Final - Spring Flashcards
neonate =
bith - 28 days
infant defined as
29 days - 1 year
general schedule for well visits
48 hrs after discharge - wt & jaundice
2 weeks
1/2/4/6/9/12 months
late preterm
wt percentile: small, appropriate, large
<10th, 10th-90th, >90th

A - appearance - usually lose a point for blue hands and feet
P - pulse
G- grimace
A - activity
R - respiration
done @ 1 (response for dilvery) & 5 min (response to resusc effects)


dev milestones
set of fx skills/age-related tasks that most children do @ a certain age
- gross motor
- fine motor
- self-help/adative
- cog
- social/emo
- language
stand screedning recommended @ 9mo
___ children have dev/behav disorder
early intervention
state run program that eval child for dev delays: futhur screening and potential tx
dev milestones during infancy

immunizations for neonates
most important roles of ped docs
- impt to vacc infant caregivers aga influenza and pertussis
should be reviewed @ each visit
gen starts with hep B
phys exam of neoname
exam table/open crib
- start with inspection
- heart and lung
- head –> toe: ear and hips for last (b/c more irritating)
- eye when infants eyes are spont open
older infants >6mo can be started with parent holding infant on lap/arms
temp should always be meas -_____ in children under age ____
normal VS for infants: temp, HR, RR, BP

periodic breathing
infants: RR may vary sig from min to min
growth meas of infant include
usually plotted on:
head circumceference (over more prominent portion of occiput to supraorbital ridge)
**when baby is supine
plotted on WHO
- b/c breast -fed babies usually grow faster in first 6mo than formula ones and then slow down and then they both should be similar
macrocephaly usually due to
genetic conditions (sotos syndrome)
intrauterine infections (TORCH, zika)
materanal smoking/drug
erythema toxicum
small/white papules/pustules on red base
- benign
- eosinophils
occur on day 2-3, face by 7-10

transient pustular melanosis
small pustles on HYPERPIG base:
- neutrophils
- benign
mostly in af-am infants
resolves over 1st week but hyperpig can persist for a couple of weeks

miliaria rubrum
“prinkly heat”: vesciles on red base = obstructed eccrine sweat glands
- 1st 1-2 weeks
- benign

pinpoint papules on face: typ nose
- present @ birth nd fades over weeks
- keratin
- benign

how to dress infant approp?
see what you are wearing and then add 1 more layer
cafe au lait spot
hyperpig lesion:
- early infancy –> enlg as child ages
- typ benign
- multiple –> NF1

mongolian spot
discolored macules: blue-gray –> green-blue
- large: >10cm
- typ: butt/lower spine
- common in af-am and asians
delayed disappearnce of dermal melanoctyes –> benign

blue hands and feet:
- vasomotor rxn to cool environ (disting from central by looking at mucous memb)
- mucous memb should be pink: not raspberry red or blue-ish
- benign

common due to decr activity of UDPGT enz: peaks @ day 2-3
- glucuronidase conjugation enz
patho = high bili/direct hyperbili
tx: photothx

benign vasc tumor: typ involutes by age 5
can be tx with laser if in diaper or eye

nevus simplex
salmon patch: pink-red cap dilations
- fades over time –> benign

nevus falmmeus
port-wine stain: dark purp/red cap malformation
- typ does NOT fade
- usually benign but larger lesions may interfere with N fx or lead to glaucoma

neonatal acne
erythematous comedones: 3-6 weeks
- thought to be from neonatal androgens
- usually more common in breast fed babies
- no tx

seborrheic dermatitis
greasy, yellow plaques/scales on scalp/forehead/ears
- “cradle cap”
- overactive sebaceous glands
- usually resolves within first 6mo

diaper dermatitis
- localized irritation: urine, feces
- eryth with areas of scaling
- tx: freq diaper changes and emollients/barrier creams
- 2nday infection of irritant diaper dermatitis
- BEEFY RED, worse in skin folds
- satellite lesion due to spread
- tx: topical antifungals

chovstek’s sign
percuss just below zygo arch looking for facial twitching: tests facial nerve
- potentally sign of hypercalcemia

normal skull of newborn

memb spaces that separate bones of skull
- ant: close b/w 9-24 months
- post: by 2 months
- bulge = increased ICP
- sunken: dehydr/malnut
- early closure: craniosynotosis
- late closure: hypothyroidism

pos plagiocephaly due to prolonged time spent laying on back
tx: sometimes tx with helmet
scalp trauma on delivery
caput succedaneum: soft tiss swell above periosteum (cross suture lines)
- more extensive
cephalohematoma: injury of bridge bv in subperiosteal layer (does NOT cross suture lines) - often assoc with vacuum delivery
- high risk for jaundice due to low UGPGT

visual milestones of infancy

subconjunctival hemorr
common after deliver –> resolves within 1-2 weeks
if found AFTER perinatal period: concern for child abuse

lac duct obstruction
greenish-yellow discharge common in first sev months
- failure of memb @ end of tear duct to open around birth
- tx: tear duct message, dilation in more persistent cases
red reflex
3rd pic: retinoblastoma

cover/uncover test
pt focus on distant obj and cover one eye briefly
uncover eye and look for drifting –> strabismus
- normal = eyes remain fixed when covered

opacity –> cataract, glaucoma

preauricular skin tag
preauricular pit
usually benign but can indicated renal anomalies
normal position of ears
line from inner canthi –> occipital protruberance
- 1/3 of ear above line = normal
- low set –> abnormal

signs baby can hear

infat ear canal directed
how do infants breath?
obligate nose breathers
choanal atresia
congen narrow of nasal passages: present @ birth with cyanosis and relieved by crying
- chonae = nasal “bumps”
- atresia = “narrow”

“tongue tie” - tight lingual frenulum
usually benign
tonsils visible @
6 mo

epstein pearls: epith remnants of palate fusion
midline hard palate
benign –> resolves spontaneously
shrill, high pitched cry may indicate
increased ICP
opiate withdrawl
hoarse cry may indicate
hypocalcemic tetany
congenital hypothyroidism
con’t stridor may indicate
underdev airway
upper airway lesion
absent cry may indicate
severe illness
vocal cord paralysis
profound neuro dmg
short neck with excessive skin seen in:
webbed neck often seen in:
neck masses:
midline: thyroglossal duct cyst
lateral: cystic hygroma/brachial cleft cyst
torticollolis: “fibromatosis coli”

repeatitive short expiratory sound
musical expiratory sound
high piched inspiratory sound

nasal flaring due to needing to get more air
bounding pulses may be seen in …
tachypnea in absense of retractions –>
congen heart disease
decr pulses may indicate
valve obstruction
decreased femoral pulses –>
conactation of aorta
split = normal
single = cyanotic congenital heart disease (hypoplastic left heart)
o2 sats
<95% or difference >3% b/w UE and LE –> echocardiogram
prior to discharge
widely spaced nipples typ seen in
hypertrophic breast tissue
common due to materal horm exposure
can expr witch’s milk: thin, milky fluid
umb cord =
2 A, 1 V
scaphoid abdomen
congen diphramatic hernia

umb hernia due to weak fascia

diastasis rect: weak ab fascia -> bulge when P increases
above naval

omphalocele: ab contents covered by peritoneal layer - midline
gastroschisis: no layer covered - R of midline

hypospadius: urethral oepning displaced from tip of glans
* CONTRAINDCATION to circumcision

hydrocele - fluid collection in scrotum

highly estrogenized hymen of newbord with thick/hypertrophic vag tissue

clitoromegaly: enlg clit with 21-OH deficiency

imperforate hymen: bulge of introitus due to vag secr

imperforate anus: isolated or VACTERL
sacral dimples
often benign
eval when:
- >0.5cm size
- >2.5 cm from anus
- no visible base
- hemangioma
- tuft of hair

sacral dimple - benign

sacral skin tag
dysplasia of hip
pior to 3 mo: hip instab MOST sens finding
after 3mo: asymm of leg/skin folds or lim ROM: MORE sens for finding
test of hip instability
supine: unilat with clothing diaper removed: hips flex to 90
barlow: ADD hip –> disloc of fem head
ortolani: AB hip (anterior mvmt of trochanter) –> “clunk” = reduction of dislo hip
small amt of laxity “clicking” = normal
- more common in females due to relaxin

hip ____ lim in most cases of DDH
normal v in DDH
normal: > 75 degrees
DDH: often <45 degrees
asymm skin folds
problem is on side with mor PROX folds

transverse palmar crease
trisomy 21

primitive reflexes
help with survival
med @ BS/SC lvl
resolves with age and NS maturation
sucking refelx
30wk –> 1.5/3 years
touch roof of mouth –> suck
30wk –> 2/3 mo
stroke perioral corners of mouth –> open and turn mouth
32wk –> 3/4 mo
hold supine and drop –> abduct/extend arms, open hands, flex legs
asymm response = birth injury
palmar grasp
32 wks –> 3/4 months
press palm –> grasp
persistance = pyramidal tract dysfx
plantar grasp
32wk –> 8/9mo
touch soles –> toe curl
persist = pyr tract dysfx
stepping reflex
32 wk –> 3/4 mo
hold infant upright wth one sole on table –> that sole = hip and knee flex and other food = step forward
absense: paralysis
trun incurvation
32wk –> 1/2 mo
prone and stroke 1cm of midline from shoulder to butt –> spine curves towards sti side
absense: SC lesion/injury
persist: delayed dev
assymetric tonic neck
35wk –> 2/3 mo
supine: turn head to one side: ipsi arm/leg extend, contra flex
persist: asymm CNS dev

CN testing in newborns
CN II, III, IV, VI: light/track obj
CN V: sucking, rooting reflex
CN VII: facial mvmt/symm
CN VIII: acoustic blink refelx
CN IX, X, XII: suck & swallow when feeding ,gag refelx
CN XI: shoulder symm
age definitions
toddler: 1-3
preschool: 3-5
school: 5-10
adol: 11-21
anxiety changes during childhood
<6 = little anxiety
6-36: HIGH (peak @ 15-18 mo)
3-teenage: comfy
- teenagers = unhappy since they want to be elsewere
VS for children
gen measured beginninng @ age 3
cuff covereing 2/3 of upper armm
screening for children
dev surveillance: 9, 18, 24 mo
M-CHAT for autism @ 18, 24 moths
vision/hearing @ age 3/4
dislipidemia screening @ 10 (sooner if risk factors)
height measured…
supine until age 2 and then upright
WHO v CDC chart
WHO until 2 years (due to discrepancies breastfed v not) and then CDC afterwards
while hild in on growth chart, esp with regards to height, it is often related to size of…
BP is compared to standards based on..
wt %tile
childhood obesity
CDC defines at BMI > 95th %tile
lea symbol
used to check vision in younger children

otitis media with effusion: translucent, air-fluid
acute otitis media: ertthema, opacity, bulge TM

allergic rhinitis
superior turbinate NOT visible on exam
what is the #1 chronic disease in children?
dental caries

tonsilloliths (tonsil stones) due to crypts
“shotty” lymph nodes
small, under 1 cm
typical in young children
lymph nodes _____ may require further investigation
I:E ratio
inspiratory:expiratory ratio - usually 1:1
long inspire = upper airway obstruct - croup
long expire = lower airway obstruct - asthma
most important physical exam findings of pna in children =
increased work of breathing
chronic airflow obstruct due to inflamma –> BHR (broch hyperresponsiveness)
common after vial upper respiratory infections in children
8% dx
usually dev before age 5
many = transient –> only wheeze with upper respiratory infections
4 main listening areas for CV

innoent heart murmurs in children
- still’s
- LLSB: vib/musical with increase in supine pos
- early systolic
- infancy –> adol: most common = 2-6 y/o
- pulm flow
- LUSB: blow, cres-decrescendo
- early –> mid systolic
- venous um
- roaring, resolves when supine: con’t
- carotid bruit
- harsh, loud (3/6): long systolic

seven S’s of innocent murmurs
sensitive (to pos changes/respiration)
short duration
single: no clicks, gallops
small: lim to small area/non-radiating
soft (low amp)
sweet (not harsh) - exception = carotid bruit
grading heart murmurs

murmurs that require further investigation
click: early, midsystolic
abnormal S2 (single, loud) S3
assoc physical exam findings
grade 3 or higher
abdomen in todlers
often protuberant that becomes more scaphoi with age
scrotal masses in boys

bowleg is common until
age 2
lateral curve >10 degrees (cobb angle)
rotatory cmpt (rib hump)
commonly idiopathic - usulaly presents preteen/teen years but canbe as early as infancy (which is less likely to be idiopathy)
occurs eq in males and femaels but 10x more likely to progress in female
when to screen for scoliosis
10-12 in females
13-14 in males
cobb angle

scoliosis screening
adam’s forward flex test with scoliometer

_____ thoracic curve = high association with underlying neuro prob
scoliosis curves are naed according to the _____ side
test _____ by assess finger to nose mvmts
adolescent hx mneumonic

tanner staging

preparticipation sprts visit
annual for competitive sports: 6 weeks prior to beginning of season
- detect conditions that predispose athlete to illness/injury
- risk factors for sudden cardiac death
- strategies to prevent injury
can detect 88% med conditions and 67% musc-skel problems
AHA screening recommendations that should promt referral to ped cardiologist for further eval

1 cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: 30-50% of cases
- auto-dom with variable penetrace (60%)
- sudden death due to vent arrhythmia
enlg vent septum –> obstruct LV outflow –> decrease CO/blood flow –> syncope after exertion
exam findings:
- systolic murmur that decr in supine pos (increased preload lessens obstruction)
- ****contrast to MOST outflow murmurs that INCREASE in intensity when supine

abnormal ECG in up to 90% of pts
- incr voltage
- prom Q
- deeply negative T
geriatric is age
65 or older
changes in elderly: vitals
HR: resting same but max & pacemaker cells declines
- incr risk for arrhythmias
systolic htn
widened pulse pressure
ortho hypotn –> falls
RR unchanges
temp reg: increased risk for hypothermia
changes in elderly: skin, hair, nails

changes in elderly: eyes
most likely affect fx:
- eyes:
- acuity declines: cataract, glaucoma, macular degen
- presbyopia: age 40

changes in elderly: hearing
presbycusis: age 50 –> social withdrawal, depression
changes in elderly: teeth
poor dentition –> wt loss
- poor fitting dentures
- chronic gum/tooth infections

changes in elderly: thorax & lungs
chest wall stiffens
- elastic recoil
- mass declines
- residual volume increases
skeletal may chnage shape of chest –> hinder breathing/lung cap
changes in elderly:CV
kinking/buckling of carotid arteries: R > L - common in women with htn
stiff artery walls –> sys bruits
CO same: HR max can decrease but SV will increased to maint
- systolic aortic murmur: holosystolic
- diastolic dysfx due to loose heart, mitral regurg (S4)
peripheral arteries lengthen and tortuous = harder, less resilient
loss of arterial pulsations = abnormal
most concerning:
- AA
- male
- smoker
- coronary disease
- presents as back/ab pain
- temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis)
- age >50
- unilateral headaches
- tender over over temp A
- sends a branch to the retina –> blindness

changes in elderly: men genitalia
decreased tesosterone:
- small penis
- low testicles
- thin pubic hair
- ED (usu more due to vasc issues)
prolif of prostate epith/stromal tissue
- urinary hestinancy
- dribbling
- incomplete empty of bladder
- nocturia –> sleep depreivation
changes in elderly: woman genitalia
ovarian fx declines
- smaller repro organs
- prolapse of uterus due to laxity of suspensory lig of adnexa
menopause 45-52 years of age
- stress
- relaxed pelvic floor –> increased ab pressure
- overflow
- blockage –> bladder unable to empty properly –> dribbling
- urge
- oversensitive bladder from infection
- neuro disorders
urinary incontinence menumonic
- delirium
- infection
- atrophy
- pills (diuretic)
- excess urine output
- restricted mobility
- stool impaction (dehydrated due to not wanting to drip)
loss of M mass, strength, performance

late-life weakness , illness, wt loss
core cmpt = sarcopenia
benign forgetfulness
difficulty recalling names of people/objects
low retrieval and processing
benign essential tremors
tremors with exertion, disappear with rest
balance problems in elderly due to:
decrease/loss of vib sens in feet/ankles BUT not in hands
- position sense may disappear
- gag reflex may decrease
- ankle/patella reflex difficult to elicit on exam
acute illness that may preset different in older adult
lack of feer with infection
thyroid dysfx
neumonic of addressing cultural dimensions of aging
- explanation
- tx
- healers
- negotitate
- intervention
- collaborate
- spirituality

SLUMS: st. luis university mental status exam
what are the most common modifiable fisk factor associated with falls
medications - “brown bag” review

decreased in wt….
predictor of increased mortality –> further investigation into medical/psychosocial causes
AAFP: 10% in 6mo or 5% in 1mo
Cecils: 4% in 1 yr
advanced directives
health care proxy
- agent to make decisions: online - no lawyer
living will
- MOLST/POLST (bright pink)
- doc & pt/pt’s representative
goal of palliative care
relieve suffering
improved quality of life
preventative screening: vaccines
shingles: 1 time regardless of prior shingles
pna/pneumococcal: 1 time after age 65 unless high risk
influenza: yearly
tetanus: every 10 years after 1 dose Tdap
depression screening
in the last 2 weeks…
scores responses:
- 0 = not at all
- 1 = several days
- 2 = more than half of days
- 3 = nearly every day
mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
memory impairment without cognitive deficits/fx decline
mini-cog test
detects mild cog impairment (MCI): 3 minute recall + clock drawing test
- name 3 obj
- draw a clock
- ask to repeat obj
- 3: all words
- 0: no words - dementia
- 1-2 words & normal clock = normal
- 1-2 workds & abnorm CDT = “impaired cognition”
Folstein MMSE
admin 5-10 min
max score: 30pts
- <24 = dementia
- 20-24 = mild dementia
- 13-20 = mod dementia
- <12 = severe dementia
alzheimers lose 2-4 points/year
ADL: self-care tasks
IADL: maint indep lifestyle
AADL: employment, hobbies, social events
VS of elderly
- BP
- pulse
- RR
- temp
- pain
- fx assessment: only in geriatrics
orthostatic BP
drop in systolic > 20
diastolic >10 after 3 min of standing
10 min screening
- eyes: diff ADL due to eyes, snellen inab to read >20/40
- hearing: audioscope @ 40dB, test @ 1000,2000 Hz and whisper
- get up and go test: unable to complete within 15s
- urinary incontinence: lost urine/got wet in last year, leaked on 6 separate dates –> DIAPER
- nutrition: lose weight over last year or wt < 100 lbs
- memory: 3 item recall (unable to recall after 1 min)
- depression: yes to “sad or depressed?”
- physical disability: are you able to… (6 Q’s)
- do strenuous acitivity: fast walking, bicycling
- heavy work around house: wash windows, walls, floors
- go shopping for clothes/groceries
- get to places out of walking distance
- bathe?
- dress yourself
balance and gait tests
timed get up a go (TUG): abnormal is >15s
- rise from airchair
- walk 3 meters/10 feet
- turn
- walk down
- sit
gait speed: >13 s for 10meters/35feet abnormal
test balance:
- feet side by side
- semi tandem
- heel-toe
- resistnace to nudge on 360 turn
non blanching redness =
P ulcers until proven otherwise
arcus senilis
benign white ring around limbus

ectropion v entropion

macula degen

what is the pulsatile mass seen on the right side of neck usually?
what vlave gets affected first?
supine with head of table @ 30 deg
pulsatile mass on R side: carotid on women
valve degen: aortic then mitral valve
- S4 common

AAA: no palpation

inguinal hernia
siebens domain management model
org pt’s health problems into 4 domains
- med-surg
- mental/emotions/coping
- physical fx
- living environment
mental disorder statistics
20% primary care outpts have mental disorders
50-75% undetected and untx
somatic symptom disorder: mental illness that causes one or more bodily symp (pain) that can invovle one or more different organs and body systems
hental health screening in primary care setting
2 tier approach:
- brief: yigh yield Q with high sensitivity and specificity
- detailed if indictated
suicide rates among pts with major depression ____ higher than general population
high yeild questions for anxiety
- over past 2 weeks: feel nervous, anxious, on edge
- over past 2 weeks: unable to stop/control worrying
- over past 4 weeks: anxiety attack suddenly or feeling fear/panic
CAGE scoring
total score of 2 or great = clinically significant
PRIME-MD is for…
5 more common disorders in primary care:
- anxiety
- somatoform
- eating
- etoh
- depression
when is demential reversible?
vitamin b12 inbalance
delirum v dementia
- acute confusion
- causes: metabolic inbalance, med SE, after sx
- slow
- reversible and irreversible causes
what test is useful for screening for dementia
mini mental state exam

sensory awareness of obj in environement
internal stim: dreams/hallucinations
thought processes v thought content
“how” people think v “who/what” people think about
awareness that behaviors are normal/abnormal
distinguish b/w daydreams and hallucinations that seem real
alert: response to normal tone of voice
lethargy: “drowsy” - speak in loud voice
obtundation: shake to wake - opens eyes, responds slowly, somewhat confused
stupor: painful stim (sternal rub) - unresponsive without it
coma: unarousable
difference speech patterns of:
accerelated, rapid, loud
defective articulation
words are malformed: I write with a “den”
indirecton/delay in reaching the point: “non-linear thought pattern”
unneccessary detail but often comes back to point
found in pts with obsessions
loosenin of associations: shifting of one subject to unrelated or related only obliquely
found in:
- schizophrenia
- manic and psychotic episodes
misinterpretations of real external stimuli
seen in grief and delirium
subjective sensory perceptions in absence of relevent external stim
may not recognize experiences as false
occurs in: delirium, alcoholism
external expression of inner emo state
feelings of unreality and depersonalization
unreality: things in ENVIRON strange/unreal
depersonalization: things about SELF strange/unreal - “detached from one’s mind/body”
choose word based on sound rather than meaning
rhyming and punning speech
perseveration v echolalia
perserveration: repetition of OWN words
echolalia: repetition of OTHERS words
sudden interruption mid-speech: “lost the thought”
largely incomprehensible
- illogic
- ack of meaningful connections
- abrupt topic chnages
- disordered grammar/word use
invented/distorted words wiht new nad high idosyncratic meanings
observed in:
- schizo
- psychotic disorders
- aphasia
flight of ideas
con’t flow of acclerated speech that changes abruptly from topic to topic
changes based on:
- understanble associations
- plays on words
- distracting stim
observed in manic episodes
3 tests for attn
digital span
- recite set of digits (start 2 @ a time, clearly, 1 sec apart)
- stop after second failure of a single series
serial 7’s
- starting from 100, subtract 7…subtract 7…
- normal: 1.5 min with less than 4 errors
- can try 3s if cannot do 7s
spelling backwards
- can substitue for serial 7s
- say 5 letter world to pt and have pt spell it bwds to you
testing new learning ability
say 4 words
con’t with rest of exam
test after 3-5min
note accuracy
how to test capacity of pt to think abstractly?
- ask pt to tell you how 2 things are alike
- ask pt what people mean when they use proverbs:
- a stitch in time saves 9
- don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
high cog fx: tests constructional ability
copy figures of increasing complexity onto piece of blank/unlined paper
draw a clock with numbers and hands
vertigo v presyncope v disequilibrium
feeling of passing out/falling
unsteadiness/loss of balance
proximal v distal weakness
prox: comb hair, reach for shelf, geting up from chair, high stepping
distal: open jar, using scissors/screwdriver, tripping/falling while walking
dermatome map

sudeen temporary LOC and postural tone from transient global hypoperfusion to brain
tonic-clonic motor activity:
- tongue biting
- limb bruises
- urniary incontinence
- may/may not lose consciousness
rhytmic oscillary mvmt from contraction of opposing M groups that is worse @ rest or with intentional mvmt
- resting:
- parkinsons
- postural: appear when affect part actively maint a posture
- hyperthyroidism
- anxiety/fatigue
- intention: absent @ rest, and appear with mvmt (cerebellar)
- MS
parkinsons: low freq resting remor with rigidity and bradykinesia
essential tremor: high freq, bilateral UE during mvmt and sustained posture
testing CN I
present familiar smells but occluding one nose and then the other
tesing CN II
visual acuity: snellen- read smallest line at least half the letters
visual fields: wiggle fingers in peripheral 2 feet away in a fishbowl-like pattern
- optic disk: physiological cup and penetrating retinal vessels
tesing CN II and III
inspect pupils
pupillary reflex
near rxn: pupil constriction on near object (10cm away)

tesing CN III, IV, VI
extraocular mvmts: big H
- asymmetry, nystagmus, lid lag
convergence: push pen towards pt
testing CN V
sensation: face, nasal, buccal mucosa, teeth
- V1: forehead
- V2: cheef
- V3: jaw
afferent corneal reflex
- have pt look up and away and approach on contra side –> touch cornea –> blink
motor: mastication - temporalis
- masseter

difference >0.4 mm
absent blinking AND sensorineural hearing loss seen in…
acoustic neuroma
testing CN VII
- raise brows
- frown
- close eyes tightly
- smile showing both upper and lower teeth
- smile without teeth
- puff out cheeks

test CN VIII
acoustic N: whispered voice test
- stand 1-2 feet behind pt, rub tragus
Weber and Rinne test: not applicable for bilateral hearing loss
testing CN IX, X
** use light
motion of soft palate (X)
uvula (away lesion)
gag reflex

testing CN XI

M atrophy
loss of M bulk - M wasting
- hands, shoulders, thighs
- thenar, hypothenar
- space b/w metacarpals, dorsal interosseous M
fine flickering irregular mvmts in small groups of M fibers
M tone
residual tension in relaxed M
a M is strongest when…
weakest when…
M strength testing

testing of UE
F, E, Ab, Ad, ext rotation, internal rotation
flex - bicep: c5, c6
extension: tricep - c6-8
- pronator teres: median N - c6
- bicep: musculocutaneous N - C5, C6
- carpi radialis: radial N: c6-c8 - have pt make fist and resist you pulling down their wrist
- flexor carpial radialis (median N - c7) & ulnaris (ulnar N - C8/T1) - have pt make fist and resis you pulling it up
- hand grip
- abduct & adduction: interosseous M (ulnar N - c8/t1)
- opposition: (median N - C8/T1)
- have pt try to touch tip of little finger with thumb aga resistance
M strength testing of LE
- flex: iliopsoas - L2, L3, L4
- ext: g. max - S1
- adduction: adductors - L2, L3, L4
- abduction: g. medius & minimus - L4, L5, S1
- extension: quads - L2-4
- flex: hamstrings - L4, L5, S1, S2
- dorsiflex: tib anterior - L4, L5 (pull up aga my hand)
- plantar flex: gastroc/soleus - S1 (push aga my hand)
- dorsiflex 1st toe: deep peroneal - L4-S1
- plantar flex 1st toe: posterior tib - L5-S2
how to test sensory
start distally and move prox
seosry exam vib use what hz tuning fork?
posterior column disease common causes
teriary syph
b12 deficiency
peripheral neuropathy common causes
common dorsal column disorders
tabes dorsalis
b12 deificiency
pt IDs obj by touch
normal: within 5 sec
discriminative sensation: draw number on hand
2 pt discrimination
use ends of paper clip
normal = 2 pt <5mm on fingers (vary on other parts of body)
discriminative sensation
point localization: touch pt and have them touch where you touched
- touch same parts bilateral
- sensory cotex lesions = only 1 stim recognizated
- extinguished stim on opposite side of dmged cortex
unability to perform rapid, alternating mvmts
hand: palms up and down rapidly on thighs
foot: tap your hand and then ground
abnormal: lesion in vestibular sys or cerebellum
inability to judge distance/scale
- touch index finger to your finger and then their nose
- reposition hand after each touch
- touch your index finger with theirs up and down with eyes closed
- slide foot down shin
tesing gait
- rise from sitting
- walk down hall
- heel to toe
- walk on toes then heels
- hop in place
- shallow knee bend
gait: spastic hemiparesis
dmg: corticospinal tract
lean away while circumduction of foot, plantar-flex and inverted
steppage gait
dmg: foot drop - weak tib-anterior and toe extensors
drag feet or lift up high
cannot walk on heels
cerebellar ataxia gait
staggering, unsteady, wide base, exaggerated dif on turns
other cerebellar signs present:
- dysmetria
- mystag
- intention tremor
scissors gait
dmg: SC disease –> bilateral LE spasticity, common in cerebral palsy
stiff, advance slowly with thighs crossing fwd each other on each step
“walking through water”
parkinsonian gait
dmg: basal ganglion
stooped posture with felx of head, arms, hips, knees
short, shuffling, involuntary hastening (festination)
sensory ataxia
dmg: polyneuropathy, posterior column
unsteady and wide based, throw feet fwd and outward and bring hem down from heel to toe in a double tapping sound
watch ground for guidance
hopping in place involves
prox M
distal M
position sense
normal cereballar fx
shallow knee bend tests
hip extensor (hamstring)
knee extensor (quad)
romberg test
pt stands with feet together, closes eyes, maint pos for 30-60s
inability –> dorsal column disease
- loss of balance with eyes closed
pronator drift test

reflex arc cmpts
sensory N fibers
SC synapse
motor N fibers
M fiber
scale for grading reflexes

hyperactive reflex can be due to:
corticospinal tract lesion
(+) babinski
hypoactive/absent reflex
LMN lesion
arm: clench teeth, squeeze one thigh
leg: locks fingers and pulls

bicep reflex: c5-6

tricep: C6-7
@ tricep insertion on olecranon process (2.5 - 5cm above olecranon process)

brachioradialis: C5/C6
2. 5-5 cm above wrist: forearm partly flexed and pronated

patellar reflex: L2-4

achilles: S1
sitting: dorsiflex –> (+) = plantar flex
supine: flex hip & knee and ext-rot across opposite shin, dorsiflex –> (+) plantar flex

ankle clonus –> jerk into dorsiflexion
test rhythmic oscillations b/w dorsiflex and plantar flex
(+) = hyperactive reflexes: graded 4+
cut stim reflexes: abdominal
(+) = contraction of ab M and deviation of naval towards stim
can be MASKED in obesity: use finger to retract naval away from side to be stimulated and note contraction with retracting finger
above naval: T8-10
below naval: T10-12

testing plantar flex: L5, S1
- normal = plantar
- abnormal = dorsiflex

anal refelx
use cotton swab to stroke outward in 4 quads from anus
(+) = contraction
abnormal = cauda equina lesion
meningitis testing
common in acute bacterial meningitis, also in subarach hemorr
- test neck mobility/nuchal rigidity: pt supine and flex neck until chin touches chest
- (+) = neck stiffness
- (+) flexion of hips and knees with NECK FLEX
- (+) = pain with knee extension

lumbosacral radiculopathy
straight leg raise - stretches sciatic N & sens for disc herniation
- S1 commpression can also be associated with ipsi calf wasting and weak ankle dorsiflex
contralat straight-leg raise
- SPECIFIC for sciatica
(+) = pain

- sudden brief clonus flexion of hands and fingers
- “stop traffic”: hold for 1-2min
dmg: metabolic encephalopathy with impaired mental fx
- liver disease
- uremia
- hypercapnia

winged scapula - dmg to long thoracic N or muscular dystrophy
- weakness of serratus anterior
intubate pt @ 8

poor outcome signs in stuporous/coma pt
absent corneal
absent pupillary
absent withdrawal to pain
no motor response
what don’t you do to a stuporous/comatose pt?
dilate pupils
flex neck: rule out fx before neck manipulation
oculocephalic reflex
doll’s eye mvmts = intact brainstem
- hold open upper eyelids
- as head turns to one side, eyes move towards opposite side
absent: eyes move towards direction of head turning

vestibulo-ocular reflex
cold water: eyes deviate towards cold water
- eardrums intact and canals clear
- elev head to 30 degrees
abnormal: no response to cold water –> brainstem injury
acute glaucoma headache
increased ICP around 1 eye
- steady/aching
- provoked by drops that dilate pupils
sinusitis headaches
mucosal inflammation
- usually frontal or maxillary sinus
- recurrent daily pattern
- local tenderness, nasal congestion/discharge/fever
can be relieved with nasal decongestants, antibiotics
subarachnoid hemorrhage
SUDDEN “worst pain of my entire life”
brain tumor headache
displacement/traction of pain-sensitive A/V or P on N
- brief –> intermittant –> progressive
- aggreated by: cough, sneeze, sudden head mvmts
postconcussion headache
acceleration-deceleration TBI
- 7days - 3mo after incident that diminishes over time
- poor concentration, memory problems, vertigo, irritabilty, restless/fatigue