Finals Faith 1 Flashcards
Blessing and adoration
Asking God to care for someone or thing and acknowledging God for who God is
Prayer expressing gratitude and thanks
Expressing your love for God
Wordless form of prayer and which one is focused on the present
Form a prayer in which one engages mind, imagination, and emotion
Vocal prayer
Prayer spoken aloud or silently
A word for Christian prayers of praise directed towards the trinity
Prayer for someone else
Intense experience with God resulting in a union with God
Liturgy of the hours
Time when prayer is called usually around five and 12 PM
Prayers for particular intention with nine series of prayers
Prayer asking for God’s help for you
Talking and listening to God
Messengers of God
To honor and preserve all creation. To share your time, talent, and teasures
Overcoming the differences of religions
The second coming of Jesus
Group of religious organizations within the religion of Christianity examples are Protestant, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Mormon, and Baptist
Nicene creed
Creed that is said at every Sunday in affirms the beliefs of Jesus Christ
Purgatory for unbaptized babies (old)
Desired effect you want
Original Sin
Sin first human beings committed leaving everyone with Original Sin also called the fall
Three days of litergical season that begins with mass on of lords supper on holy Thursday and ends with Easter Sunday
Official list of books in the Bible
God in three persons. father son and Holy Spirit
Religion with only one God does include Judaism,Christianity, and Islam
What is the mass celebrate?
It celebrates the life and death of Jesus Christ
The last song sung in mass?
The bells of St. Mary’s or the alta Malta
The prima process
It explains how to read the Bible it includes praying, Reading attentively, imagine you’re in the text, meditating, and applying the situation in your life
The holy days of obligation means to fast all. True or false
False it means to go to church
How many sacraments are there
Seven sacraments
What are the three areas of the sacrament
Initiation includes baptism and Eucharist and confirmation. Healing includes reconciliation anointing of the sick. Service includes Holy orders and matrimony
What is the church in the book on that day everybody ate
St. Clair parish
St. Francis of Assisi
Became ill and started valuing his life. Gave up his possesions to spend time with poor, outcast, and animals. Father and people rebelled against his ways. Feast day is October 4
St. Thomas of Aquinas
Greatest theologian in church. Wrote the summa theologica and was called “dumb ox” Perfect example of faith and reason together. January 28
Blessed Julian
Recluse who lived in Norwich who spent her time contempleting over God. Had 16 visions of the Passion of Christ and trinity. She believed God’s love was best expressed through the passion of christ. May 8
St. Patrick
Kept as an irish slave in england and finally escaped and came back to ireland. Saw God in all of nature. He saw the trinity in the shamrock
Saint Cecilia
Patron saint of musicians, singers, and poets. Persecuted for death because of being catholic in Roman Empire. Roman attempted to soffocate and behead her 3 times. November 22
st. Mary
Mother of Jesus. First disiple of jesus and known for her devotion to God. Born original sin called the imamcalaute conception. The annunciation is when Gabriel told her
St. Peter
First Pope. He first didn’t understand Jesus’ teachings but was the first to see him when he ressurected from the dead. June 29
St. Helen
Mother of Constantine and changed the Roman Empire into christianity. August 18
Imaculate Conception
Mary was born without original sin from conception
Catholic Attitudes
- All creation is sacred
- All people are essentially good
- appreciate faith and reason
- emphasis on worship and community life
- respect diversity
Catholic Belief
- original sin
- covenants with god
- resurrection
- trinity
- church hierarchy
- eternal salvation
Catholic practices
- 7 sacraments
- euacharists the heart of the church
- mass on sunday
- follow the Ten Commandments
- be pro life
- honor saints and holy people, especially Mary
Jesus Christ
Son of god and second person in trinity
Sacred scripture
Ecumenical council
Council 1960s That gathered pope and bishops
Individual who resides with god and is tranformed into gods holiness
Salvation history
Humans working towards fixing the relationship with god
The chosen people
Old Testament
first 46 books of the bible that tell the story of the isrealites. The 4 sections the pentateuch, the historical books, the wisdom books, and the prophets
New Testament
27 books in the bible that tell story of Jesus including the gospels, the acts of apostles, the episteles, and the book of revelation
Our response to gods love
A summary of what you believe in like the nicene creed
A person who does not believe in God
Belief in many Gods
The beginning of all that exists as a result of an act of god
Spiritual life principle of human beings that survive after death
Art of the Covenant
Chest that holds the Ten Commandments
Paschal Mystery
Redemption of all humanity through christs passion, death, resurrection, and ascension
God’s manifestation where he showed Moses the Ten Commandments through the burning the bush
First five books of the old testment
“anointed one”
physical mark of the covenant
belief that jesus is both god and man
Hebrew name for God
Greek word for mother of god
When was St. John Baptist de la salle born
1651 in rhiems France died in 1719
When was st. Marys founded
1863 in san francisico mission district
When was st. Marys moved to perelta park?
1927 with st. joseph’s academy
Moses covenant
Gos gave Moses the Ten Commandments also known as the Mosaic law or the Old law. Promised Jesus through the law. Also, Isrealites were freed from slavery in Eygpt
Covenant with Abraham
Promised abraham that 1. to make him of great great nation by promising many descendants, 2. to provide abraham and his descendents a land of their own, and 3. to make abraham and his desecendants of all creation.
Noah covenant
God promised never to destroyed the world again with flood.
Davidic Covenant
God asks david to make the ark of the covenant. David wrote all the Pslams found in the Old Testament.
Saint Francis de la salles
Stressed the importance of living a prayerful and religious life. Wrote a book called the Introduction to a devout life and founded the salesians of brothers
St. Isaac Jogues
Jesuit missionary in Canada and was tortured and killed by indians. Known as American Martyr
St. Augustine of Hippo
Saint that had trouble liking religion at first but converted after becoming depressed. Before he was a buisnessman and inspired many bibical writings especially on the theology of original sin
st. Vincent de Paul
Focused his whole life on the poor and founded the Daughters of Charity. Inspired Fedrerick to find the Saint Vincent de paul society which is dedicated to serving the poor.
When DLS ordained?
Development of Gospels
- Appearing in person
- Proclaiming the good news
- Writing it down
- Authorizing the list