Final review topics Flashcards
Where does the unrealized loss from AFS go?
The unrealized loss goes to OCI, but the realized gains and losses go on the income statement.
When you are exchanging an asset, how do you determine the gain or loss?
First of all you are just going to look at the carrying amount of the asset, and the fair value of the asset, that you have. Don’t worry about the new asset, and see if you have a gain or a loss.
When dealing with EPS what is going to be treated as if it happened at the beginning of the year?
- Declaration and distribution of a stock dividend
What value are investments reported at on the personal financial statements?
They are reported at their FMV or their cash surrender value.
How do you get the book value? When you are going to calculate the goodwill under the consolidation method?
You are going to take the assets, and subtract out the liabilities to get a net amount which you will use the book value to which you would compare the whole consideration that was given.
When will donated services for a not for profit be recognized as contributed revenues?
If they meet the SOME test.
S specialized skills
O - otherwise needed donation
m - Measured easily
e - estimable.
- They need the service or else would have to get a specialized person to do it for them anyways,
if anyone can do it then it would not be contributed revenues.
When it comes to relevance and they are looking for something that is entity specific which is that?
This refers to passing confirms money.
Only materiality would be considered entity specific.
What is the formula for percentage of completion method?
Total contract selling price
- Total estimated costs (costs to date + estimated costs)
= Gross profit
x percentage completed (costs to date/total estimated costs)
= Gross profit earned to date
- income previously recognized
= income recognized in current year.
When should warrant costs be recognized?
When the related machine is sold. Matching expense with the related revenue.
What are some OCBOA financial statements?
- When they are complying with a reg agency
- Tax basis
- cash basis and modified cash basis.
- other basis with substantial support.
How do you amortize a gain under SIR AGE?
First you take 10% of the Beg PBO and the Beg fair value of the plan assets, and you choose the amount that is greater.
- You first take the unrecognized gain and subtract the amount that you just calculated above, and the excess is divided by the remaining service life. Gain is subtracted a loss is added.
What is a common thing that is done when you are using the modified cash basis financial statements.
You will capitalize inventory.
What is something that will happen when you are reporting the interim financial statements? What is emphasized?
- You are going to be emphasizing timelines over reliability.
- You will also be preparing the interim financial statements with less due diligence, than annual since you want it done FASTER.
What effect would a 5% dividend have?
It would not affect assets, total S.E, but it would affect retained earnings.
- If its less than 20-25%, then the stock dividends transfers the FMV from the retained earnings to the capital stock and paid in capital.
What effect does the purchase of stock holders equity have?
It would decrease the stock holders equity and the number of shares outstanding.
- As a result the amount of earnings would increase.