Finals Flashcards
The legal drinking age in all states is
Blood alcohol concentration is measured to determine whether someone is
drinking recently or is drunk
Teens often choose to drink because they think it
can relieve stress, relax you, and make them feel good
Which has a higher alcohol content: wine, liquor, beer?
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Chemical compound; causes rapid breathing, confusion, increased cardiac output, and elevated blood pressure in humans when exposed to high levels
——– is thickened, white, leathery looking spots on the throat that can
develop into oral cancer.
Cancer cells typically form a mass of tissue called a
In Spike ball you are allowed up to ——- hits before the opposing team hits.
A —– is a drug that slows brain and body reactions.
Death usually occurs when BAC is at
A driver over the legal age caught driving with a BAC of —— or over is charged with DWI.
What effects does Alcohol have on the liver?
Liver cells die, prolonged drinking can reduce ability to regenerate cells
A group of birth defects caused by the effects of alcohol on an unborn child is
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD’s)
What factors affect BAC?
Number of drinks, how fast you drink, gender, weight, food in stomach, etc
The consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time is called
Acute alcohol intoxication
A stimulant drug that increases activity in the nervous system is
caffeine, cocaine, rack, nicotine, and ecstasy
Eighty percent of infectious diseases are spread by what?
What kind of contact would it be when a person coughs/sneezes and the pathogens in the air are then inhaled?
respiratory droplet transmission
Most infectious diseases are spread by some form of contact. What kind of contact would be shaking hands?
What is arrhythmia
abnormal heartbeat
Badminton games are played to what score?
21 pts
Spikeball is played with players on each team.
One JULL refill pod contains as much nicotine as a pack of — cigarettes.
Smoking can lead to what heath issues?
Cancer, Heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, type 2 diabetes, etc
The act of refraining from, or not having, sex is called
—– is any drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pod of poppy plants.
————-& —————-are drugs that distort perception, thought, and mood.
Psychedelic and Dissociative drugs
————– occurs when drugs interact to produce effects greater than those that each drug would produce alone.
————- occurs when each drug’s effect is cancelled out or reduced by the other drug.
Drug antagonism
T or F
Heroin is a legal opiate made from morphine.
T or F
Cocaine is a depressant
T or F
Smokeless tobacco is a safe alternative to cigarettes
t or F
Binge Drinking is having five or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting
T or F
Diesel is a type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages.
T or F
A severe potential reaction to an alcohol overdose is intoxication.
T or F
Physical and mental impairment resulting from alcohol use is drunk driving
T or F
A depressant is a drug that slows the Central Nervous System
T or F
Addictive drug is the substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence
T or F
Air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke is called environmental tobacco smoke.
T or F
Stimulants are drugs that increases or speeds up the action of the central nervous system.
T or F
Carcinogens are a cancer-causing substance.
T or F
The smoke from the burning end of a cigarette is side stream smoke
T or F
Tar is the addictive drug found in tobacco leaves.
T or F
The smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker side stream smoke
T or F
Saying no, explaining reasons, suggesting alternatives, using body language, and walking away are all refusal skills
T or F
Breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death for women in the United States.
T or F
Under the Safe Haven Law a mother has up to 21 days to surrender her unharmed baby without fear of prosecution.
T or F
Intoxication can adversely affect the cardiovascular, excretory, and digestive systems
T or F
Intoxication can adversely affect the cardiovascular, excretory, and digestive systems
T or F
Barbiturates relax a person and in large does, they can induce sleep