FINALS Flashcards
What is a concentration camp?
A concentration camp was a camp where Nazis tortured and killed thousands of Jews
What was Auschwitz?
Auschwitz was the concentration camp that kept and killed the majority of the Jews.
What is Antisemitism?
Antisemitism was the disliking of Jews and the Jewish religion.
What is Kristallnacht?
Kristallnacht, meaning “crystal night” is referring to the broken glass on the ground during the night looking like crystal. The Nazis would destroy Jewish stores and when the windows were broken and the glass pieces were on the ground at night, they say it looked like crystal.
What is the Nazi Regime?
The Nazi Regime was a governmental group of Nazis
Who is Adolf Hitler?
Adolf Hitler was a man who helped create the German Worker’s Party, which soon became the Nazi party. He wanted to eliminate ALL Jews, and started WWII.
What is a holocaust?
A holocaust is a burnt offering or sacrifice.
What/who are Jackboots?
Jackboots were the Nazi soldiers.
What are the names of the authors of MILKWEED and THE UPSTAIRS ROOM?
Jerry Spinelli and Johanna Reiss
Who is Moose?
Moose is a boy who lived on the island of Alcatraz with his sister and parents.
Who is Piper?
Piper is a girl on Alcatraz who lead Moose and his friends into mischievous missions, like cleaning clothes for money and trying to meet Al Capone’s mother.
Who is Natalie?
Natalie is Moose’s sister, who also has autism. She is trying to be sent to the Esther P. Marinoff school so she can get better.
Who is Scout?
Scout is one of Moose’s friends, and every Tuesday, and soon Monday, they play baseball after school.
Who is the Warden?
The Warden is Piper’s father, and is also the leader on Alcatraz.
Who is Onion?
Onion is an inmate on Alcatraz who becomes friends with Natalie, and helps get Moose an inmate baseball.
What is a simile?
A simile is comparing two or more things with “like” or “as.”
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is comparing two things that are not related, but have similarities.
What is a hyperbole?
A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration of something.