What does finger print analysis relies on?
comparisons to make desicsions
based on similarities
random match probabilities
can offer a more realistic
and accurate understanding of the value of the evidence
A Means of Identification
the oldest forms
of identification
locate, identify, and eliminate suspects
identify human remains
the use of fridge ridge skin on the
palmar and plantar surfaces
What are the two traits that greatly maximize the value of this type
each fingerprint is highly unique
fingerprints essential remain the same
When do fingerprints being to develop
fingerprints begin to develop during the
10th-16th week of gestation
Edpidermis layer and dermis layer anatomy
epidermis layer of our skin, but is
formed in the dermis layer
Trauma in epidermis/ dermis layer
traumas to the
epidermis layer, the details are
trauma to the dermis
layer may result in noticiable and
irreversible changes to the details
Fingerprint Patterns
loop, whorl, arch
Whorl Arch
of the population
of the population
of the population
Loop Ridges flow in and out the same side
one delta
Ridges flow in a circular pattern two deltas
ridges flow in and out on opposide sides
no delta
The Bertillon System
general descriptions and photographs
applied anthropometric measurements
mostly cranial measurements and cranial capacity
designed to identify individual criminals by physical
a total of 11 measurements were used
frontal and profile facial photographs
five primary measurements
head length
head breadth
length of middle finger
length of left foot
length of “cubit” (forearm from elbow to middle
physical appearance descriptions
weight, build, eye color, teeth, nose, etc.
Henry Classification System
Sir Edward Henry developed this system
classification is based on all 10 prints
each finger is assigned a value
the observation of a whorl = 0
expressed as a fraction
Automated Fingerprint Identification
a computer storage and retrieval
capable of searching for the
presence of 10-print card or a
single print
used to compare unknown against
known, unknown against unknown
Three categories of prints
Latent Patent Plastic
requires additional
processing to be visible
Patent not in need of
development techniques
Plastic indentation of ridge
detail in/on a surface
What are processing techniques
powders are dusted onto a nonporous surface
adheres to the moisture content of
the latent print
come in various colors as well as
depending on the chemical, can be
used for both porous & non-porous
some will adhere to moisture
content while others adhere to
amino acids
potential for use on both wet and
dry surfaces
A: Analysis
C: Comparison
E: evaluation
V: verification
methodology used to classify fingerprint patterns