Final Reg Exam Questions Part III Flashcards
Must a creditor first proceed against the debtor?
YES. And then if creditor is unable to collect from the debtor, is the creditor allowed to go after the surety.
Charitable contributions:
Purchase of art object at church bazaar for $1200
(with a fair market value of $800 on the date of purchase)
How much is deductible?
which is the difference between what he paid and the fair market value of the art object ($1,200 – $800 = $400).
Like-kind exchanges no longer apply to personal property. Only applies to the exchanges or real property. Therefore, what do you recognize?
FULL GAIN is relaized
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
which of the following activities must be proven by a stock purchaser in a suit against a CPA?
I. Intentional conduct by the CPA designed to deceive investors II. Negligence by the CPA
the plaintiff must prove that there was material misrepresentation of fact in the financial statements, loss was suffered due to this misstatement, information was relied upon and that error was on account of reckless disregard to truth or scienter.
1933 - easy to sue CPA
1934 - harder to sue CPA
Under the liability provisions of Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, which of the following must a plaintiff prove to hold a CPA liable?
I. The misstatements contained in the financial statements certified by the CPA were material. II. The plaintiff relied on the CPA's unqualified opinion.
I only
it is only necessary to prove that (i) Material misstatements or omissions were made in the financial statements and (ii) A financial loss was suffered as a result of the above. The plaintiff need not prove reliance on the unqualified opinion.
A written acknowledgement is necessary for cash contributions of $___ or more
qualified appraisal is required to be attached to the tax return if the value of the donated property exceeds $____
What now qualifies for like-kind exchanges after the TCJA?
What no longer qualifies?
- business for business
- investment for business
- investment for investment property
- property held for personal use
- inventory
- partnership interests
- securities for securities
How many people are allowed to be deemed PREPARER of a tax return?
can include a signing preparer and any number of non-signing preparers
doctrine under which a corporation is made liable for the torts of its employees, committed within the scope of their employment
Is it refundable?
The dependent and child care credit is a non-refundable credit provided to enable an individual to be gainfully employed or look for work. It is available for children below the age 13 or a disabled dependent. Eligible expenses include baby sitter, nursery school, day care, preschool and after-school care for kindergarten and higher-grade children. The maximum amount of credit is the smaller of (1) actual expenses or (2) $3,000 for one dependent and $6,000 for multiple dependents or (3) earned income of the lower paid spouse.
A taxpayer received a painting valued at $8,000 as a gift. The donor purchased the painting a year earlier for $4,500 and paid no gift tax on the transfer. Nine months later, the taxpayer sold the painting for $9,000. What is the amount and classification of the capital gain?
short-term or long-term
$4500 long -term
gifter’s holding period
gifter’s basis
What happens if
the corporation prevails in a determination allowing a deduction in an open tax year that was taken erroneously in a closed tax year. Can the closed tax year be reopened?
The statute of limitations can be reopened under the mitigation provisions under §1311(a) if the taxpayer is able to take a deduction in an open year that the taxpayer deducted previously in a year that is now closed as provided in §1312(2).
DOes a power of attorney expire upon death?
What is a recission?
Rescission is the method by which the parties to a contract are restored to their original position.
In general, a dependent child can be a considered a medical dependent on the parent’s return through what age?
Gross income limit for a parent to be considered a medical dependent is approximately $___
If less, the parent’s medical expenses can be added to yours to help reach over 10% AGI limit on return.
What are the requirements for a copyright to be enforced?
A copyright must be registered before an action for infringement may be filed.
Providing notice and registering a copyright prevents an infringer from claiming innocent infringement.
under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 only ______ damages can be claimed
under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 only monetary damages can be claimed against the corporation.
CPA is sued under 1934 Act: Defendant needs to prove fraud. What are CPA’s defenses?
- Followed GAAS
- good faith and auditor lacks knowledge of falsity (no scienter)
- Misstatement is not material
**Cannot use lack of privity as a defense as anyone is allowed to sue
Lilac Corp., a C corporation with earnings and profits, redeemed shares of stock from individual shareholder. The distribution in redemption of stock will likely result in dividend income treatment to the redeeming shareholders if
The redemption is proportionate with respect to the shareholder where every shareholder’s percentage ownership remains same after the stock redemption or buyback
Who can no longer use the installment sales method for tax purposes?
A dealer in real estate or a merchant selling personal property can no longer use the installment sales method for tax purposes.
The Uniform Principal and Income Act allocates ______expenses to trust principal.
The Uniform Principal and Income Act allocates extraordinary expenses to trust principal.
Current and ordinary operating expenses are chargeable to income.
Does the use of credit cards count as payment in the tax year or is it the year the credit card bill was paid?
The use of bank credit cards is deemed to be a payment for purposes of timing the deductibility of charitable and medical expenses.
Chapter 9 bankruptcy is reserved for
A corporation’s deduction for charitable contributions generally is limited to 10% of taxable income without regard to
(1) the deduction for charitable contributions
(2) the dividends-received deduction
(3) any capital loss carryback to that year
Gain from an involuntary conversion of taxpayer’s property may be deferred if the property is replaced within the statutory time limit, which are as follows:
__years for destruction or theft of property resulting in insurance recovery
__ years for government condemnation or eminent domain award
__ years for conversion in connection with a declared federal disaster
2 years for destruction or theft of property resulting in insurance recovery
3 years for government condemnation or eminent domain award
4 years for conversion in connection with a declared federal disaster
IRS audit
Taxpayer rejects findings
What happens next?
IRS will send the taxpayer copy of the examination report and a Preliminary Notice i.e. 30-day letter which implies that the taxpayer has 30 days to accept the deficiency or request an administrative appeal with an appeals officer.
Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, what is a possible remedy?
Back pay
**early retirement is NOT a remedy
Can a husband and wife who have different accounting method file MFJ?
Can a couple file MFJ if they divorced during the year?
NO, they must be married at the end of the tax year.
Who files a plan of reorganization during bankruptcy?
Only the debtor can.
Remainder interest in trust is a future interest gift. Are future interest gifts included or excluded from the annual exclusion of $15,000.
Annual exclusion of $15,000 is NOT available for future interest gifts.
provisions of the 1933 Act only apply to first time _______ with SEC.
A widower can only claim qualifying widower in the 2nd year after death if
she has young children AND stays with her for the whole year AND she pays for more than half support.
DIstributions from an S Corp are tax free to the extent of
DO municipal bonds count as a gift?
YES, despite tax exempt status, still include to calculate annual gift tax exclusion.
In what case would IRS have 6 years from the date of filing to audit?
If understatement is due to gross negligence (> 25%), then it is 6 years after
REMEMBER! What is the required holding period for Section 1231 assets?
Section 1231 assets have to be held for 12 months or longer
What type of entity has the most flexibility with the type of accounting period it uses?
A C-Corp
Do personal property taxes paid on an automobile count toward SALT deduction?
Built-in gain property for a partnership. How is the gain handled?
Basis $60,000
FMV $100,000 at time of contribution
Later sale by partnership for $160,000
Total Gain for partnership: $100,000
Partner who contributed recognizes $40,000 of built-in gain (100-60)
Remaining gain to be distributed amongst all partners = $60,000
How long do individuals have to AMEND a return?
Amended tax returns may be filed 3 YEARS after the original due date including extensions or 2 YEARS AFTER ACTUAL TAX PAYMENT, whichever is later.
In the case of a calendar year individual who filed the original tax return in April, the amended tax return must be filed no later than April 15 of the third year, i.e., three years, three months and 15 days after end of the calendar year or 2 years after actual tax payment, whichever is later.
As of December 31, the Mitchells were legally separated and maintained separate households for the entire year. The Mitchells have no children. What filing status should Mr. Mitchell claim for the year?
Single is the filing status that is available for unmarried OR married but legally separated as of year-end.
How do you calculate the penalty on early withdraw from IRA?
Marginal tax rate (not effective)
10% penalty
Who is subject to the Net Investment Income Tax?
Jeff Legum
Net Investment Income Tax applies at 3.8% on investment income of individuals, estates and trusts that have net investment income and modified adjusted gross income above certain threshold amounts.