Financing Flashcards
Acceleration Clause
Enable lender to declare entire balance due if borrower defaults
Repayment Clause
Enable lender to charge a penalty for paying off early OR enable borrower to payoff in full without any financial penalty
Defeasance Clause
Remove lien on property once entire mortgage is paid off in full
Default Provision
Gives Lender right to foreclose in the event the borrower fails to make payments/fulfill obligations of mortgage
Redemption Clause
Enables borrower to fix deficiencies in payments prior to foreclosure proceedings
Alienation clause
Enables lender to declare entire balance due at the sale of the property; mortgage is not assumable by the purchaser.
Mortgage acknowledgement
Makes document eligible for recording on the public record for the protection of the lender
Rights of a lender
- Take possession of property when borrower defaults
- Right to foreclose
- Right to assign (sell) mortgage to other lender
Rights of a borrower
- Right to possession of property so long as not in default
- Defeasance clause - right to redeem title and have mortgage lien released upon full payment of debt
- Right to equity of redemption - After default ability to pay up all defaulted costs to bring account to good standing
Order to the system of land ownership and transfer; recording documents in the public records at the Registry of Deeds
Recording Releases/Discharges
IMPORTANT. Failure to do so may cloud title to the property
Liquidation of title to the realty property ledged in order to recover funds to pay off the mortgage debt.
Maine Statue for Methods of Foreclosing
- Judicial Sale
- By writ of possession
- By consent
- By peaceful entry
- By public notice
- By service of notice
Foreclosure by Judicial Sale
If borrower does not pay during 90-day redemption period, mortgagee places notice of a public sale of the property in newspaper for 3 consecutive weeks. Must sell to highest bidder at public sale. Requires 4 months to complete (FAVORED METHOD)
Foreclosure by Possession (Strict Foreclosure)
By Writ of Possession - Legal action by lender; if court agrees, borrower must pay in 2 months. Abstract of writ must be recorded within 30 days after possession
By consent - Lender obtains possession by consent of the borrower in writing. Consent with lender’s affidavit & time of entry must be recorded at Register of Deeds within 30days
By peaceful entry - Lender may enter openly and peaceably if not opposed. Two witnesses must be present at time of possession. Certification of this fact must be signed by witnesses and recorded within 30 days of entry
Foreclosure without Possession
By public notice - Lender gives notice of default/foreclosure by publishing info in newspaper 3 weeks successfully. Copy of printed notice recorded at ROD within 30 days after last publication
By service of notice - At lender’s request, sheriff will serve notice of foreclosure on the borrower. Notice and time of sheriff’s return/info of the interaction recorded at ROD within 3 days of service being made.
Equity of Redemption
Borrower may redeem mortgaged property at any time within 1 year time period by paying amount of debt/performing all conditions set in mortgage
Deficiency Judgement
If proceedings from foreclosure do not satisfy the balance due, lender can sue borrower for remaining costs of the debt