Fire Department Cad Flashcards
Acc building no inj
Veh vs bldg gas pump gas pump no inj no fire
Acc bus inj or unk
Acc com fire
Commercial vehicle with fire
Acc extrication
Acc hit run pi
Hit and run personal injury
Acc pass fire inj
Passenger vehicle with injury
Acc pi
Personal injury
Acc pi pd req minor
Minor personal injury pdbon scene
Acc to rollover
Vehicle rollover
Acc structure fire
Vehicle vs building gas pump with fire
Acc train
Accident involving train
Active assailant
Bomb threat
Not fire
Notification fire
Alarm pd pull
Police pull station blue point
Alarm fd co
Co detector no illness
Alarm fd co2
Carbon dioxide
Alarm fd commercial
Alarm fd hosp spec occ
Alarm fd investigation
Alarm fd momentary
Alarm fd multi
Apartment condos townhomes
Alarm fd residential
Alarm fd school
School or church
Alarm fd trouble
Somethings not connected or not working properly
Fd assist aircraft standby
Fd assist other
Fd assist pd
Smoke inside
Smoke outside
Aircraft alert 1
Small plane troubles
Aircraft alert 2
Flight troubles operational defect
Aircraft alert 3
Plane boom
Aircraft inflight
Fire aircraft
Aircraft fire
Fire appliance
Appliance fire
Fire minor
Minor fire small and has been extinguished
Fire minor electric
Electrical fire
Fire outside
Outside fire
Fire structure
Structure fire
Fire vehicle comm
Vehicle fire commercial
Fire vehicle pass
Vehicle fire passenger
Fire train
Train fire