Finals Reviewer: PART2 Flashcards
Paul VI
Populorum Progressio
“On the Developmental of Peoples”
Populorum Progressio
Theme of Populorum Progressio
- integral human development
- call for global solidarity
- development, the name for peace
Reminds us that development is not just about economic growth, but is a SOCIAL PROGRESS too
Populorum Progressio
Development must be meaningful to human persons
Social Progress
Are morally responsible to provide aid to the poor
Rich Nations
Donor nations are encouraged to do away with oppressive structures in loads and aids
Authentic Aid
Should not become a norm between the donor and the beneficiary
Often stem from hunger, deprivation, poverty and misery
Works for peace-building includes what
When people are _____, only we can start discussing about peaceful coexistence
John Paul II
Laborem Exercens
“On Human Work”
Laborem Exercens
Themes of Laborem Exercens
- work as the key to the social problem
- role of indirect employers
Fundamental to our nature and dignity as persons
Product of labor v. Acting agent
Objective work v. Subjective work
Give much importance to economic achievements