Final Review: Gothic Art Flashcards
Explain the importance of Abbot Suger and his reforms to the architecture of Christianity.
In which ways is the Gothic cathedral analogous to the City of God?
Know the importance of Mary, the mother of Christ, and her representation in art and architecture.
Know the importance of Opus Francigenum and Opus Modernum and how they relate to Gothic Architecture.
In which ways was Gothic Architecture driven by piety, civic pride, and remarkable engineering?
Be able to trace the evolution of Gothic architecture from earlier phases to later ones.
Know the parts of a Gothic Cathedral (Nave, Aisles, Transept, Flying Buttresses, clerestory, triforium, Nave arcade . . .)
Know the ways in which the Gothic style was manifested in Italy, Germany, England. . .
In which ways is the Gothic Period a segue into a discussion of the Renaissance? Know the importance of Giotto. . .
Define: Lux Nova extramission St. Thomas Aquinas Villard de Honnecourt westwerk
Define: Gothic (pointed) arch tripartite rib vaulting compound piers lancet windows cames
Define: grisaille Rose Window Tree of Jesse Rayonnant (Radiant) Style gargoyles
Define: Louis IX & Blanche of Castille (English) Perpendicular style the Flamboyant Style vesper and matutinal prayers vesperbild
Define: altar pieces International Gothic the Doge The Siena School tempera
Define: Arnolfo di Cambio Cimabeau Duccio Andrea Pisano Arena Chapel
Abbey Church of St. Denis (Interior)
God as Architect of the World (manuscript page)
Cathedral of Notre Dame (Paris)
Chartres Cathedral
Rose of France, Chartres (stained glass)
Reims Cathedral
Annunciation and Visitation (Reims)
Jean Pucelle, page from the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux
Salisbury Cathedral
Dormition of the Virgin, Strasbourg Cathedral
Vesperbild (Pieta)
Lorenzo Maitani, Orvieto Cathedral
Cimabue, Virgin and Child Enthroned
Giotto, Lamentation