Final--Swine Material Flashcards
“Grow-Finish” generally describes which phase of pig production?
What is the lower critical temperature (LCT)?
temp at which the pig must eat more and/or modify its behavior to remain comfortable
What is the main measure(s) of production for the following systems?
1) breeding herd
2) growing herd
1) pigs per sow per year (also pig wean weight)
2) Feed efficiency & ADG
Concerning spermatogenesis, what is the most common cause of abnormal sperm? How long do you have to wait to re-check sperm after abnormalities are seen?
Heat stress
45d–length of spermatogenesis cycle
What is the average WSI? Days in estrus?
WSI= 4-7 d
Estrus= 1-3d (standing heat)
Shorter WSI= longer estrus= more fertile
Cardinal sign of estrus in sow?
standing in response to boar exposure
The ideal range for lactation length?
When does MRP occur in sows? What is the signal?
~ day 12
Fetal estrogens
remember the role of return to estrus if pregnancy is lost before or after this time
When performing pregnancy checks on gilts/sows, how far into her pregnancy should be be before being considered “safely” pregnant?
You visit a farm because the producer tells you his herd is having a lot of reproductive issues–his stillbirth rate is >10% and there are also increased mummies. When you arrive, you are able to perform necropsy on one of the dead piglets. You find evidence of severe interstitial pneumonia. In addition, the producer tells you even the piglets that are surviving are weak and “don’t breathe well”. Based on this history, what is your top differential? What is something you can recommend to the producer to help get control of this problem?
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
Recommend serum injections and to improve disinfection techniques. (survive freezing but not heat/drying)
What is one feature of PRRS that makes it so difficult to control?
It’s ability to establish persistent infection
PCV2 typically affects pigs in which stage of production?
early finisher
What is the prognosis for finisher pigs that develop PDNS?
What preventative measure works best to prevent PCVAD?
grave–usually die
Vaccination–@ weaning
Which of the following swine diseases is a multi-systemic disease causing CNS signs and death in baby pigs, respiratory disease and CNS signs in growing pigs, and reproductive disease, including abortions, stillbirths and weak pigs in the breeding herd?
- herpes virus (suis herpes 1)
- eradicated from domestic pigs
Which spp. of Salmonella is most commonly associated with systemic disease in pigs?
S. cholera-suis
In addition to the classic “diamond skin” lesions seen with Erysipelas, it commonly affects which other body systems as well? (2)
Cardiovascular (valvular endocarditis)
Joints (enlarged)