Final SG Flashcards
motor pathways, hiearchal organization
spinal cord is lowest and gives contact between NS and muscles (reflexes), cortical regions are higest, cortex is higher and brainstem lower
motor cortex lateral or not?
cerebellum lateral or not?
not, is ipsilaterally
5 nuclei in basal ganglia
caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra
basal ganglia job
selection and initiation of actions
primary motor cortex is somatoropic representation
sides divided by importance where larger is more important, homunculus
contralateral, loss of voluntary movememnt on contralateral side of body (opposite side of body affected by brain)
spinal cord
works like central pattern generator
physiological analysis of motor pathways
motor cortex is correlated with the direction of the target, differnt pathways are dorso dorso which does reaching for objects and ventro dorsal that does transitive, intransative, and apraxia
directional tuning
basic principle of motor cortex activities
population vector
predict direction of movement before movement is produced, sum of directional vectors
supplemental motor area, alien hand syndrome
mirror neurons
activation when observing other’s actions
basal ganglia as gatekeeper
important to initiation and selectivity of actions
huntington’s disease
hyperkinesia, execessive movement
hypokinesia, loss of dopamine, substabtia nigra, cerelellum