Final Terms Flashcards
Procedural minimum definition of democracy
1) fair and open elections 2) virtually all adults possess right to vote 3)political rights and civil liberties are broadly protected 4) elected authorities possess real authority
Dahl’s 2 way classification
Y-axis: liberalization (public contestation
X-axis: inclusiveness (participation)
Democratic Peace Theory Explanations
1) Cultural: democracies share norms of peaceful conflict resolution, and pursue them more often when facing other democracies
2) Structural: democratic structures and institutions place constraints on leaders, making them less likely to go to war with other democracies
Democratic Peace Theory Challenges
correlation, not causation; theory based on post 1945 evidence; vague definitions of democracy and war; young democracies are more warlike
the relationship between wealth and politics
16 and 17 centuries: economics is viewed as a political tool with an overarching aim to build a strong state; privileges state over individual and economics is a zero sum game
Economic Liberalism
18 century: economics should be free from politics and the pursuit of individual self-interest leads to better outcomes overall
Ricardo’s Model of Trade: Theory of Competitive Advantage
A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the opportunity cost for producing that item n terms of other items is lower than in other countries–i.e. if that country is more efficient at producing a good than an another country
claims that history is driven by class conflict and states are controlled by the class who own the means of production: i.e. core areas of specialized economy are favored while the periphery (those still in the outdated means of production) are exploited
Problems with economic liberalism
there are resource differences; states as a whole can benefit from trade but trade also creates winners and losers within countries (social problems); and assumes the factors of production move easily from one economic sector to another
Definition of non-state actors
non-sovereign entities that exercise economic, political, or social power and influence at a national or international level
Key attributes of non-state actors
autonomy from a state; transnational (operating across borders); have some purpose
Non-state actors over time
amount of them has increased; power and influence may be growing; tech and globalization are making it easier for them to function
Transnational Advocacy Networks
actors working internationally on an issue, who are bound together by shared values, a common discourse and dense exchanges of info and services
TAN strategies
information politics; symbolic politics; leverage politics; accountability politics
information politics
the ability to quickly and credibly generate politically usable information and move it to where it will have the most impact
symbolic politics
the ability to call upon symbols, actions, or stories that make sense of a situation that is frequently far away
leverage politics
the ability to call upon powerful actors to affect a situation where weaker members of a network are unlikely to have influence
accountability politics
the effort to hold powerful actors to their previously stated policies or principles
Epistemic communities definition
networks of professionals with recognized expertise and competence in a particular domain and an authoritative claim to policy relevant knowledge within that domain or issue-area
How epistemic communities effect world politics
Dealing with Uncertainty: clarify cause and effect relationships, help states define their interests, assist in formation and implementation of policies, encourage rational thinking
Key elements of Terrorism
involves violence or threat of violence against noncombatants; premeditated; some political motivation; aims to create fear and thus coerce an enemy into submission
History of terrorism
1800s: assassinations (focus on leader); late 1800s: expanded target range because of collective responsibility and hope that an attack would promote a popular uprising; current: about anti-americanism and religious reasons
contemporary trends in terrorism
increasing lethality; increased suicide bombings; more decentralized networked forms of organization; more amateur participation
counter terrorism approaches
people either look at the causes of terrorism and try to combat those, or they look at how terrorism ends and try to expedite that process
Causes of terrorism
Root causes: poverty or repression, but difficult to track
Tipping points: specific but unpredictable events like a family member’s death
Strategic decisions: some people see terrorism as a rational tactic to achieve their aims
How terrorism ends
preemption (intelligence is used to foil plots or decapitation of group); deterrence (military force and repression causes terrorists to see that costs outweigh benefits); backlash (loss of popular support); burnout (failure to transition to next generation); transition to a legit political process; transition to other forms of violence; achievement of aims
Hegemony definition
a preponderance of power
types of international order
balance of power: where great powers balance each other to promote peace
hegemonic stability: a true hegemon maintains order and stability through the futility of challenging them and through coercion
Ikenberry: constitutional hegemonic stability
Argues that it is the fact that the hegemon participates in restraint and cooperation that makes the system stable
multipolar system (Waltz)
three of more great power leads to uncertainty and instability and great power wars are common
bipolar system (Waltz)
two great powers balance each other so there is less uncertainty and instability; small wars occur but great power wars are rare
unipolar system (Waltz)
one great power leads to ?? Hegemonic order?
National security
security against other states attacking, invading, conquering, or otherwise reducing a given state’s power (i.e. staying sovereign)
Classical insurgency
Insurgents challenged the functioning state because they had their own plan for governing, they employed local propaganda and rural ambush tactics
Modern insurgency
Insurgents arise after a state has failed and have no plan for afterward, they employe global propaganda and urban bomb tactics
Changes to counter-insurgency
Kilcullen: counter-propaganda is an important as success on the battlefield; need to mobilize global, regional and local support bases (civilians); need to improve patrolling to make counterinsurgents more approachable by civilians
Synergy Hypothesis
Biddle: the decrease in violence in Iraq after 2007 was due to the Surge and the Anbar Awakening: awakening gave insurgents a way off the battlefield and provided key intelligence, the surge allowed those who left to stay out–they prevented retaliation form those who stayed
The Surge
an increase of 30,000 troops on the ground and a change in doctrine (smaller bases, unmounted patrols to encourage civilian’s to approach)
Anbar awakening
The US paid insurgents to leave the insurgent movement
Sectarian Cleansing
Posits that the Sunni and Shia moved to separate themselves, creating less interaction and sparking less violence
Classical Causes of civil war (ethnic heterogeneity)
civil war comes from group dynamics and grievances: ethnic, religious, economic
Economic view (natural resources) of civil war
Civil war will happen in places where there is the opportunity for rebellion: i.e. finances and recruits
State capacity causes of civil war
Civil war arises in states that are weak and are unable to project power to the edges of the territory or fund a police force in rural or mountainous areas where rebels hide
Stability paradigm
Supporting stability in a state may be implicitly supporting an authoritarian regime that the populace doesn’t want
Democracy paradigm
Supporting democracy in a state may be promoting instability in a region or may bring to power “bad actors”
Communitarian perspective of intervention
intervention is rarely justified because respect for a state’s sovereignty is the most important
Cosmopolitan perspective of intervention
intervention is more justified because the wellbeing of the people in a state is more important than maintaining state sovereignty
Responsibility to Protect Initiative
2005 UN Initiative: a state has a responsibility to protect its citizens, the int’l community has a responsibility to help them and a responsibility to intervene if the state fails
Just War Theory
the use of force as a legitimate instrument of state policy is accepted in some, but not all, circumstances
When is war just?
Just cause: legit cause like self-defense
competent authority: declared by public leader
last resort: all other options must be exhausted
proportionality: benefits must outweigh costs
discrimination: respect immunity of non-combatants
Democracy Promotion
economic based, state-based, and civil society-based
economic based
use of sanctions or denial of development aid to promote the collapse of an authoritarian regime, or, promotion of economic development to encourage democracy in the long term
promise of access or membership to a valued regional organization, or, regime change through military intervention
civil society-based
build up the civil society in a state - NGOs, civic associations, free press, activists, etc