Final Review: Beam Restriction Flashcards
Increased kVp affect on interactions:
-increased transmission
-decreased photoelectric absorption
-increased Compton Scatter
affects the penetrability of beam
**i know we already know this shit but hey nothings wrong with repetition lol
Volume of irradiated material
-Field Size
-Patient Thickness
Decreased kVp affect on interactions
-Decreased transmission
-increased photoelectric absorption
-decreased Compton Scatter
increased kVp affect on patient dose:
-decreased dose
(decreased photoelectric absorption and increase in kVp typically accompanied by reduction in mAs)
Increased kVp affect on image quality
-lower amount of contrast if using film/scree receptor System
-not as pronounced in digital systems, due to image post processing
Decreased kVp affect on interactions:
Decreased transmission
increased photoelectric absorption
Decreased Compton Scatter
Decreased kVp affect on patient dose:
Increased dose
(increased photoelectric absorption and decrease in kVp usually accompanied by increase in mAs which increases dose even more)
Decreased kVp affect on image quality
-Higher image contrast if using film/screen receptor system
-Not as pronounced in digital systems, due to image post processing
Decreased FS decreases beam quantity
-decreases scatter
-decreases amount of remnant radiation hitting receptor
-can increase image noise without mAs compensation
Increased FS increases volume of tissue irradiated
Results in increased scatter
Decreasing FS, fewer photons reach IR
-image receptor exposure decreased
-increases in mAs must accompany significant reduction in FS to maintain image receptor exposure
More matter=
more scatter
Compression devices used to improve spacial resolution and contrast
-decreases patient thickness
-results in lower patient dose
-brings tissue closer to receptor
-routinely used in mammography
Using beam restricting devices
-usually beam restrictors decrease FS to anatomy of interest
-unnecessary tissue exposure decreases
-scatter decreases
-scale of contrast shortens
-visibility of detail increases
Beam Restrictors
-aperture diaphragms, cones, and cylinders
ancillary devices
-modern equipment feature
-light localizing field light
(provides indication of midpoint of central ray)
-two sets of shutters that permits infinite number of field sizes (length and width of field independently controlled)
Bottom shutters
Reduce Penumbra
Occurs from areas of xray tube other than focal spot area
Off focus radiation
Upper shutters
reduce off focus radiation reaching IR
produces images beyond exposed field of radiation
-image shadows
Off focus radiation
-uses light reflected off mirror to project coverage of xray beam
-proper adjustment of mirror necessary to accurately display location of exposure field
-light field/xray beam coincidence testing should be part of quality control program
-needs to be accurate within +/= 2% of SID
-mirror adds to system inherent filtration
Light Field
what is your first step for beam restricting
what do the lead lined shutters decrease
decreases scatter going on to patient
Automatically collimates beam to size of image receptor
Positive Beam Limitation (PBL)
Ancillary Devices
Lead Blockers (shields)
Lead masks(attach to collimator)
Is receptor exposure increased or decreased when there is more absorption in the body
What does decreasing field size do to the beam
decreasing field size makes the beam more concentrated
Patient factors
-body habitus
-part thickness affects (beam attenuation, exposure reaching IR, scatter production and image contrast)
-pediatric patients
hypersthenic- larger build
asthenic-very slender
Special considerations:
-projections and positions
-casts and splints
-soft tissue imaging
-contrast media
5 xray densisties
Positive contrast agents
Iodine or barium
because of their high atomic number (ability to attenuate the beam)
iodine is 53
barium is 56
This disease breaks bone down; you need less kvp to penetrate it
degenerative disease
is arthritis additive or degenerative
is emphysema additive or degenerative
degenerative disease