Final Study (Multiple Choice) Flashcards
Which of the following occurs during expiration?
a) reduction in venous return to the thorax
b) lungs inflate
c) increase in intraabdominal pressure
d) diaphragm moves downwards
During duplex evaluation of the carotid artery system, velocities in the external carotid artery reached 250 cm/s and turbulence was noted just after the area of increased velocity. What do these findings suggest?
a) >50% stenosis
b) normal findings for the ECA
c) 50 to 70% stenosis
d) >80% stenosis
Which type of reflection results when sound encounters structures that are smaller than the transmitted beam’s wavelength?
a) specular
b) nonspecular
c) refractory
d) Rayleigh scattering
In which way do valves in perforating veins ensure that blood moves, under normal conditions?
a) dissipate around the perforator
b) from the superficial to the deep system
c) from the deep to the superficial system
d) stay in the superficial
Which of the following is a normal response to venous flow with a valsalva maneuver?
a) augmented flow
b) phasicity of flow
c) continuous flow
d) cessation of flow
What term describes the resolution parallel to the beam?
The first branch of the external carotid artery is the ________ artery.
a) lingual
b) facial
c) superior thyroid
d) superficial temporal
c) superior thyroid
What are the major forms of arteritis found in the carotid system?
a) Takayasu’s disease and temporal arteritis
b) giant cell arteritis and FMD
Which of the following vessels demonstrates a high resistance waveform?
a) ICA
b) CCA
c) subclavian artery
d) vertebral artery
In what pathology may a sonographer see antegrade flow in the right vertebral artery and retrograde flow in the left vertebral artery during a carotid ultrasound exam?
a) subclavian steal
b) CCA dissection
c) complete ECA occlusion
d) partial vertebral occlusion
Edema is
a) a normal process
b) a consistent sign of increased venous pressure
c) a common finding during pregnancy
d) a secondary sign to acute thrombosis
What causes a to-and-fro flow?