Finals Review Deck 3 [Estafa; Crimes Against Chastity; Crimes Against Honor] Flashcards
What are the general elements of Estafa?
“General Elements of Estafa:
- That the accused defrauded another (a) by abuse of confidence, or (b) by means of deceit; and
- That damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third person.”
How are the three forms of estafa committed?
“Three Forms of Estafa: Estafa is committed –
- with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence;
- by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts; or
- through fraudulent means.”
What are the elements of the crime of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by altering the substance, quantity, or quality of the thing due?
“Elements of Estafa with Unfaithfulness by Alteration:
- That the accused defrauded another through unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence.
- That the offender has an onerous obligation to deliver something of value.
- That he alters its substance, quantity, or quality.
- That damage or prejudice is caused to another.
- That the damage or prejudice is capable of pecuniary estimation.”
What are the elements of the crime of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by misappropriation?
“Elements of Estafa with Abuse of Confidence Through Misappropriation:
- That the accused defrauded another by abuse of oconfidence;
- That money, goods, or other personal property be received by the offender in trust, or on commission, or for administration, or under any other obligation involving the duty to make delivery of, or to return, the same;
- That there be misappropriation or conversion of such money or property by the offender, or denial on his part of such receipt;
- That such misappropriation or conversion or denial is to the prejudice of another;
- That the damage or prejudice is capable of pecuniary estimation; and
- That there is a demand made by the offended party to the offender.”
What are the elements of the crime of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by taking advantage of signature in blank?
“Elements of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence by taking undue advantage of the signature in blank:
- That the paper with the signature of the offended party be in blank;
- That the offended party should have delivered it to the offender;
- That above the signature of the offended party a document is written by the offender without authority to do so;
- That the accused did so with unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence;
- That the document so written creates a liability of, or causes damage to, the offended party or any third person;
- That the damage or prejudice is capable of pecuniary estimation.”
What are the elements of estafa by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts?
“Elements of estafa by means of false pretenses (Art. 315):
- That there must be a false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means;
- That such false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means must be made or executed prior to or simultaneously with the commission of the fraud;
- That the offended party must have relied on the false pretense, fraudulent act, or fraudulent means, that is he was induced to part with his money or property because of the false pretense, fraudulent act, or fraudulent means;
- That as a result thereof, the offended party suffered damage.”
What are the ways of committing the crime of estafa by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts?
“The ways to commit the crimes of estafa by means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts are:
- By using a fictitious name, or falsely pretending to possess power, influence, qualifications, property, credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions, or by means of other similar deceits;
- BY altering the quality, fineness or weight of anything pertaining to his art or business;
- By pretending to have bribed any Government employee;
- By postdating a check or issuing a check in payment of an obligation when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check. “
What is estafa through falsification?
Estafa through falsification is a complex crime under Art. 48 of the RPC. It is committed when the offender consummates the crime of falsification prior to the commission of the crime of estafa. The falsified document, however, is a necessary means to commit the crime of estafa.
What are the other forms of swindling?
“The other forms of swindling (Art. 316) are:
- Any person who, pretending to be the owner of any real property, shall convey, sell, encumber, or mortgage the same;
- Any person who, knowing that real property is encumbered, shall dispose of the same, although such encumbrance be not recorded;
- The owner of any personal property who shall wrongfully take it from its lawful possessor, to the prejudice of the latter or any third person;
- Any person who, to the prejudice of another, shall execute any fictitious contract;
- Any person who shall accept any compensation given him under the belief that it was in payment of services rendered or labor performed by him, when in fact he did not actually perform such services or labor;
- Any person who, while being a surety in a bond given in a criminal or civil action, without express authority from the court or before the cancellation of his bond or before being relieved from the obligation contracted by him, shall sell, mortgage, or, in any other manner, encumber the real property or properties with which he guaranteed the fulfillment of such obligation.”
What are the elements of swindling a minor?
“Elements of swindling a minor (Art. 317):
- That the offender takes advantage of the inexperience or emotions or feelings of a minor;
- That he induces such minor (1) to assume an obligation, or (2) to give release, or (3) to execute a transfer of any property right;
- That the consideration is (1) some loan of money, (2) credit or (3) other personal property;
- That the transaction is to the detriment of such minor.”
What are other deceits (Art. 318)? What are their elements?
“The other deceits (Art. 318) are:
- By defrauding or damaging another by any other deceit not mentioned in the preceding articles;
- By interpreting dreams, by making forecasts, by telling fortunes, or by taking advantage of the credulity of the public in any other similar manner, for profit or gain.
Elements first form of other deceit:
- That the offender defrauds or damages another by any act not falling under Art. 315, 316, and
- That there is damage capable of pecuniary estimation caused (general element of estafa);
Elements of second form of other deceit:
- That the offender interprets dreams, makes forecasts, by telling fortunes, or by taking advantage of credulity of the public in any similar manner (this is the act of defrauding);
- That he does so for the purpose of profit or gain.”
What are the acts punishable under Chattel Mortgage?
“The acts punishable under Chattle Mortgage, Removal, sale or pledge of property (Art. 319) are:
- By knowingly removing any personal property mortgaged under the Chattel Mortgage Law to any province or city other than the one in which it was located at the time of execution of the mortgage, without the written consent of the mortgage or his executors, administrators or assigns;
- By selling or pledging personal property already pledged, or any part thereof, under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage Law, without the consent of the mortgagee written on the back of the mortgage and noted on the record thereof in the office of the register of deeds of the province where such property is located.”
What are the punishable acts under Destructive Arson (Art 320)?
“The crime is destructive arson when any person:
- Burns one or more buildings, edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or as a result of simultaneous burnings, or committed on several or different occasions;
- Burns any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the public in general or where people usually gather or congregate for a definite purpose such as, but not limited to official governmental function or business, private transaction, commerce, trade workshop, meetings and conferences, or merely incidental to a definite purpose such as but not limited to hotels, motels, transient dwellings, public conveyance or stops or terminals, regardless of whether the offender had knowledge that there are persons in said building or edifice at the time it is set on fire and regardless also of whether the building is actually inhabited or not;
- Burning any train or locomotive, ship, or vessel, airship or airplane, devoted to transportation or conveyance, or for public use, entertainment or leisure;
- Burning any building, factory, warehouse installation and any appurtenance thereto, which are devoted to the service of public utilities;
- Burning any building, the burning of which is for the purpose of concealing or destroying evidence of another violation of law, or for the purpose of concealing bankruptcy or defrauding creditors or to collect from insurance;
- Burning any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse, or military powder or fireworks factory, ordinance, storehouse, archives of general museum of the Government;
- Burning in an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosive materials.”
What are Crimes Involving Destruction (Art. 324)?
“Crimes involving destruction (Art. 324):
- Any person shall cause the destruction of property;
- The destruction is by means of: explosion, discharge of electric current, inundation, sinking or stranding of a vessel, intentional damaging of the engine of said vessel, taking up the rails from a railway track, maliciously changing railway signals for the safety of moving trains, destroying telegraph wires and telegraph posts, or those of any other system, and, in general by using any other agency or means of destruction as effective as those above-enumerated”
What are the elements of knowingly removinng mortgaged personal property (Art. 319 subd.1)?
“Elements of knowingly removing mortgaged personal property (Art 319 subd 1) are:
- That the personal property is mortgaged under the Chattel Mortgage Law;
- That the offender knows that such property is so mortgaged;
- That he removes such mortgaged personal property to any province or city other than the one in which it was located at the time of the exectuion of the mortgage;
- That the removal is permanent;
- That there is no written consent of the mortgagee or his executors, administrators or assigns to such removal.”
What are the elements of selling or pledging personal property already pledged (Art. 319 subd. 2)?
“Elements of selling or pledging personal property already pledged (Art. 319 subd 2) are:
- That personal property is already pledged under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage Law;
- That the offender, who is the mortgagor of such property, sells or pledges the same or any part thereof;
- That there is no consent of the mortgagee written on the back of the mortgage and noted on the record thereof in the office of the register of deeds.”
What is the qualifying circumstance for the crime of Destructive Arson?
The penalty of destructive arson is qualified to Death when as a consequence of the commission of the crime, death results. death has been prohibited, reclusion perpetua
What are the elements of malicious mischief?
“The elements of malicious mischief are:
- That the offender deliberately caused damage ot the property of another;
- That such act does not consitute arson or other crimes involving destructiono.
- That the act of damaging another’s property be committed merely for the sake of damamging it.”
What are the Special Cases of Malicious Mischief (Art. 328)?
“The special cases of malicious mischief are:
- Causing damage to obstruct the performance of public functions;
- Using any poisonous or corrosive substance;
- Spreading any infection or contagion among cattle;
- Causing damage to the property of the National Museum or National Library, or to any archive or registry, waterworks, road, promenade, or any other thing used in common by the public.”
What is the difference between the first special case of malicious mischief (causing damage to obstruct the performance of public functions) from the crime of sedition (Art. 139)?
The difference is that Sedition (Art. 139) contains the element of public and tumultuous uprising while in Special Cases of Malicious Mischief, it is not present. They, however, are similar because they both contain the intent to obstruct the performance of public functions.
What are considered Other Mischiefs (Art. 329)?
Mischiefs not included in Art. 328 Special Cases of Mischief provided that there was a deliberate destruction or damage to property not falling under the crime of Arson. There is intent to damage.
How is Damage and Obstruction to Means of Communication committed (Art. 330)? What is the aggravating circumstance?
Damage and Obstruction to Means of Communication (Art. 330) is committed by: