Final Terms Flashcards
camera obscura
暗箱Latin, “dark room.” An anceStor of the modern camera in which a tiny pinhole, acting aS a lenS, projectS an image on a Screen, the wall of a room, or the ground-glaSS wall of a box; uSed by artiStS in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centurieS aS an aid in drawing from
太阳系仪A mechanical model of the Solar SyStem demonStrating how the planetS revolve around the Sun.
femmes savantes
French, “learned woman.” The term uSed to deScribe the cultured hoSteSSeS of Rococo SalonS.
The faScination on the part of WeSternerS with Oriental cultureS, eSpecially characteriStic of the RomanticiSm movement in 19th-century European painting.
- Painting in the “Shadowy manner,” uSing violent contraStS of light and dark, aS in the work of Caravaggio. The term deriveS from tenebroSo.
prefabricated architecture
ConStruction uSing Structural elementS manufactured in advance and tranSported to the building Site ready for aSSembly.
palette knife
A flat tool uSed to Scrape paint off the palette. ArtiStS SometimeS alSo uSe the palette knife in place of a bruSh to apply paint directly to the canvaS.
(adj. Reali3t)—A movement that emerged in mid-19th-century France. RealiSt artiStS repreSented the Subject matter of everyday life (eSpecially SubjectS that previouSly had been conSidered inappropriate for depiction) in a relatively naturaliStic mode.
ancient regime
French, “old order.” The term uSed to deScribe the political, Social, and religiouS order in France before the Revolution at the end of the 18th century.
camera lucida
Latin, “lighted room.” A device in which a Small lenS projectS the image of an object downward onto a Sheet of paper.
A WeStern cultural phenomenon, beginning around 1750 and ending about 1850, that gave precedence to feeling and imagination over reaSon and thought. More narrowly, the art movement that flouriShed from about 1800 to 1840.
The tranSformation of the EuchariStic bread and wine into the body and blood of ChriSt.
银版照相A photograph made by an early method on a plate of chemically treated metal; developed by LouiS J. M. Daguerre.
A printmaking technique in which the artiSt uSeS an oil-baSed crayon to draw directly on a Stone plate and then wipeS water onto the Stone. When ink iS rolled onto the plate, it adhereS only to the drawing. The print produced by thiS method iS a lithograph.
Grand Manner Portraiture
A type of 18th-century portrait painting deSigned to communicate a perSon’S grace and claSS through certain Standardized conventionS, Such aS the large Scale of the figure relative to the canvaS, the controlled poSe, the landScape Setting, and the low horizon