Identify fire protection systems & water supply
- Identify Special Hazards
- Identify emergency operation considerations
- Identify Special or Unusual Characteristics of common occupancy
Who developed the life safety code?
What are documents developed by a standards developing organization
model codes
Who develops model codes for jurisdictions having authority
NFPA & International Code Council
What is a law enacted by an authorized subdivision of a state such as a city, county or town
If a model code is enacted by a local jurisdiction it may occur in one of two ways what are they
Adoption by reference / Adoption by transcription
When a jurisdiction passes an ordinance that adopts a specific edition of a model code its called?
adoption by reference
when a jurisdiction adopts the entire the entire text of a model code & publishes it as part of the adopting ordinance its called
adoption by transcription
How long do regulations apply to a bldg , made to meet a specific regulation
Remains in effect as long as it is occupied for the same purpose
governmental orders written by a governmental agency in accordance with the statute or ordinance authorizing the agency to create
Regulations are not laws but………
have the force of the law
What are the 15 functions within the NRF called
Emergency Support Functions
Gordon Dupont “Dirty Dozen” are comprehensive list of reasons and ways that humans make mistakes
Lack of communication Complacency Lack of Knowledge Distraction Lack of Teamwork Fatigue Lack of Resources Pressure Lack of Assertiveness Stress Lack of awareness Norms
Chapter 13:
Dental offices, doctors offices?
assembly, business, educational, industrial, health care, detention and correctional, mercantile, residential, storage, mixed, unusual
Chapter 13:
Colleges and universities?
assembly, business, educational, industrial, health care, detention and correctional, mercantile, residential, storage, mixed, unusual
An educational occupancy is used for educational purposes through the ?
first year university, 12 grade, 10 grade, high school, middle school
12 grade
Educational occupancy may also cover some daycare centers for children ?
older than 6, older than 2 1/2 years, older than 12
older than 2 1/2 years old
A healthcare occupancy is used for the purpose of medical or other treatment or for care of ? or more persons,
4 or more persons, where such occupants are mostly incapable of self preservation
a detention and correctional occupancy is used to house ? of more persons under varied degrees of restraint or security
four or more
towers, water tanks, barns
assembly, business, educational, industrial, health care, detention and correctional, mercantile, residential, storage, mixed, unusual
in a municipal department the fire officers supervisor is usually a command level officer including:
Battalion Chief / District Chief / Battalion Commander
NFPA # for standard for fire officer professional qualifications
The civil rights act of 1964 is enforced by which entitiy
Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 act was amended in 1972. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 include:
almost all public / private employers w/ 15 or more employees & in general covers volunteer fire depts & nonprofit emergency service organizations
Civil Rights Act of 1991 provides what?
Additional compensatory & punitive damages in cases of intentional discrimination
when did the EEOC amend the guidelines on sexual harassment?
eeoc guidelines state that verbal & physical conduct of a sexual nature is harassment when the following conditions are present
- employee is made to feel he or she has to endure treatment in order to remain employed
- Whether or not the employee submits or rejects such treatment is used when making employment decisions.
- Employees work performance is affected
- Intimidating , hostile, or offensive work environment is present
what is an essential component of sexual harassment
the abuse of power
Indifferent on the managerial grid can be described as:
neutral / lowest level of concern for either results or people
what are the 7 steps of delegation?
1.define your desired results
2. Select the appropriate firefighter
3. Determine the level of delegation
4. clarify expectations & set parameters
5.Give authority to match level of responsibility
6. provide background info
7 arrange feedback during process
What is the standard organizational structure used to manage assigned resources in order to accomplish stated objectives for an incident
Incident Command System
What are the six components of NFPA 1581 standard on infection control
- written policy w/ goal of identifying & limiting exposures
- Written risk management plan to identify risks & control measures
- Annual Training & education in infection control
- A designated infection control officer
- access to appropriate immunizations for employees
- How exposure incidents are to be handled
According to this book how soon after an exposure should the infection control officer of the dept. be notified of the incident?
who is charged with ensuring that all injuries, illnesses, exposures, fatalities, or other potentially hazardous conditions & all accidents involving dept. vehicles, fire apparatus, equipment, or facilities is thoroughly investigated?
health & safety officer
Some departments require a PAR be done during fire attack or other high hazard operation every how often
20 minutes
What are the 3 phases of an investigation
- The identification & Collection of physical evidence
- The interviewing of witnesses
- The written documentation phase (at end of investigation)
Who is the initial investigation of many situations often delegated to?
Local Fire Officer
The fire officer has 4 roles to provide a safe environment for the company
- Identify unsafe & hazardous conditions
- Mitigate or reduce as many problems as possible
- Train & prepare for the remaining hazards
- Model Safe behavior
Ralph Scott of LAFD is one of the fathers of FF certification training,creating a fire college in 1925. The LAFD training staff made a list of firefighter tasks to evolve into what document ? how many tasks?
The Trade analysis of fire fighting, 2000 tasks
a method of directing, instructing, and training a person or group of people with the aim to achieve some foal or develop specific skills
4 federal regulations governing firefighter training
- OSHA regulations 29 CFR Occupational Exposure to Bloodblorne Pathogens
- OSHA regulations 29 CFR Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Training
- OSHA regulations 29 CFR Respiratory Protection Training
- HSPD-5 Managing Domestic Incidents
bloodborne pathogen training usually takes how long
about 4 hours
before live fire training a student must have prerequisite training, in addition to that he must be equipped with?
Full PPE / PASS device / SCBA that is compliant with the relevant NFPA standard
Expected trainee behavior falls into 3 categories
responding to alarms / on-scene activity / emergency procedures
Who develops the training action plan for live fire evolutions
The fire officer who is the instructor in charge
Key Notes on live fire training
each attack and backup line should flow a minimum of 95 gal/min, the water supply should be 150% of the minimum needed water supply at the training site from two separate sources
Dedicated positions on live fire training
safety officer and ignition officer
Maximum size of a functional crew in a live fire training is
Five trainees
How many years of experience does a fire officer candidate need as well as hours in an acting officer role required?
3-5 years in agency operations / 200 hours acting unit officer experience
How many years of experience does a supervising officer need to become a managing fire officer
2-4 years
how far in advance should you notify a ff who is likely to get an unsatisfactory rating on his review
10 weeks
a moral , mental & physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader is known as:
Typical steps of progressive negative discipline system include:
- counsel firefighter bout poor performance
- Verbally reprimand firefighter bout poor performance
- Issue written reprimand
- suspend
- terminate
How long do suspensions normally run
1-30 days
who recommends a suspension and who issues a suspension notice
Fire officer normally recommends it / battalion chief or higher command after consultation with Fire Chief or designee will issue it
when do written reprimands normally expire
no longer then 1 year in file
Who can terminate an employee
Top municipal official in general: mayor, county executive, city manager , or civil service commission. this is generally delegated to the agency or department heads, such as the fire chief
The fire officer need to maintain company integrity to facilitate the mayday rescue and continue to fight the fire or control the hazard. Changes in assignment come from the
Group incident commander
Active learning research recommends spending no more than ? minutes presenting a formal lecture or video presentation; the student loses focus after ? to ? minutes of passive learning (Kiewra 2002)
no more than 10 minutes, lose focus after 15-20 minutes
Which president issued the first National Fire Prevention day in 1920?
Woodrow Wilson
a comprehensive program directed at injury prevention. Developed by the NFPA, with co-funding from the Lowe’s Home Safety Council.
Risk Watch (a school based program that links teachers, safety experts,and parents)
What are the 2 types of evaluations concerning public education programs
immediate feedback / long term evaluation
When designing a public education program, the fire officer should review the ? , just as in fire fighter training:
target audience, ABCD of course preparation, desired effect, course outline
ABCDs of course preparation A-audience B-desired Behavior C-conditions which to perform task D-Degree of proficiency
NFPA recommends 3 steps when working w/ media what are they
- Build a strong foundation
- use a proactive outreach
- use measured responsiveness
NFPAs guidelines for conducting interviews are:
- Be prepared
- stay in control
- look & act the part
- its not over til its over
What are the steps to a systematic approach for high quality decision making
- Define the problem
- generate alternative solutions
- select a solution
- implement the solution
- evaluate the result
How often should you question each organizational activity
once a year
what 2 goals does paraphasing an issue accomplish in a conflict resolution model
- Officer will finish with a good understanding of the issue
- The complainant feels the fire officer really listened.
What are the 4 steps Taigman developed as a Conflict Resolution Model
- Drain the emotional bubble
- Understand the complainants view point
- Help complainant feel understood
- Identify the complainants expectation for resolution
what are the 4 broad categories for problems a fire officer could be expected to encounter
- In -House Issues ( direct scope/ your station)
- Internal Dept. Issues (operational policies beyond your station)
- External Issues : private citizens / another organization
- High Profile Incidents: anything likely to become major event / dept must take immediate action
2 purposes to pre-incident plan:
- provide info that would be useful in event of a fire @ high value /risk location
- Identify in advance strategies, tactics, & actions that should be taken if a predictable situation occurs
legally enforceable regulations that relate specifically to fire safety, although some fire codes include related subjects such as: Hazardous Materials
Fire prevention codes
What are codes that states adopt which do not give the option to local jurisdictions to adopt more restrictive regulations
mini/max codes
How often does the model code process update?
every 3-5 years
What is the preferred extinguishing system for protecting cooking equipment?
wet chemical system
In terms of construction type which type # is defined as limited combustible?
Type 3 also known as “ordinary”
occupancy type refers to the purpose for which a bldg is used or intended to be used …the code requirements are determined by its:
use group
What are the 5 subcategories of the RESIDENTIAL use group:
- one & two family dwelling units
- Lodging or rooming houses / for 16 or fewer people
- Hotels : for more then 16 people
- Dormitory: for more then 16 people
- Apartment Bldg: 3 or more dwelling units
Furniture Production facilities are in what use group?
What are the steps of a fire inspection
- Circle the area as you park the apparatus to get a general overview of the property
- Meet the property owner & let them know you have arrived & will begin the inspection
- Begin the inspection at the exterior of the bldg & work systematically throughout the inside of the bldg, beginning at the lowest level & woking up.
- Conduct exit interview w/ the contact person
- Write a formal report on the inspection
Less critical issues on a fire inspection need to be corrected within a reasonable time generally:
30-90 days
Type 3 buildings are generally no higher then:
4 stories
If using a radio how far should you hold it from your mouth
2 inches
Examples of Infrequent reports are:
Firefighter injury report Citizen complaint Property Damage or liability event report Vehicle accident report New equipment or procedure evaluation Suggestions to improve fire dept. operation Response to a grievance or complaint Firefighter work improvement plans Request for other agency services
what is required by state workers compensation agencies whenever an employee is injured?
Supervisors Report / is the control document that starts the state file relating to an injury
how soon after an incident must supervisors report be submitted?
24-72 hours
List the steps to Preparing a News Release
Formulate a Plan
Develop the concept & write the release
Get the news release out to the media
Events that would require an Expanded Incident Report Narrative ( in which all company members submit )
Civilian Fatality
Crime scene / Arson investigation
Occupant rescue qualifying for award / recognition
Company involved in unusual / difficult / high profile activity
Company acitivity occured that may have contributed to a death or serious injury
Company activity occurred that may have created a liability
Company activity occurred that has initiated an internal investigation
Which organization manages the Nationwide database called NFIRS ( national fire incident reporting system)
US Fire Administration
What is one example of a Geographic Information System?
A vehicle navigation system
Geodatabase is an example of
Digital Mapping
What are the 5 components of NIMS:
Preparedness Communications & Information Management Resource Management Command & Management Ongoing Management & Maintenance
what do local emergency response agencies have to adopt to remain eligible for federal disaster assistance?
Adopt ICS by training in the NIMS core curriculum
IS 700 is :
NIMS intro
ICS 100 is:
intro to IMS
ICS 200 is:
ICS for single resources & initial action incidents
ICS 300 is:
Intermediate ICS for expanding incidents
ICS 400 is:
Advanced ICS
Students attending courses @ NFA are required to complete which ICS courses before arriving
ICS 100 & 200
ICS 701 is:
NIMS Multiagency Coordination System
ICS 702 is:
NIMS Public Information System
What is the primary agency dealing that deals with Emergency Support Funciton 4: firefighting in the National Response Framework
Dept of Agriculture / Forest Service
What are the tactical level management elements used to assemble resources for a common purpose:
Groups / Divisions / Units
What is a generic term that can be applied to either a geographical or functional component on the tactical level
How many resources are assembled to make task forces
2-5 single resources
Strike teams are comprised of how many units
5 units of the same type
Strike teams are commonly used for what type of incidents?
wildland fires
One of the most significant factors of size up is:
What is an effective potassium bicarbonate for extinguishing liquid fire ,which was developed by Naval Research Labs
Purple K
What is NFAs formula for needed Fire Flow?
Fire Flow = ( L x W ) / 3 = required flow for a fully involved floor
What is normally the best method of protecting an exposed property?
Make aggressive attack & extinguish fire before it can spread
When need for resources exceeds normal operating capabilities of fire dept. & involves numerous other agencies what might the fire officer have to do:
Activate local emergency plan
In most cases 1st level of assistance for fires is:
mutual aid from surrounding depts.
Who is responsible for maintaining & coordinating the local emergency plan:
the Emergency Management Office
What is the most common method a fire officer can use to activate the local emergency plan:
Notify the Dispatch Center
Who can establish shelters for residents in large scale or long term evacuations
Red Cross
What branch is responsible for communications & rehab:
Service Branch
What is an area where primary logistics functions are coordinated & administered :
Who is responsible for moving equipment & water supply hoselines up & down stairwells?
Stairwell Support Group
What is one practice in stair well support group to create an assembly line fashion:
Position firefighters every 3rd floor
What is used to control fire flow path
PPV , wind control devices , externally applied water
Thermal conditions in a fire flow path can be higher then:
752 degrees F
What does NFPA say the initial source of firefighters to conduct a basic fire attack on a single family dwelling should be how many?
14 Firefighters
What fire flow does the NFPA standard also call for :
based on a 2,000 sq ft house w/ no basement: need to be capable of flowing 400 gpm and initial flow a minimum of 300 gpm through 2 hand lines.
What are the 2 kinds of adverse effects which latent conditions cause:
- error provoking conditions 2. long lasting holes
What are unsafe acts committed by people in direct contact w/ situation or system:
Active failures
What is not wearing a seatbelt in a moving vehicle an example of :
Active Failure
List examples of latent conditions :
Untrustworthy alarms / unworkable procedures & designs & construction deficiencies
What provides the greatest opportunity for trapping & preventing errors from moving to a catastrophe:
Error Avoidance
Steps in Todd Bishops Assertive Statement Process
- Attention Getter / Opening
- State Your Concern
- State Problem as You See it
- State Solution
- Obtain Agreement / Buy in
what 3 competencies is true respect based on:
Personal / Social / Technical : these are essential for leaders to function effectively in CRM environment
4 critical areas for self assessment of follower ship:
- Physical Condition
- Mental Condition
- Attitude
- Understanding Human Behavior
What are 2 categories most errors on incident scenes divide into:
Crew Performance / Mechanical Breakdown
What are the 6 steps for maintaining emergency scene Situational Awareness:
- Fight the fire
- Assess problems in the time available
- Gather information from all sources
- Choose the best option
- Monitor The Results & alter plan as necessary
- Beware of Situational Awareness loss factors
What are the situational awareness loss factors:
Ambiguity/Distraction/Fixation/Overload/Complacency/Improper Procedure/Unresolved discrepancy/Nobody Fighting the fire
What practice is used to reduce paramedic medication errors
2 people looking at a checklist & speaking items out loud
What is the procedure used by navy Blue Angels to debrief in a open, honest candid atmosphere where no member is immune from criticism / egos & feelings are left out and what ever is said inside stays inside
The Blue Line
What is the most common cause of death this decade of firefighters still in the burning bldg.
Flashover or becoming trapped due to structural collapse
What is considered a critical component of a comprhensive safety program
every interior operating team should have a TIC
Example of a Typical Volunteer Duty Night:
Many Departments us a ? or ? to plan the duty crew activities.
day book or monthly calendar
Example of a Typical Volunteer Duty Night:
one section of the fire station gest a major cleaning
2-3 times a year
when a fire officer is preparing to give a class where should be the first stop to find info
Personal training library
how many lawsuits does the eeoc file each year
about 400
what does gravely recommend the fire officer focus on in regards to workplace behavior
actionable items & hostile workplace
what level of fire officer certification is an officer with 3-5 years managerial experience & accomplished formal education to the level of a bachelors degree
NFPA Fire Officer Level 3 Administrative Fire Officer
The 1972 EEOC Act expanded its coverage to include almost all public & private employers / with how many or more employers
in a recent survey, chief officers working in cities and large counties responded to an email request to “list the most important tasks you want a new fire officer to do well” they where
- Beginning of shift report
- Notifications
3 & 4 Problem solving & Decision Making
what reinforces written pre incident plans:
detailed overhead view can be obtained:
aerial photographs/digital maps/Google earth
Specially valuable in apartment complexes, business parks, and retail areas
these aerial views are especially valuable for
apartment complexes / business parks / retail areas
Typical Volunteer Duty Night:
general station, company evolution, and apparatus cleaning performed on
on the weekends
which managerial type has the lowest level of concern for both results and people
indifferent / key word is neutral
the indifferent manager is like a bureaucratic govt agency treats everyone like a # , goes through the motions and relies heavily on:
Instructions & process/depending on others to outline what needs to be done/does enough to get by
this managing style tries to moderate both concerns between results & people / doesn’t value one over the other / politically motivated & plays it safe
Status Quo : balance & compromise
What includes all activities to train & educate the employees
Human Resource Development / heavily dependent on the fire officer @ company level
What is the process of setting performance standards & evaluating performance against those standards?
Performance Management
what is the 3rd level of maslows hierarchy of needs
Social Needs & Affection
What level is the staffing function typically accomplished at
Hawthorne effect means that performance will improve not because of any specific condition being tested but simply because:
the attention they receive
name the sub quote for each managerial style:
evade & elude
name the sub quote for each managerial style:
direct & dominate
name the sub quote for each managerial style:
yield & comply
name the sub quote for each managerial style:
Status Quo:
Balance & Compromise
name the sub quote for each managerial style:
Contribute & commit
Leo Stapleton / Boston Commissioner advocates officers maintain what:
personal journal / recording runs & issues they handled
What are prime factors that directly cause death while operating in burning bldg.?
Asphyxia and burns.
Violations are Unsafe Acts:
break them down, here is an example you name type:
Failure to follow recommended tactile best practice
failure to use safety equipment
Routine Violations
Violations are Unsafe Acts:
break them down, here is an example you name type:
Not being qualified to perform an action would be:
Exceptional Violation
Violations are Unsafe Acts:
break them down, here is an example you name type:
failure to follow recommended cerebral best practices
Routine Violations
Violations are considered intentional and are classified as 2 types
Routine & Exceptional
what is the nfpa standard for occupational health & safety program
NFPA 1500
what percent bleach to water should be used when deconning medical equipment
1% bleach to water
what is the first step in developing an incident action plan?
Understanding the causes of firefighter deaths & injuries
What line of defense is the ISO for ensuring firefighters are obtaining appropriate rehab
3rd line of defense/behind the individual & fire officer
NFPA standard for fire officer professional qualifications
NFPA 1521
What is the minimum level of fire officer requirement to be an ISO
Level 1 fire officer
When establishing objectives while developing a training program…what is the final part of the objective :
Measure of performance
most states and commonwealths require the trainee to pass a knowledge exam and a skills test for ? before engaging in interior structural firefighting
Firefighter 1
The International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) follows the ? format and operates through
CHEA format, Oklahoma State University
What is the maximum size of a functional crew at a live fire training event
When can the fire officer be certain that training has occurred ?
When their is an observable change in firefighters performance when responding to a real situation
at which psycho motor skill is the firefighter said to be competent
NFPA 1403 Live fire training evolution general points :
- designated and appropriate rest and rehab area
- inspect structure
- assign safety officer and ignition officer
- preburn brief & walk through
- instructor to each crew (max 5 trainees, instructor for each backup line)
- calculate the water supply: 150% of needed, 2 hand lines 95 gpm, 2 seperate sources
- Postburn review
Evaluation tendency when you base it on your personal ideals?
Frame of Reference
Control over the physical environment, technology, or organization of work.
(information power, ecological power, reward power, expert power, referent power, coercive power)
ecological power
power based on the target persons assessment the agents ability to discover or obtain relevant information rapidly and efficiently, usually though a cultivated network of sources
(information power, ecological power, reward power, expert power, referent power, coercive power)
Information Power
Control over information
information power, ecological power, reward power, expert power, referent power, coercive power
information power
what are 2 general rules for non-emergency activities
- don’t jeopardize the public s trust in the fire dept
2. don’t compromise the ability of the fire company to respond to emergencies in its district
Who delivers CERT courses in the community
team of 1st responders
Complex and long range tasks w/ a designated coordinator of multiple agencies may require what type of plan:
Formal Project Management Plan
What can the fire officer use to divide a project into segments , w/ milestones to identify progress?
Project Control Document
the difference between the current situation and the desired situation is defined as a
once the brainstorming time is up, have the group select ? ideas they like the best
In a brainstorming session group of 4 -16 people how long should be given
15-25 minutes
how often is a hazardous use permit renewed
What are 2 examples of sociological environmental noise
Prejudice & bias
what is used by departments to announce promotions or transfers
general orders
which report is required by state workers compensation when an employee is injured
Supervisors Report
which is the most common form of reporting
verbal reports
What is the best way for the receiver to confirm understanding
repeat the key points back to the sender
When does a supervisors report need to be submitted?
24-72 hours after investigating the incident
What is a place to enter a record of any firefighter injury, liability creating event or special station visitors
Company Journal
9 functions of command:
Determining Strategy Selecting Incident Tactics Setting the Action Plan Developing the ICS organization Managing resources Coordinating resource Activities Providing for scene safety Releasing Information about the incident Coordinating w/ outside agencies
What must be adopted to receive assistance under the stafford act?
who is the front line in ensuring firefighters obtain appropriate rehab
- Firefighters, first in line
- Fire Officer
- ISO (3rd line)
The driver can remember a route he has not been to in several months is an example of
What is order of psychomotor skills
When did the NFPA standards get developed?
what establishes the qualifications of the system to award certificates based on standards
Which government agency receives incident reports from Departments
Which government agency receives incident reports from Departments
Who developed CRM?
NASA 1979
The federal government undertakes a nationwide census
once a year, once every other year, once every five years, once every decade
once every decade
What flight validated CRM in 1989?
Flight 232 United bound for LA from Chicago
Who developed the error management model?
Robert Helmreich
a tool for supervisors to allow subordinates to complete tasks they are capable of performing, making the officer more effective.
task allocation or delegation
what are the 6 areas of CRM in the Fire Service:
Communication Skills Teamwork Task Allocation Critical Decision Making Situational Awareness Debriefing
motivational process known as EQUITY THEORY: suggest employees evaluate the outcomes they receive for their inputs and compare them with the outcomes others receive for their inputs. These outcomes range from:
pay and benefits to recognition, achievement, and promotion
who should function as the scribe in a brainstorming session?
the officer, keep group on task , write down ideas
a formal debriefing should emphasize what elements
communications, teamwork, both leadership & followership, evaluate critical decision making, reinforce situational awareness
motivational process known as EQUITY THEORY: suggest employees evaluate the outcomes they receive for their inputs and compare them with the outcomes others receive for their inputs. These inputs range from:
educational level, performance level, risks taken, and special skills
Who developed Risk Watch