FINALS MOD 3: LESSON 3 Flashcards
What are the 3 Domains that Dominate the Self
Physical Domain
Intellectual Domain
Emotional Domain
The 3 Domains must be balanced by individuals
If the 3 Domains are imbalanced, there will be a healthy condition
False, unhealthy
This Domain includes coordination, strength, and well - being
Physical Domain
This Domain includes alertness, analytical functioning, logical analysis, memory or recall, and communication
Intellectual Domain
This Domain includes creativity, sensitivity, mood, perception and awareness
Emotional Domain
Prescribes that in order to be healthy, one must regularly exercise, control the intake of unhealthy food, and be ing a forgiving mode, so as not to poison one’s mind.
Contemporary Medicine
If there is _______________ poison, there is also a ____________ poison. In it’s entirety, such negativity on all domains opens the possibility of occurrence of sickness or disease.
Physiological Poision , Psychological Poison
To avoid sickness or disease, a negative and reactive score in these domains leads to a healthier life
False, positive and proactive
_________ is taught at a very young age; it is a need to educate the youth as early as possible; is a compelling reason why individuals need to know themselves
Physical Education
Maintaning a __________ is a choice
Healthy Lifestyle
According to ___________ personal health responsibility is an essential step in disease prevention.
This involves active participation in one’s health and healing plan through education and lifestyle changes.
Steinbrook (2006)
People should think of the consequences of diseases than the
False, prevention
Knowing one’s family history, medical background, psychological background is not important.
False, very important
2 Types of Stress
Eustress ( Good Stress )
Distress ( Bad Stress )
Refers to the reaction of our physiological and psychological self to any kind of demand or threat. Right off the bat, one could already claim that not all stress is negative or unwanted.
Is a beneficial stress that can be in the form of physical, psychological and biological stimuli.
What is the Greek prefix that means good, hence with the word “eustress” means “good stress”.
is the exact opposite of eustress. It occurs when there is a tension build up which becomes unbearable and difficult to cope with.
Bad stress or distress
is any event that compels a person to adjust or change.
Give the common stressors that are described as unpleasant and life-threatening
Catastrophic events and life-threatening experiences
Life changes and strains
Chronic problems
Every day hassles
This type of stressor are abrupt unforeseen experiences or traumas, such as natural calamities, military combats, terrorist attacks, accidents and physical and sexual abuses.
Catastrophic events and life-threatening experiences
This type of stressor include separation of
parents, illness in the family, change of workplace, transfer of domicile, and other circumstances that demand people to adjust.
Life changes and strains
This type of stressor exist for a long period which includes circumstances such as suffering from a serious illness, having irresponsible neighbours, and failure to acquire a lucrative or high-income job.
Chronic problems
This type of stressor are irritations, pressures and annoyances that may not be significant stressors by themselves but whose cumulative effect can be
significant. Examples are traffic congestion, waiting in a long line to get a taxi, or just a bad day when everything goes wrong.
Every day hassles
refers to the ability of an individual to endure stress.
Stress tolerance
An individual’s stress tolerance is _______ on his or her psychological and physiological constitution; thus, everyone reacts differently to stress.
One’s perception of stress is __________.
A eustress for someone could be a distress to another. The reality is that one cannot really eliminate stress, but one can manage it.
What are the symptoms of poorly managed stress
are characterized by one’s inability to sleep, fatigue, headache, cramps, unpleasant aura and gastrointestinal problems.
Physical symptoms
Depression also causes aging and malignant diseases like cancer.
False, Stress
This type of symptom include lack of concentration, irritation, nervousness, panic, lack of appetite in food or too much intake of food, low level of enthusiasm and desire, and mood swings.
Some people who are unable to properly manage stress are vulnerable to unhealthy habits like drug addiction, alcoholism, cigarette smoking or poor diet. When these unhealthy habits persist, those people are led to undesirable behaviours.
Emotional and Behavioural symptoms
People who have adequate coping resources and methods will NOT suffer fewer effects of stressors compared to those who lack them.
In dealing with stressful experiences, people may use coping resources which include _________ and __________
Money & Time
The effect of stressors can also be eliminated through the use of ____________.
Effective Coping Methods
What are the two classifications of effective coping methods
Emotion- focused
This coping method involves an attempt to change or eliminate sources of stress. Examples of this coping method are confrontation, seeking social support and undertaking careful and deliberate problem solving.
This coping method is aimed at controlling the negative emotional consequences of stressors. Examples of this coping method are self-control (keeping feelings to oneself), distancing (not thinking about the stressors), accepting responsibility (attributing the stress
People who are unable to properly manage stress are vulnerabke to unhealthy habits
Culturally and socially, stress is typically viewed ____________.
Recent research, however, revealed that stress is a ________________.
Neutral concept
Similar to ___________ philosophy, a stress is relative.
One’s perception of stress depends on the perspective of the individual.
What are perennial stressors that frustrate most people in the Philippines.
(1) public transportation (e.g., MRT, LRT glitches) and traffic problems
(2) frequent increase in process of basic commodities and services (e.g., electricity and water bills)
(3) unfinished projects (e.g., drainage, roads, etc.) that cause further traffic congestion and risk to people’s safety.
Another stressor is the ___________________. The prices of rice, meat, vegetables, sugar, bread, oil and fish continue to rise. This causes so much stress to Filipino families, especially those living below the poverty line, as they try to stretch their budget in order to buy these commodities. The price increase does not go along with the salary increase. In addition to process of basic commodities, rates of electric and water consumption also increase. Consumers are stressed each time they hear a notice of increase in water and electricity rate.
Frequent increase in prices of basic commodities and services
Unfinished government projects contribute to the worsening traffic problem and may present
hazards to health.
refers to all
activities that a person does to maintain and improve his or her physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.
What are the 5 dimensions of Self Care
Philosophically and Psychologically speaking, a selfless individual does _______
Not exist
You cannot ______ to others what you ______
Give , Do not have
What are the benefits of Self - Care
Enhanced Productivity
Improved Vitality
Enhanced Self - Esteem
Increased Self - Knowledge
Mindfulness and Compassion
Under the 5 Dimensions of Self Care this includes all the activities that one does to maintain and improve his or her physical well- being like consistently sleeping for at least eight hours, drinking eight glasses of water, eating healthy and nutritious foods, taking vitamins, and exercising.
Physical self-care
Under the 5 Dimensions of Self Care includes all the activities one does to deal or resolve mental health issues, address both positive and negative emotions, and learn to deal with negative self- talk (self-criticism).
Psychological self-care
Under the 5 Dimensions of Self Care includes all the activities one does to cope with stress and deal with grief.
Emotional self-care
Under the 5 Dimensions of Self Care includes all the activities one does to connect with people valuable to him or her. It means spending time and having a great time with loved ones and other valuable people including family, friends, neighbours, schoolmates, professional organizations, and many more.
Social self-care
Under the 5 Dimensions of Self Care includes all the activities one does to strengthen one’s relationship with his or her beliefs. It also includes meditation and contemplation about one’s purpose of existence according to his or her faith.
Spiritual self-care
When a person distances himself or herself from vices like drinking liquor, smoking and gambling, he or she will have more time to focus on his or her goals in addition to improving his or her
physical well-being.
Enhanced productivity
Physical care activities like exercising, eating the right food, drinking enough water, and getting enough sleep increase
resistance to diseases. Unhealthy habits make a person vulnerable to disease.
Improved vitality
Avoiding self-berating is very important. Negative self-talk is damaging to how one perceives himself or herself and may lead to anxiety and stress. It is important for a person to discover and accept who he or she really is and be proud about himself or herself.
Enhanced self-esteem
After a person discovers and accepts who he or she is, it is important for him or her to know what he or she wants and what he or she loves to do. With this, one will be able to live life to the fullest according to the purpose he or she has.
Increased self-knowledge
Knowing and being good to oneself stems from goodness and compassion one directs towards other people.
Mindfulness and compassion
is defined as showing compassion to oneself. It involves being open to and moved by one’s own suffering, expressions care and kindness towards oneself, taking an understanding and non-judgmental attitude toward one’s inadequacies and failures, and recognizing that one’s own experience is part of the common human experience.
One needs to have _________
Humans are _______________. They should positively take challenges in life as well as the wrong choices and decisions they made with the hope of improving themselves so as not to commit the same mistakes twice.
Imperfect beings
Some people would perceive themselves as stupid or as fools because of certain actions or decisions they have made. This act of __________ ruins one’s self- esteem and is a sign of lack of self-respect.
has three main
elements, namely:
Self- kindness
Common humanity
It means not being physically and verbally harsh to oneself.
Self- kindness
is the act of harming oneself through physical means which is both physically and psychologically damaging to an individual.
is a kind of verbal abuse directed to oneself. It involves an act where one blames himself or herself for his or her actions or decisions. Usually, this is done by stating unkind words to oneself.
Self- beration
means acceptance that one is an imperfect being. one makes along with everyone else, and one does not always get that he or she wants.
Common humanity
is the practice of being fully present in the moment. One has to turn towards his or her painful thoughts and emotions in order to embrace himself or herself with compassion.