Final session 11b Flashcards
when to use Simple Linear Regression
When we want to summarize the linear relationship between two variables, X and Y
how do we do Simple Linear Regression
We can do this by drawing a straight line on the scatterplot
a straight line on the scatterplot is called what
regression line
The regression line is a straight line that describes how what
Y changes as X changes
For a given observation (i), our simple linear regression equation:
Yi = b0 + b1X1i + ei
explain the parts to Yi = b0 + b1X1i + ei
Yi is the value of the DV for observation i X1i is the value of the IV for observation i ei is the residual for person i
Residuals are called what in the population
whats assumed about Errors
assumed normally distributed with a constant variance
How to determine the best regression line?
The “best” regression line is one that has the smallest residuals
what is Residual
- “vertical” difference between the regression line and each data
what method is typically used determine the best regression line
Method of least squares
what is Method of least squares
the most common method. The least-squares regression line of Y on X1 is the line that makes the sum of squared residuals as small as possible
The least-squares regression line of Y on X1 is determined in such a way that it makes SSR ….
as small as possible
b0 and b1 are determined todo what
minimize SSR
what is the goal of least squares
In other words, this method aims to minimize the unexplained portion of Y by the regression line