Final - Wk 9 (observational studies) Flashcards
– P-values can tell you if the mean difference b/w groups in a study is statistically significant and if there is bias present????
Which type of study would be the best to assess associations in a rare disease?
case control
Observational vs Experimental:
– Which study design category do investigators have control of variables?
Observational vs Experimental:
– Which study design category do investigators not have control of variables?
Observational vs Experimental:
– Which study design category is best to use if there are many unknown factors?
Observational vs Experimental:
– Which study design category is best for investigating effect of single factors?
Observational vs Experimental:
– Which study design category is often the preferred design for studies of adverse events.
Descriptive vs Interferential:
– Which type of analysis is useful mainly for prevalence and incidence - to characterize the population?
Descriptive vs Interferential:
– Which type of analysis is useful for any studies looking at cause and effect or associations among risk factors (like OR and RR)?
Descriptive vs Interferential:
– Which type of analysis cannot test a hypothesis?
Descriptive vs Interferential:
– Which type of analysis is used in testing hypotheses?
Cohort studies start with ____ and follow group over time to determine ____.
- exposure/risk factor
- - outcome
What are the 2 outcome measures of cohort studies?
relative risk or risk ratio
How do you interpret a relative risk ratio of:
– PR > 1
increased risk of outcome
How do you interpret a relative risk ratio of:
– PR = 1
No risk of outcome