Factors important to establishing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance in CBT
- empathy
- genuiness
- non possessive warmth
- unconditional positive regard
- focus attention on client
Characteristic Pattern of Thinking: Guilt
- broken his or her own idiosyncratic rules of what is fair and just
- I should have done that’ or ‘It’s my fault’
- judge themselves to be totally bad and overlook their strengths.
Characteristic Pattern of Thinking: Shame
- undesirable qualities/behaviours
- see selves as total failure
- if others see them in this way ridicule/drives behaviour
- aim to hide these un- desirable qualities
Characteristic Pattern of Thinking: Anger
- someone else has broken individual’s idiosyncratic rules of fair/just
- Typical thoughts include ‘shouldn’t’ or ‘mustn’t’ statements
Characteristic patterns of thinking: Anxiety
- increased perception of danger
- decreased perception of ability to cope with danger
- thoughts, vulnerability, loss of control, fear of social ridicule, physical harm and death
- more prone to scan for potential threats than controls
- lower thresholds for noticing potential threats
characteristic patterns of thinking : Depression
- more negative about things, self, world, future,
- impaired problem solving
- longer retrieve positive memories
- easy access negative memory
What compromises thought?
- memories of the past
- comments on the present
- predictions about the future
- images/mental pictures.
distinguish between feelings/thoughts
- I feel angry (feeling)
- I feel like a failure (thought)
- the word ‘that’ or ‘that I’m a’ can -I feel that I’m a failure’. (Thought)
Define schema, how does a schema develop and get maintained?
-once developed you have schema glasses and see everything through those lenses and only pay attention to what fits schema
- structure for screening, coding, and evaluating stimuli that affect organism
- rules that govern information processing/ behavior’
- information processing theory
- we group experiences into categories to understand/organize world
- develop as part of normal cognitive development
- powerful maintenance function for problems -schemas determine what we notice/attend to/remember of our experiences
- maintained in the face of contradictory evidence through distorting/not noticing/ or discounting contradictory information
What is an alternative schema?
- more adaptive schema (start to put a new one in place)
- involves not only testing maladaptive beliefs but identifying/strengthening alternative more adaptive schemas.
- alternative schema must be developed before the client will be capable of looking at the evidence
- psychodrama
- continuum
- sentence completion
How does change/growth occur according to CBT? What are the goals of this approach?
- Time limited
- insight and action oriented
- want a change and shift in insight and behavior
Specific goals of assessment in CBT (2)
(1) arriving at a diagnosis to describe client’s symptoms
(2) arriving at a tentative explanation of the client’s symptoms in cognitive-behavioral terms that can then be used to plan treatment.
Goal of determining diagnosis
- cant have treatment plan without formal diagnosis
- helps to identify specific techniques for that specific diagnosis
The Cognitive Model
- it is not events themselves that affect our behavior but how we perceive events.
- single situation can elicit various emotional/behavioral responses, depending on how the person perceives the situation.
- when people find themselves in situations, automatic thoughts activate and influence their core beliefs and intermediate beliefs
- different people/different reactions to same event
Cognitive Restructuring (definition, application, techniques, goals) *
-identifying and reframing maladaptive thoughts
- Rather than treating automatic thoughts as “truths,” involves questioning our thoughts and reframing them if they are irrational or unhelpful
- single situation has many possible interpretations.
- in vivo exposure, social skills training, relaxation training, and structured problem solving
- based in learning theory and involve unlearning old, maladaptive associations between stimuli and our responses while also learning new ones.