Finals Lesson 1 Flashcards
7 backup methods:
- Full Backup
- Incremental Backup
- Differential Backup
- Full Backup + Incremental Backup
- Full Backup + Differential Backup
- Incremental Forever Backup
- Synthetic Backup
______ process, all files and folders selected are backed up.
Full backup
This is generally used as an initial backup in every enterprise and subsequently incremental or differential backups are conducted respectively. It is repeated after a set of incremental or differential backups to update the original full backup copy with updates made from previous full backup.
Full Backup
Backup Advantages:
- Easy to manage as entire list of files and folders are in one backup set.
- Easy to maintain
Full Backup
Backup Disadvantages
- Backups can take very long time as each file is backed up repeatedly every time a full backup is run.
- Consumes massive storage space.
- The exact same files are being stored repeatedly resulting in inefficient use of storage.
Full Backup
In _______, all changes or newly added data that take place since last full backup or last incremental backup are backed up. This is generally used after a full backup to save time by backing up modifications made on each day from full backup.
incremental backup
Backup Advantages
- Much faster backups
- Efficient use of storage space, as files are not duplicated
Incremental Backup
Backup Disadvantages
- Restores are slower
- Restores are complicated. The full backup and all consecutive incremental backups are
needed to perform a restore.
Incremental Backup
In ________, all changes or newly added data that took place since last full or differential backup are backed up and each differential backup is merged into next day’s differential backup copy making restoration process faster.
Differential Backup
Backup Advantages
- Much faster backups
- Faster restores
Differential Backup
Backup Disadvantages
- Not an efficient use of storage space. All files added or edited after a differential backup will be duplicated again with each following differential backup
- Restores are slightly complicated. The full backup and last differential backup copies are
needed to perform a restore.
Differential Backup
In combinational backup process, all files and folders selected are backed up during the initial full backup and updates are backed up in the subsequent incremental backups.
Full Backup + Incremental Backup
Only changes are backed up while performing .
incremental backups
True or false: In Full Backup + Incremental Backup, the full backup is repeated after a set of incremental backups. Last full backup and all incremental backups from the time of last full backup copies are required to restore any data.
Backup operation on day 1 is functioning typically and fresh supplementary data is available on day 2 which is backed up through an incremental backup.
Full Backup + Incremental Backup
In combinational backup process, all files and folders selected are backed up during initial full backup and updates are backed up in the subsequent differential backups.
Full Backup + Differential Backup
The changes backed up in first differential backup are updated in subsequent differential backup.
Full Backup + Differential Backup
True or false:
In Full Backup + Differential Backup, the full backup is repeated after a set of differential backups to update data. The last full backup and last differential backup sets of tapes are required to restore data.
In __________, all changes that take place since first full backup copy are backed up. This is generally used after an initial full backup and sequential incremental backups are conducted forever.
Incremental forever Backup
Backup Advantages
- Reduces length of backup window
- No need for scheduling the full backup
- Reduces load on network
- Availability of data
- Transparency in restoration procedure, automated restoration
Incremental forever Backup
Backup Disadvantages
- Restores require full backup and all incremental backup copies to perform a restore making it complex
Incremental forever Backup
In ___________ process, an initial full backup is conducted and then incremental backups are performed consecutively.
Synthetic backup
As the name suggests this backup is not created from original data. The full backup will eventually be merged into the following incremental backup to form a new synthetic full backup. The incremental backups consist of updates only.
Synthetic backup
Backup Advantages
- Consumes less time to perform backup
- Costs are reduced
- Lower restore time
Synthetic Backup
Backup Disadvantages
- This backup cannot be first backup performed on a system
- It cannot be following backup of a full backup
Synthetic Backup
The two most important storage system technologies are __________ and ________.
File level storage;
Block level storage
_________ is the process of creating raw blocks of storage, which can be handled individually. This system is commonly used in SAN. It is presented as a hard disk to the server. The blocks are controlled by the Server based OS.
Block level storage
Advantages of _____
* Offers better speed
* Popular with SAN users
* Reliable
* Transport system is efficient
Block level storage systems
________ is the process of backing up entire file system if there is a slight modification in any of the files. This is the most common storage system that we find with our hard-drives, NAS systems, which is used to share files with users.
File level storage
They are configured with common file level protocols such as NTFS (windows) and NFS (Linux). This method is cost effective when compared to block level storage. A hybrid model using both levels of storage can also be used based on the requirement of the enterprise.
File level storage
Advantages of _______
* Simple usage
* Comparatively cheaper
* Transparency in storing and accessing files
* Popular with NAS users
* Bulk access to files
File Level Storage System
When a disaster occurs, time period prior to occurrence of a disaster during which data is lost and is of allowable, limit can be defined as ________.
recovery point objective
Time period between the disaster occurrence and time where application, server or business activities are up and running again in their established order can be defined as the _________.
recovery time objective
The _________ is measured in days or hours. This refers to the time period a backup copy will be retained.
age of backup
Time taken for a backup to be successfully executed and stored.
Time taken to backup
Time taken by the server for the recovery of lost data. This depends on factors such as network speed, size of data, type of network, speed of the media, etc.
Time taken to recover
The _______ is the financial estimate of Backup and DR plan in an enterprise. It includes both capital and operational expenses. ______ refer to initial costs in setting up Backup and DR infrastructure where ______ refer to maintaining equipment and procurements.
total cost of ownership;
Capital costs;
operational costs
The step-by-step procedure of performing a backup can be defined in the numbered order.
Backup Operation
The step-by-step procedure of performing a recovery can be defined in the numbered order.
Recovery Operation
Cloud-based Backup and DR Advantage:
This system requires minimal capital costs.
Low total cost of ownership
Cloud-based Backup and DR Advantage:
Traditional backup solutions are more complex as they need more pieces of software or agents. Cloud-based solutions generally have less complexity and have less pieces of software to manage. Its deployment is very easy, as it does not require an agent to be installed on every existing device in enterprise.
Easier deployment
Cloud-based Backup and DR Advantage:
With login credentials, a user can access the data from any location.
Cloud-based Backup and DR Advantage:
Software updates do not require rebooting of all devices.
Easier upgrades
________ offer built-in features like multi-tenancy, encryption and compression, which are not offered by tape-based solution.
Cloud-based solutions
As backup media do not leave the data center in traditional backup, it is less vulnerable to security threats, but loss of tapes, inability to find the right tapes during restores, tapes falling off a truck are quiet common. Cloud backup solutions are sometimes susceptible to security worries, because data travels over networks, subject to hacking. Depending on cloud deployment, the information may also be available.
Services that can be on hardware platform:
Enterprise need to keep on increasing the size of online storage according to growth in data.
Storage space
Services that can be on hardware platform:
One of the main factors in cloud-based Backup and DR. It is required for both data transfer and storage operations. It has impact on recovery timeframe.
Bandwidth Utilization