Final Review Flashcards
what technique to elicit crepitus on chest injury?
what technique for diaphragmatic excursion?
what technique for full/distended bladder?
indirect percussion
what technique for the sinuses?
direct percussion
what technique for the lungs?
indirect percussion
detect blood, fluid, or masses in body cavity
reddend, irreg border
- ie/ insect bite, hives
rough, thick, hardened epidermis due to constant scratching/rubbing
venous lake
vascular lesion
elevated, dark blue, compressible soft lesion on the lip or neck
- common in elderly
port wine stain
vascular lesion
falt, irreg, pale-deep purple red;
color deepens in response to emotion or high temp
vascular lesion
bright red, raised, nonblanch
- present @ birth - few months after
- disappears at age 10
spider angioma
vascular lesion
flat red dot w/ tiny radiating vessels; pinpoint - 2 cm; blanchable
light palpation
fingerpads of 1 hand
- 0.5-1 cm
moderate palpation
- 2-3 cm
deep palpation
palmar surface; bimanual
- 4-5 cm
- liver, spleen, kidneys
open sore on hand; not healed for several months
malignancy/skin cancer
jerky eye movement during 6 cardinal field of gaze
weber test
normal: equal lateralization to right and left ears
- abnormal: impacted cerumen; lateralization towards the ear w/ cerumen
rhine test
normal: air conduction 2x greater than bone conduction
infant w/ elongated head; altered face and orbit of eyes
difficulty with near vision
- common in ages 45+
difficulty w/ near vision
difficulty w/ far vision
acute glaucoma
increase pressure in the eyes
- S/Sx: sudden pain; ↓ vision; halos around light; dilated, oval pupil; cloudy cornea w/ curcumcorneal redness
- Outcome: may lose vision in 1-2 hours
- Tx: surgery
otitis externa
infection of outer ear; tympanic normal, pearly grey
otitis media
infection external & ossicles
otitis interna
infection in the semicircular canal, cochlea, & vestibule
- S/Sx: severe vertigo, dizziness
funnels light into ear canal
retinal detachment
- S/Sx: diminished vision; floaters; sudden flash; shadow in vision
- Outcome: lose vision withing days of diagnosis
- Tx: laser surgery (photocoagulation); freezing (cryopexy)
how to assess EOM
6 cardinal fields of gaze
- H or wheel wagon method
leading cause of blindness in US?
diabetic retinopathy
how to test integrity of cranial nerve III?
look up and down without moving head
white patches of tympanic membrane
scarring from previous infection
nursing care:
positive rombergs test
provide bedside comode
sinus headache
from sinus infection
classic migraine
preceded by aura; spots and flashes; numbness/tingling of face and extremities
cluster headache
numerous headaches over days-months; no aura; sudden onset
- associated w/ alcohol, stress, or emotional distress
- may last for a few minutes-hours
tension headache
(muscle contraction headache)
gradual onset; steady pain; starts from cervical to top of head; unilateral or bilateral
- associated with stress, overwork, dental problem
inverted upper lid
- irritation of eyes
lower lid everted
- exposes conjunctiva
most common hyperthyroidism
graves’ disease
- S/Sx: red, bleeding, receeding gums
expected finding:
bell’s palsy
- muscle distortion
- pain behind ears
- impaired taste
expected finding:
1) no fluid in sinus
2) fluid in sinus
1) red glow
2) no red glow
SBE for elderly client
the same day every month
SBE for mensturating client
3-5 days after cycle
- hormones are more stable
common cause of benign nipple discharge
intraductal papilloma
- postmenopausal client
- serous/bloody discharge
benign breast
(fibrocystic disease)
- S/Sx: lumps, pain/tenderness, and nipple discharge due to thickening of breast tissure
- common in womens 20’s
defined breast tumor w/ NO tenderness/discharge
- common in ages 15-35
Peau D’ Orange
orange peel appearance
- indicates malignancy
most reliable indicator of central cyanosis in asthma client
oral mucosa
early signs of hypoxia
- altered LOC
abnormal findings:
whispered pectriloguy w/ bilateral PNA
(both lungs filled w/ fluid)
loud, clear bilaterally
expected findings:
whispered pectriloguy
auscultate technique
soft, indistinguishable
technique to assess respiratory system
assessing from side to side
normal lung sounds
harsh, high-pitch
- I < E
- over trachea
normal lung sounds
loud, high-pitch
- E > I
- next to trachea, above each clavical, 1st ICS
normal lung sounds
medium, medium-pitch
- I = E
- over major bronchi in 2nd & 3rd ICS; between scapulae
normal lung sounds
soft, low-pitch
- I > E
- remainder of the lungs
bradypnea vs hypoventilation
abnormal breathing patterns
< 10 breaths/min; slow
- bradypnea: regular
- hypoventilation: irregular
tachypnea vs hyperventilation
abnormal breathing patterns
> 20 breaths/min; rapid
- tachypnea: shallow
- hyperventilation: deep
cheyne-stokes vs biot’s (ataxic)
abnormal breathing patterns
periods of apnea
- cheyne-stokes: regular; in dying patients
- biot’s (ataxic): irregular; brain damage
adventitious sounds
low-pitched, bubbling, loud
- due to collapsed, fluid filled lungs
- *ie/ lobar pnuemonia
adventitious sounds
high-pitched, continuous
- due to blocked airflow
- ie/ asthma
adventitious sounds
low-pitched, continuous, snoring, rattling
- ie/ COPD
adventitious sounds
loud, high-pitched, crowing heard W/O stethoscope
- common in obstructive upper airway
friction rub
adventitious sounds
low-pitched, grating, rubbing
- *ie/ pleural inflammation
expected findings:
normal chest
chest configuration
elliptical with lateral diameter 2:1 with anteroposterior diameter
- usually by age 6
expected findings:
infant chest
chest configuration
rounded; equilateral in anteroposterior diameter; barrel chest
- COPD = barrel chest
abnormal findings:
pectus carinatum
(pigeon chest)
congenital chest deformities
forward displacement of sternum w/ depression of adjacent cartilage
- no tx required