Financial Management Flashcards
Financial Management
Mission is to provide policy, procedures, and staffing that facilitates the execution of the President’s Budget (PB) in accordance with Appropriation Law.
Phases of Budget Process
- Formulation
- Exactment
- Execution
- Audit
Result of the Planning and Programming phase
POMS are usually developed in late summer or early autumn, approximately 24 to 27 months prior to the start of the target fiscal year. The following spring, each DoD Component completes its evaluation of programs and policies.
The POM cycle is the first and perhaps the most critical fiscal exercise in support of the PB.
Inputs to support the formal Budget Estimate Submission (BES), which is essentially a refinement to the POM, are received in summer. The DoD Components prepare the BES in August and September and usually submit the BES in autumn. Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and joint OSD/Office of Management and Budget reviews follow as the PB takes its final form. The Formulation phase ends with the submission to Congress of the PB in the winter prior to the new FY. The financial analyst is responsible for coordination of all Program Office inputs to the BES.
In autumn, (prior to submission of the PB) the President submits to Congress current Services’ (Army, Navy, Air Force, etc.) estimates. These projections identify the level of Budget Authority (BA) needed to support existing and proposed programs. Congressional review of these estimates begins the Enactment phase.
This phase continues with the receipt and review of the PB and then the passage of authorization and appropriations bills. In rare circumstances, the authorization and appropriations bills are passed and signed before the start of the government FY. If not, CRA.
The use of available Budget Authority (BA) during the FY constitutes the Execution phase.
This phase consists of the Commitment, Obligation, Expenditure (also called Disbursement) and reporting use of appropriated funds.
All units are responsible for assuring that the Obligations incurred and the resulting Expenditures and outlays are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Efforts directed at assuring compliance constitute the Audit phase
Approved Budget Authority
After the President signs the appropriation and authorization bills, appropriated funds are distributed to the services and eventually trickle down through the applicable sub-divisions within each DoD component and finally to the program or unit level for execution. Appropriated funds are officially issued and authorized on BA or Operating Budget Authority Documents (OBAD). CANNOT exceed.
Accounting Cycle
Three Phases:
- Commitment (based on certified purchase requests, procurement directions, or orders)
- Obligation
- Expenditure/Disbursement (payment is made by DFAS). Sometimes referred to as outlays
Program Element Monitor (PEM)
Action officer responsible for monitoring and communicating financial, schedule and programmatic facets of a program
Program Element (PE)
Basic building block of the Future Years Defense Program. The PE is an 8-10 part alpha numeric program identifier
A major subdivision within Services having a specific portion of the service (Air Force, Army, Navy, etc.) mission
User or Customer group that advocates for Programs; responsible for requirements and resources
Defense Planning Guide (DPG)
Document, issued by Secretary of Defense, provides a strategic framework for developing the Service and DoD Agency program requests.
Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
Database is maintained by OSD
Contains detailed compilation of Total Resources (funding, manpower and forces) for all Defense Programs
Updated two times per annual PPBE cycle:
The FYDP Includes the Budget Year + 4 Out-Years for Total Resources + 3 additional years force structure
Disconnect (D)
Funding shortfall (a “Bill”) in approved program due to mismatch between program resources and approved program content
Initiative (I)
Proposal for additional funds (also a “Bill”) which adds to an on-going program or is a new start
Example: Develop a new satellite system
Offset (O)
Resource (a “Billpayer”) identified to help pay for disconnects and initiatives–not “tied” to any particular disconnect or initiative
Example: Delay SBIRS to fund another requirement
Congressional Enactment Cycle
Budget Resolution
DoD Authorization Process
DoD Appropriations Process
Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA)
Authorization and Appropriations Bills are enacted annually
Congressional Enactment Cycle (Budget Resolution)
Initial activity after Congress receives President’s Budget
House/Senate Budget Committees
- Consider national priorities of total federal budget
- Set budget targets for federal budget & each appropriations bill, including Defense
- Individual programs not considered–will be “marked” by the Authorization and Appropriations Committees
- Approve non-binding budget resolution
Congressional Enactment Cycle (DoD Authorization Process )
House and Senate Armed Services Committees (HASC and SASC)
-Provides statutory authority to establish or maintain programs
-Provide Congressional direction
*Detailed direction found in the Congressional language attached to the Authorization Bill
-Defines the scope and content for all programs
Sets funding limits for all programs
Congressional Enactment Cycle (DoD Appropriations Process)
House and Senate Appropriations Committees (HAC/SAC)
- Appropriates funding annually for all 13 government agencies
- Appropriations can’t exceed Authorizations for individual programs
- Appropriations Act provides Budget Authority (“Credit Limit”) for the next fiscal year
- Permits federal programs to obligate the government to make payments from Treasury
- Provides Congressional direction
- Detailed direction found in Congressional language attached to Appropriations Bill
Congressional Enactment Cycle (Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA))
Sustains government operations beyond the end of the fiscal year (30 Sep) until an Appropriations Bill can be passed by Congress
- Designed to continue ongoing activities at their current levels for short periods of time
- Spending is usually limited to the lowest level approved by the HAC or SAC
- Cannot start any new programs
- Cannot increase quantities
Five major appropriation Categories
Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E)
Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
Military Personnel (MILPERS)
Military Construction (MILCON)
Propriety of Funds
Rule: Funds appropriated by Congress must be used only for those purposes authorized in the specific appropriation (Title 31 U.S.C., Section 1301a)
Bona Fide Need
Rule: Obligation must be for genuine needs of the period for which the cited appropriation is available (Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1502a)
Anti-Deficiency Act
Rule: Distribution, obligation, and expenditure of funds will not exceed budget authority or statutory/regulatory limitations (Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1341a)
The Accounting Cycle
COMMITMENT ADMINISTRATIVE RESERVATION OF FUNDS -- Purchase Request (PR) to fund year 1 of new MILSTAR Contract
– Contracting officer signs MILSTAR contract,
“obligates” the Government to pay ABC
contractor for services rendered
– Paying an ABC invoice for services rendered on a