Final Test Flashcards
The enlightenment
Same as the enlightenment. 18th movement. Faith in human replaced with divine intervention. Science was praised. Learning for it’s own sense became valued like greek times. French had radical notions such as social justices and equality and justice freedom of speech and religious tolerance.
Age of reason
Same as the enlightenment. 18th movement. Faith in human replaced with divine intervention. Science was praised. Learning for it’s own sense became valued like greek times. French had radical notions such as social justices and equality and justice freedom of speech and religious tolerance.
Traite de l’harmonie
1722(Treatise of harmony) Written by jean Phillipe Remeau. Modality to tonality. Aeolian (minor) and Ionian (major) prevail; other modes into disuse. Full octave scales replaces guidian hand. Do replaces ut and ti is added. Transposition and modulation systemic use if Sharps and flats. Organization of tonality intl 12 major and minor keys. Functional harmony, chord inversion relative major and minor. Triads and seventh chords. Circle of fifths.
Responsible for all sacred music at a church and hiring and supervising performers, maintaining instrument a and teaching children.
Chief of music. (Maestro di Capella in Italy) most prestigious/lucrative music position available
Lutheran choral cantata
One of the few type of sacred that helped sacred music not decline.
Aeolian (major) and Ionian (major) modes prevailed. Full octaves. Do replaced ut and ti was added. Transposition added. Systematic snarls and flats. 12 major and minor keys.
devolped in ca 1711 by BArtolomeo cristofori. can play wide range of dynamics. predominant secular keyboard instrument by the end f the 18th century
Functional harmony
Tertian harmony. Chord inversion. Harmonic profession with root movement by fifth reluctance major and minor keys triads and seventh chords.
Equal temperament
Allows for transposition and chromaticism in any key. Bach used in WLK circle of fifths
Elaborate courtly entertainment using music entertainment using music dance and drama to portray allegorical story often celebrated the royal family.
A spoken play in which not exotic amorous and supernatural moment in the plot were sing or danced
Ground bass
A bass line that repeats over and over
Accompanied recitative
Piece for voice and continuo accompaniment. Obbligato accompaniment parts for the orchestra
Colla parte
“Wth the part” technique in which all instrumentL parts double the vocal lines
Collegium musicum
Association of musicians who gather to play the latest music. Bach assumes te directorship the Of the Leipzieg one in 1729.
George Frideric Handel
1685-1759. German. Operas in Italy. Oratorios operas instrumental music in London. Giulio Cesare, water music. Music for royal fireworks
De capo aria
Three sections a then contrasting b then a again.
Speech like sing.
Male castrated so he could sing soprano roles
Henry Purcell
1659-1695 most important English composer. Organist for Westminster. Buried at Westminster. Dido and Aeneas. Frequently employed ground bass. Significant indulgence on r. Williams and Ben Britten.
New drama in Rome based on based on Latin or Italian text. Usually about Old Testament. No lavish sets. Allowed during lent. Features narrator and follows some rules of opera
Prayer ha set aside just did praying preaching and singing oratories,
Con fraternity
Fraternal order emphasizing religious devotion and charity. Each oratory in rome sponsored by one
Oratorio/carissini. Latin starts with two voices then goes to 7. Popular judges 11 quick succession of short movements
Giacomo Carissimi
Compose/director if German college in rome for more than forty years. Fourteen oratorios. Jepthe
Zadok the priest
English anthem/Handel coronation. 19 parts. Ssaattbb choir orchestra vitreousjc choral parts
Succession of movements for solo voice and accompaniment altered between recitative and aria. Secular or sacred liturgical or non liturgical
Judith w
Guerre first set of cantatas in 1708. Solo voice and basso continuo. Da capo arias. 2 voice
Jacquet de la querre
1665-1729. Favorite if court if Versailles dedicated music to Louis XIV First Frenchwoman to write opera. Three volumes of cantatas. Judith
Baroque orchestra
Baroque orchestra accompanying instrument ensemble. By mid violin family was core. By second half wind instrument supplemented. Horns and flutes but til 18th century. Most famous was Louis the XIV in Versaille
Crucial northern Italy important to violin
One of the great cremonese violin makers of 17th century
Clarino register
register seventeenth century trumpet (without keys of valves) played in. late 17th to mid 18th called the “golden age of trumpet”
coiled horn based off english hunting horn. could play sever notes on harmonic series added in early 18th century. known as french horn
horn fifths
two part writing in which two musical lines pass through a perfect fifth in parallel motion, usually sliding back and forth between sixths, fifths, and thirds
18th century keyboard instruments
organ, harpsichord, pianoforte
piece for a single instrument or small instrument ensemble. there came to be two types sonata da camera and sonata da chiesa
sonata da camera
(of the chamber) made up of a series of dance like movements, each of which had the name and character of a particular dances such as gigue. usually 3-4 movements also known as dance suite. prelude would often be french overture movements usually in binary form
sonata de chiesa
(of the church) made up of fewer dance pieces and of movements titled after tempo markings such as grave. (clear references to secual dances were prohibited by the church) secular music not sacred or religious general four movements
Arcangelo Corelli
1653-1713. first composer in the history of music to make his reputation by instrumental music. Educated in bologna, worked in rome for Queen christina. used the norm of two types. solo sonata and trio sonata. Sonata Op4, no 1. Concerto Grosso in F major
solo sonata
for a single melodic instrument and basso continuo. takes 3 players
trio sonata
for two treble instruments, usually two violins, and basso continuo. takes 4 players
corelli sonata
mode for composer throughout europe characterized by multiple stops successions of four movements binary form and functional tonality
multiple stops
two or more notes played simultanesouly as chords
four movements
alternating slow fast slow fast all in same key (or relative major or minor)
binary form
structure consisting of two complimentary parts, first moving to a closely related key, and second beginning in that new key but soon returning to the tonic
functional tonality
harmons composed of triads, roots of which are a fifth apart
Isabella Leonarda
1620-1704. northern italy. nun in a convent composed of two hundred works. in 20 volumes. mostly religious vocal music
Sonata duodecima
Leonarda. only treble and bass clef.
Violin sonata Op. 4, No. 1
Corelli. dotted rhythm feature (which would become the french overture)
J.S. Bach
1685 died in Leipzig. four sons became famous musicians, had over 20 plus children a lot of which who died in infancy. in 1717 was Kapellmeister of Cothen until 1723. Turned down being organist in as Cothen next time he returned. Concertos orchestra suites sonatas, partitas. Married twice. 1703-1707 organist at Arnstadt. 1707-1708 organist and composer and Mulhasuen, 1708-1717 court organist for Duke of Weimar. 1717-1723 Kapellmeistr at court of Cothen. 1723-1750 Cantor at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig.
Branderberg Concertos
set of six concertos for “Several instruments” written for the most part in Cothen. Dedicated to Cristain Ludwig Margrave of Brandenburg.
Br. Concerto number 1 in F
2 horns, 3 oboes, bassoon, violono piccolo
Br concerto number 2 in F
trumpet, recorder, oboe, violin
br concerto number 3 in G
3 violins, 3 violas, 3 cellos
Br concerto number 4 in G
violin, 2 recorders
Br concerto number 5 in D
harpsichord, violin, flute (traverso)
Br concerto no. 6 in B-flat
2 violas, 2 viole de gamba, cello
Suite for unaccompanied cello no 1. in G major
one of six suites.BWV 1007-1012. this one is BWV 1007 Prelude. instrumental suite. Yo yo ma
Partita No. 2 in D minor
BWV 1004. ciaconna most celebrated and lengthy of all the Ach unaccompanied violin works. Hillary Hahn.
Bach Four orchestra suites
BWV 1066-1069 were originally called “overtures” and were probably composed between 1725 and 1739 in leipzig. Second movement “Air” of Suite Number 3 in D major ( 3 trumpets, 2 oboes, timpani) arguably the single most famous piece of Bach music
Monterverdi. Opera. 4 lines or 3 lines
Coronation of Poppea
Monteverdi opera. Only treble and bass clef
Armide overture
Lully tragedie lyrique 4 lines no text
Armide act 3 scene 5
Lully tragedie lyrique. 4 lines in French
Giulio Cesare act 1 scene 5
Handel opera. 2 lines cleopatra
Giulio Cesare act 1 scene 6
Handel opera two lines bass clef then 4 lines. Tolomeo
Guilt Cesare act 1 scene 7
Handel opera 4 lines Cesar
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 1
Purcell opera starts with 4 lines then goes to 10 when Chorus enters
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 2
Purcell opera 4 linear soprano lament
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 3
Purcell opera 5 lines 2 soprano
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 4
Purcell opera 10 lines 4 spoken
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 5
Opera Purcell 4 lines 1 sing
Dido and Aeneas act 1 scene 6
Purcell opera 5 line 2 sung when chorus comes in 10 lines 4 sung
Carrisimi oratorio 3 lines alto and organ then chorus is 8 lines with 6 sung duet 4 lines with 2 sung then basso cool 3 lines 1 sung then chorus is 8 lines 6 sung
Guerre cantata 2 lines 1 singing
Jesu Der du meine seele 1
Bach sacred cantata 4 lines sung 12 total chorus
Jesu Der du meine seele 2
Bach sacred cantata aria 4 lines two sung
Jesu Der du meine seele 5
Bach sacred cantata recit 5 lines 1 sung
Jesu Der du meine seele 6
Bach aria sacred cantata 6 lines 1 sung
Jesu Der du meine seele 7
Choral Bach sacred cantata 6 line 4 sung
Sonata duodecima
Leonarda sonata only treble and bass clef
Concerto grossi in f major op 6 no 2
Corelli concerto grosso 7 lines 4 treble and 2 bass and 1 I don’t know
Concerto in a minor op 3 no 8
Vivaldi concerto grosso 9 lines 5 treble 3 bass 1 alto
Pieces de Clavecin
Couperin harpsichord suite treble and bass
Toccata IX
Frecobaldi keyboard toccata treble and bass clef lots of sixteenth notes
Praeludium in g minor
Buxtehude organ prelude treble 2 bass clefs lots of 16th notes
WTk book 1 pre and fugue in c major
Bwv 846 pre and fugue treble and bass lots of 16th going up
WTk book 1 pre and fugue in c# minor
Bwv 848 pre and fugue treble and fugue mostly 8th notes in treble
Meine seele Ernest den herren
Bach choral prelude. 3 lines treble bass and alto
Bach Goldberg variations
Keyboard variations Bach Bwv 988
Aria- treble and bass half notes in bass
Var 1-treble and bass long jumps in bass
Var 2- repeat ends either on 8th or quarter note
Var 3- doted quarter at beginning
Var 4-repeat ends with c# in bass
Magnificat Peregrini toni
Pachelbel chorale prelude. two lines. no start in treble. then half notes.
an hour long concert of sacred music with arias and recitatives during the late afternoon of the last five sunday before and during advent
choral fantasia
lengthy composition for organ that takes a choral tune as a point of dearture and increasingly gives free reign to the composers imagination
choral prelude
a work for organ that seta a lutheran choral tune surrounding it with counterpoint and florid embellishment. sounded just once
choral variations
an extended work for organ in which a choral tune is set to variations
choral cantata
a genre of Protestant sacred music that uses the text and melody of a pre existing lutheran choral in some or all of its movements
Johann Pachelbel
german composer. trained in south german and austrian organ tradition he composed hundreds of vocal and instrumental pieces, most known for resides in canon in D major. Magnificant peregrine toni
Claudio Monteverdi
1567-1643. known as the composer to transition renaissance to the baroque period. known for the basso continuo. wrote L’orfeo considered first real opera. born in Cremona
musically heightened speech
Jean Phillipe Rameau
Wrote Traite de l’harmonie. which is a book about music theory. which has theories we still use today.
Royal Academy of Music
opera company established and financed by the King Louis XIV for the growth of french opera.
Jean Babtist Lully
Native of Florence. Served as principal for Louis XIV. gained authority over public vocal music in france. reputation of being ruthless. most important french composer. Armide.
tragedie lyrique
5 acts rather than 3 acts in opera seria. ballet was the centerpiece. begins with french overture. no use of castrati. text pays tribute toward royalty. typical structure of an act would be aria-refit-pet air-rev-divertissement.
french overture
instrumental prelude created by Lully as the opening of the French Operas. Usually opens with a slow section in duple meter marked by statle dotted rhythms, followed by fast triple meter section in imitative counterpoint. then return to slow dotted rhythm.
vingt-quartre violons du roi
twenty four string instruments of the violin family that constituted the core of the french court orchestra
Opera vs Tragedie lyrique
opera uses castrati, trag doesn’t, trag uses ballet as centerpiece opera usually doesn’t. opera uses tells grand stories, while tragedie pays homage to royalty. Lully in Trag. Handel in opera seria. vingt-quartre violons du roi played an important role as the main violins in french opera. opera seria serious. but trag. usually was grandiose.
opera seria
“serious opera” vocal showpiecee with little dramatic integrity remaining.
Antonio Vivaldi
1678-1741 Virtuoso violinist and composer. fundamental in the development of the concerto which he wrote nearly five hundred of. “red haired priests” died in poverty “Four Season” concerto Grosso No. 8 in A minor
concerto grosso
a concert in which a larger body of performers, namely the full orchestra usually in three movements, fast, slow fast
Dietrich Bustehude
considered greatest north german organ composer, boron in denmark served as organist at the church of St. Mary. Praeladium in G minor
A lyrical stanza in praise of, or dedicated to someone or something which captures the poet’s interest or serves as an inspiration for the ode
classical male singing voice whose vocal range is equivalent to that of the female contralto, mezzo-soprano or soprano[1]
cross relation
two notes sounded dissonant together
type of classical female singing voice whose vocal range is the lowest female voice type
dance suite
ordered set of dances for solo instrument or ensemble all written in the same key and indeed to be performed in a singe sitting.
little organ book. written in weimar. forty six preludes that he may intended to be a repertory of pieces for the organist to play at church, or a demonstration on how to compose a choral prelude, or a way to develop the organists technique
way to know a rough estimate of the order of when music was composed
chorale prelude
an ornamental setting of a pre sexting choral tune to be played on the organ before the singing of the choral by the congregation
contrapuntal piece for two three or four voices, which begins with the presentation of a subject, in imitation in each voice (exposition) continues with modulating passages of free counterpoint (episodes) and further appearances of the subject, and ends with a strong affirmation of the tonic key
opening section of a fugue in which the subject is presented in imitation in each voice
the section that follows the exposition and subsequent statements of the subject characterized by melodic sequence and modulation
the continuation of counterpoint in the voice that began with the subject
picardy third
use of a major chord of the tonic at the end of a musical section that is either modal or in a minor key
used it for collections of musical pieces, as a synonym for suite
musical line that is in some way indispensable in performance
refer a specific process of development of a musical motif. In this process, the motif is developed into an entire musical structure by using sequences, intervallic changes or simple repetitions
English it most commonly refers to a 17th- or 18th-century orchestral piece used as an introduction, interlude, or postlude to an opera, oratorio, cantata, or suite
type of english dance
instrumental musical form of the 16th and 17th centuries that developed from the Netherlandish chanson
vocal composition with an instrumental accompaniment, typically in several movements,
virtuoso piece of music typically for a keyboard or plucked string instrument featuring fast-moving
short concerto in free form
efers to the bulk of instrumental parts of a musical ensemble who do not play as soloists, especially in Baroque music
Notes inegalés
performance practice
Bachs life
Weimar-1708-1717 most of his great works for organs. he was an organist for the church then. little organ book written
Cothen-1717-1723 kapellmeister (chief of music) prince did not like sacred music so most of his music at this time was secular. orchestral suites, sonatas, and partitas.
leipzig-1723-1750 (born there as well) moved back to be cantor (director of church music) composed 300 sacred cantatas St matthew passion the art of the fugue
Bach Werke Verzeichnis how he organized all is compositions
The art of the Fugue
culmination of Bach’s experimentation with monothematic instrumental works
Well tempered Clavier
written by bach set of prelude and fugues in every major and minor key
Opera seria vs oratorio vs lutheran cantata vs english opera
seria-serious opera drama based on historical or mythological events. castrati used. virtual rock stars. emphasis was on virtuosic singing, not drama or action three acts. usually string orchestra
english opera-usually had to be based more on semi-opera as England not fan of virtuosity singing
oratorio- allowed during lent. no lavish sets. used a narrator to help move story along
lutheran cantata-sacred cantata. sundays at the lutheran service. very similar to a secular cantata.
Baroque sacred music
counter-reformation in rome banned secular music being allowed. This brought the birth of oratorios. Carrisimi. Germany wanted lots of sacred music so the sacred cantata came about Bach was a great composer of these while at Leipzig, it was the musical highpoint of the sunday lutheran service. In england power was changing and money was low, this meant entertainment was not a high priority, Purcell kept it alive with his compositions, using semi operas to speak most of the opera and sing at the supernatural moments.
sacred cantata
highpoint of a luthern service. “lutheran cantata”