F6: Pensions and Income Tax Accounting Flashcards
What are the main things that pension plans are concerned about?
The pension expense that is on the sponsor company’s income statement
Any related pension accounts that appear on the balance sheet for the sponsor company.
If something is overfunded what is it? Underfunded? How do you tell?
Its an asset if it is overfunded and you can tell if the fair value of the plan assets at the beginning of the year > PBO at the beginning of the year. = always non current
If its underfunded its a liability and the fair value of the plan assets and can be both current or non current
Whats the difference between a ABO and a PBO?
The accumulated benefit obligation uses the current salaries in the formula for the benefits. No assumptions. The PBO( projected benefit obligation) uses the future salary or future assumptions when coming up with the benefit. Affects I/S and is more conservative thats why it is used more.
What are the factors that are included in determining the PBO?
Service cost (+) Interest cost (+) Prior service cost (+) Actuarial losses (+) Actuarial gains (-) Benefits paid (-)
What are the components of plan asset?
Starting fair value of plan assets Contributions (+) Actual returns on plan assets (+) Benefits paid to retirees (-) = ending fair value of plan assets.
What are the components of pension expense?
This is the increase in the PBO, and can be remembered by SIR AGE.
S - Current service cost (+)
I - Interest Cost (+)
R - Return on Plan assets (-)
A - Amortization of prior service cost (+)
G - gains (-) losses (+)
E - Amortization of existing net obligation or asset (+)
The SIR affects the income statement right away.
The AGE goes into OCI which gets closed out to AOCI, and is income smoothing and is amortized.
What is the journal entry for funding the plan?
DR: Pension Liability
CR: Cash
This reduces the liability
How do you calculate interest cost in SIR AGE?
Beginning of period PBO x Discount Rate (or settlement rate) = interest cost
How do you calculate the expected return on plan asset?
First of all you can use either the actual returns on plan assets or the expected return on plan assets.
Expected return on plan assets = Beg FV of plan assets x expected rate of return on plan assets.
If you are using the expected return on plan assets you must report the difference between that and the actual and put it into OCI, and then amortized to pension expense over time. And they would fall under the G/L section of the SIR AGE.
What are the two types of gains and losses that are included in SIR AGE?
- Difference between the expected and actual returns when the expected return method is used.
Actual returns > Expected returns = Gain
Actual returns - Actuarial gains and losses, either way in order for them to get recognized they must meet the 10% test.
What is the corridor approach for accounting for gains and losses?
You take the greater of the overfunded statues = asset, or the underfunded status the liability, and then times it by 10%. Then you take the actual gain or loss and subtract out the 10% there will be an excess which would be divided by the average remaining service life which will be the gain or the loss.
What is the amortization of the existing net obligation or net asset for the E in SIR AGE? Formula.
PBO - fair value of plan assets = Initial unfunded obligation / (15 years or avg life of employee whichever is greater) = minimum amortization.
What is the formula for the changes in the funded status?
Beg funded status contributions (+) service cost (-) interest cost (-) expected return on plan assets (+) prior service cost incurred in the current period (-) net gains (+) net losses (-) Ending funded status.
What are the journal entires to record a DTA due to an increase in the service costs? If the account was underfunded?
- First of all if the benefits are increased that means you will have a bigger liability and it should be expensed but it is not yet ready to hit the I/S so… treat OCI like an expense.
CR: Pension liability/Asset
Since you are increasing the liability you will be allowed to get a benefit as a result. Since you will be having to put in more money to the account at a later date.
DR: Deferred tax asset
Cr: Deferred tax benefit - OCI - Then you will be taking it out of AOCI and expensing or amortizing it by
DR: Net periodic pension cost
Then you will also use some of your tax benefit. You will recognize the benefit on your income statement
CR: Deferred tax benefit - income statement
How do you deal with pension gains and what are the journal entries?
Pension gains increase the funded status.
DR: Pension benefit asset/liability
Since you will not have to put in as much contributions this will result in a future expense not benefit, as pose to having to put in more money in the future.
DR: Deferred tax expense2 - OCI
CR: Deferred tax liability
- Amortization of expense.
CR: Net periodic pension cost
Dr: Deferred tax expense - I/S
CR: Deferred tax expense - OCI