Final- Regional Neuroanatomy Part 3 Flashcards
Name all twelve cranial nerves in order and name what category they fall in.
Only One Of The Two Athletes Felt Very Good, Victorious, And Healthy
Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter Most
What are the motor cranial nerves?
- III: Oculomotor
- IV: Trochlear
- VI: Abducent
- XI: Accessory
- XII: Hypoglossal
What are the pure sensory cranial nerves (specialized signal transduction)?
- I: Olfactory
- II: Optic
- VIII: Vestibulocochlear
What cranial nerve provides innervation to the superior oblique muscle of the eye?
- Cranial Nerve IV (Trochlear)
- Eyeball up and down
How many muscles control the eyeballs?
- 6 muscles
Which cranial nerve innervates 4 of the 6 muscles of the eyeball?
- Cranial Nerve III (Oculomotor)
What cranial nerve provides innervation to the lateral rectus of the eyeball?
- Cranial Nerve VI (Abducent)
- Eyeball side to side
Where does cranial nerve XI (accessory nerve) provide motor innervation?
- Sternocleidomastoid
- Trapezius
Where does cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal nerve) provide motor innervation?
- Tongue
- Floor of mouth
What has second-order sensory neurons that descend through the cribriform plate and into the nasal cavity?
- Olfactory Bulb
What is another term for the occipital lobe?
- Visual Cortex
What are the 3 bones connected to the tympanic membrane?
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes
The movement and vibration through the tympanic membrane are measured through what structure?
- Cochlea
What are the mixed cranial nerves?
- V: Trigeminal
- VII: Facial
- IX: Glossopharyngeal
- X: Vagus
What are the sensory and motor function of the cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve)?
- Sensory front of the head
- Chewing
What are the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve?
- V1: Ophthalmic
- V2: Maxillary
- V3: Mandibular
What are the primary sensory nerves of V1 ophthalmic sensory division?
- Supraorbital Nerve (branched to the top skull)
- Supratrochlear Nerve (branched to the nose)
What are the primary sensory nerves of V2 maxillary sensory division?
- Infraorbital Nerve (front of face)
- Palatine Nerve (roof of the mouth)
What are the primary sensory nerves of V3 mandibular sensory division?
- Inferior Alveolar Nerve (Jaw)
- Mental Nerve (Chin)
- Lingual Nerve (Anterior sensory of 2/3 of tongue)
What are the two muscles involved in chewing?
- Masseter
- Temporalis Muscle
What cranial nerve provides posterior 1/3 sensation on the tongue?
- Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal Nerve)
What cranial nerve provides the sensory component to the oropharynx of the soft palate?
- Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal Nerve)
What cranial nerve is involved in transmitting signals from our chemoreceptors (carotid body) and baroreceptors (carotid sinus)?
- Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal Nerve)
What gland is involved with Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal Nerve)?
- Parotid Gland
- Only gland in the face connected to CN IX. All other glands are connected to the CN VII (Facial Nerve)
Which cranial nerve provides a sensory inner/middle ear connection and auditory canal?
- Cranial Nerve IX (Glossopharyngeal Nerve)
Efferent Review of the Cranial Nerve X (Vagus Nerve)
- Laryngeal muscles (speaking)
- Pharyngeal constrictors
- PSNS to heart (↓HR)
- PSNS to lungs/airways (constriction)
- PSNS to GI (motility)
Sensory Review of the Cranial Nerve X (Vagus Nerve)
- Laryngopharynx
- Larynx
- Epiglottis
- Trachea
- Aortic arch: BP & acid/base
What is Branch #1 and Branch #2?
- 1: Pharyngeal Nerve
- 2: Superior Laryngeal
The Superior Laryngeal branch divides into what divisions?
- Internal Larygneal Branch
- External Laryngeal Branch
What does the external laryngeal branch do?
- Provides motor function to the cricothyroid muscle
What does the internal laryngeal branch do?
- Provide sensory to the top of the larynx
The right recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around what structure?
- Right subclavian artery
The left recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around what structure?
- Aortic arch
What is the most exterior fibrous covering of a nerve called?
- Outer Epineurium
What is an inner or interior epineurium?
- Chunks of Epineurium connective tissue that wraps around interior nerve fascicles.
- The interior epineurium takes up space and provides nutrient support for the nerve fascicles
The connective tissue that creates a border between a nerve fascicle.
- Perineurium
The tissue inside the perineurium.
- Endoneurium