spreadsheets: client needs
- monitering - spreadsheets offer customisable dashboard and reporting functionalities, allowing management to monitor key financial metrics irl
- training - specialised training programs can be tailored to meet business spesific needs eg scenario analysis
spreadsheets: user
- training - ongoing training can be implemented to keep staff updated on advanced spreadsheet functionalities
- specialist features - data validation empowers users to preform sophistaced financial tasks with ease
spreadsheets: time
- time saving - automation of routine tasks eg budgeting
- however - time taken to create templates and formulas is significant
spreadsheets: cost
- cost saving - facilties strategic cost management iniatives
- however - initiial investment in software is substantial
spreadsheets: security
password protection: spreadhssetws can be encypted through the use of passwords to safeguard data from unauthorised access
however: may not be sufficent to protect against sophisticated cybersecurty threats
databases: client + user
- facilitate increased efficiency by streamlining daily tasks
- efficiency leads to cost saving
- by centralising data storage, databases can facilitiate faster decision making and more informed strategic planning
databases: client + user
some staff may resist using databases due to unfamilairity and resistence to change
databases: time
databases allow a business to track, moniter and measure time efficiently by facilitating timely reminders to clients, contributing to the overall efficiency + supportiung finacial decison making by providing instant, up to date, information.
databases: time
- process of setting up analytical functions can be time consuming
databases: cost
whilst there is upfront cossts associated with databases, the long term benefits justify the investment
databases: cost
ongoing costs suhc as spftware updates can strain financial recources
databases: security
databases offer robust securty measures , providing a frameowrk for enforcing data privacy and safety measures
databases: security
despite robust security: theyre not immune to cyber threats such as malware or other data breeches.